lost my mojo :(


Full Member
well today's weigh in was frustrating and somehow quite depressing.. i started sw a few months ago and so far lost 1st and 9lb .. I gained a few times ect . the last 3 weeks been awful my mind set has slipped I just want to eat :( I started just being under 20 st .. and now I'm just under 18 .. how on earth did my weightloss stop and slow so fast ? need motivation please anyone kick my jiggly butt !!!
Hey, sorry to see you're not feeling so great at the moment... I think most people on this board can sympathise, we all go through our own STS/slow downs! The main thing is to remember that the body has to do its own thing. It might want to hang on to some excess water because it might be freaking out over losing too fast, or there's hormonal reasons. You need to be kind to yourself. Plateaus do happen, but remember - diets DO work! It's a long-term commitment. Eating to excess will only prolong that and will it actually solve the problem? Well... no. It will make you feel more sad and isolated. Be the best you can be, I know you can. Push through, this is just a small moment in a much bigger span of time. It sucks to have this stumbling block right now, I totally understand.... but, the best you can do is to get up, dust off and keep going. You CAN get through this and you CAN get to where you want to be. :)
Get some motivational pictures out, do you have a dress/outfit you'd love to fit into soon? Stare at them and find that motivation again. It's worth it xx
Minerva has given good advice and I can't add anymore except to say I feel your pain as I was stuck for the longest time up and down, but mostly up...every day was a new start until it fell back into place again...

If I can get my head back so can you. (((Big Hugs)))
Don't give up, so many people give up for a month or two (me included) then end up right back here 2st heavier and having to start again. You've hit a wall, you've got to push through it, you'll come out the other side.
Go right back to basics and weigh everything and write it all down, I always try the SW magazines 7 day plan.
thank you guys you have no idea how much this means :) your kind words and help is lovely . I need to go back to the basics and see if I can start over .. I think I'm just exhausted my daughter is ill and teething and not sleeping and a quick snack seems so much more filling then making something from scratch . right new day new goal I just really want to start losing again since i know I need to otherwise God knows what health issues I be getting . thank you very much guys :)
Your poor little one and poor you! Being tired brings so much stress, both physically and emotionally. :( I really hope things settle down soon.
I'm glad you're feeling better today, take it one day at a time. As Jhsax said, going back to the basics is a good idea.
I feel your pain. I have a little one (4 months) that's teething already and is already a very light sleeper. I'm finding that tiredness means my body is looking for more food based energy and I'm constantly tired. I admire your determination to get back on it. :)

I'm sure your plateau will be temporary and your attitude will really help shift things along. Maybe read the magazine? I often find that it helps with a bit of a kick up the bum when I'm feeling low. X
@Minerva god yeah it's so exhausting and the extra stress with my partner who is also tired doesn't work but I will get myself back on track I been lazy over 25 years ;) time to change .
@lickthelid oh 4 months ? it's awful madam started with 4 but her first tooth appeared at 7 months she is now over 8 and her second tooth broke through ... yeah she a hit slow with that stuff so I have no hope the other 20 odd be any different ;) I do miss the times when she slept in her basket that was easier than physically gettin up to go next door and tryin to settle her .. teething plus cold and a grumpy me is not the most fun haha.. I will go tot he gym tomorrow night doesn't matter how tired !