Losing the Baby Weight


Full Member
I thought I would use my blog as a food diary, today is the first day I am starting slimming world, I am not joining a group. I am doing it from home myself, if I do not succeed I will join a group but I am highly motivated to lose the 1 1/2 stone to get me back to my pre-pregnancy weight!

I am follwing the easy extra ans As I am breastfeeding I may use an extra A and an extra B option a day.

Breakfast - Muller Light and Banana

diet coke

Lunch ...​
Lunch - Salad with fat free dressing, boiled egg, tuna, boiled new potatoes, 2 x sml wholemeal bread, 2 x dairylea light triangles. (option b and 1/2 option a)

water and a cup of tea - 1 sugar (1 syn)

Bag of walkers crisps (6 1/2 syns)

Grapes and strawberrys

Dinner - not had yet but planning on gammon steak, uncle bens rice (1 1/2 syns) and veg

Jelly for dessert (1/2 syn)

Today should be 9 1/2 syns and I can still have something extra from a or b if I want due to the breastfeeding!
Hey. That looks pretty good to me. Can't say that I'd do much different. I'm also on a quest to lose the baby weight only my "baby" is 18 months old nd I have a good 3 stones to go :( good luck uou'll do great!!! X
Jeans??? What are they lol I know that feeling all too well. I want to be inthosetiny shorts soon :) x
Your doing great, Make the most of the breast feeding as it defo helps with the weight loss esp if you continue on the plan, good luck
Hi there

Im another breast feeding SW-er too...
Can I ask how old your little one is? and if he/she is all breast fed/express fed? only you are short changing yourself... the extra A/B you get with EE is for when you are pregnant, once you are breast feeding you get MORE :D ... it depends on your babies age..
My little man is 10 weeks old and I get 4 hex's extra -I try to do 3A+1B, so on EE I get 4A+2B, and on red/green days I can have 5A+3B -although I do struggle to use them all every day (well the B ones anyway).

Trust me, when I first thought of getting so much more I couldn't imagine losing weight -but I am down 1st2lbs in 5 weeks and that with no actual exercise ..unless you count the endless laundry etc you get with a new baby..*how do the make so much??
Best of luck ......
My little man is also 10 weeks, I am breast feeding and expressing, do you get all those if you are expressing as well?! I know what you mean about the washing he had four outfit changes yesterday due to explosions and a little sick!! X
Hiya - Im doing a mix of breast feeding and expressing so yes, you get those extras :happy036:, you get 4 extra hex's and they suggest that 3 be hexA's to make sure you are getting enough calcium. I will double check but I believe that as long as we are just breast feeding/expressing we get that many until they hit 6 months and then they start to decrease when they start weaning. I guess that expressing uses the same energy as feeding him-mind its more work with the steaming etc and fitting it in between feeds etc lol.
My little oinky pants managed 4 changes of outfit yesterday too -its amazing how much mess a little milk spit up can make isn't it !!!!
Enjoy those extras and good luck with your weight loss,,,
Day 2

Breakfast - Porridge with s.s milk, banana (HEA And HEB)
tea, no sugar
diet coke
juice no added sugar
Lunch - Mushroom stroganoff SW with rice (1syn)
Tea - 1 sugar (1 syn)
2 x wholemeal sml bread + Philadelphia extra light (HEA and HEB)
Muller light Frozen

Now off to a pub with a BBQ and plan on having diet coke and no food so can have a nice tea later x
Clouise29 said:
Day 2

Breakfast - Porridge with s.s milk, banana (HEA And HEB)
tea, no sugar
diet coke
juice no added sugar
Lunch - Mushroom stroganoff SW with rice (1syn)
Tea - 1 sugar (1 syn)
2 x wholemeal sml bread + Philadelphia extra light (HEA and HEB)
Muller light Frozen

Now off to a pub with a BBQ and plan on having diet coke and no food so can have a nice tea later x

Ended up having an Apple Vodka and Diet Coke (3 syns) and got a chicken kebab with salad on way home (7 1/2 syns for pitta), no sauce!

12 1/2 syns so below the limit and was a tummy tea!! Hardly seems like a diet when you eat
So much nice food and are not cheating x

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11.06.12 - Day 3

Breakfast was 2 x wm toast (HEB) with 2 x lf cheese triangles, beans and scrambled egg and a cuppa (HEA)
Diet coke, banana, 2 x satsumas
Lunch - jacket potato mccains (1 syn), leftover mushroom stroganoff (1 syn)

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11.06.12 - Day 3

Breakfast was 2 x wm toast (HEB) with 2 x lf cheese triangles, beans and scrambled egg and a cuppa (HEA)
Diet coke, banana, 2 x satsumas
Lunch - jacket potato mccains (1 syn), leftover mushroom stroganoff (1 syn)

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Was going to have a roast chicken for tea but ended up having a nap so the chicken never got cooked!!

tea - roast cod, asparagus, green beans, rice fusions (1 1/2 syns)
mullerlight frozen
cup of tea
diet coke

= 3 1/2 syns