Losing Inches?


One day at a time!
Although I've lost a stone now I have still not seen any change in the tape measure. I can see that I've changed shape around my shoulders but can't measure them;) Also my clothes feel a bit more comfortable which is great. Has anyone else found that inch loss has been slower? The weight must have gone from somewhere:confused:
Hey there hon, I wouldn't worry about it, there will be times when the lbs are coming off but no change in measurements and weeks when there is v.low weight loss but you will lose inches. They usually catch each other up somewhere along the line.

As you say your clothes are more comfortable and you have lost just over a stone so it has to be coming off somewhere :) x
You're suffering what we called 'thin elbows syndrome' on LL - weights definitely coming off, but not sure where from!

Like the others say, it all evens out in the end.
Thin elbows LOL. I like that:)