ProPoints Lots to lose: Trying to refind the wagon!!!!

Just googled 'hair loss and dieting' and it came back with it being caused by nutritional deficiencies. Thyroid issues can also cause it and a blood test will show this result.
"Hair loss occurs when the diet is inadequate in the B vitamins - especially B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid; and the minerals magnesium, sulfur and zinc. The B vitamins, especially B5 (pantothenic acid and B3 (niacin), are especially important for hair growth.
Hope this helps.

Anyone watch 'come dine with me'? The Irish show started last wk and on this weeks lineup one of them is a ww leader so am dying to see what she cooks up, will let ye know
U can beat us Bindi :) xx
U are amazing Lauren! Fastest loser on here!!! :) xx
Lmao I'm the biggest loser lol xxxx

Carly your doing just as well as me huni xxx

No harm to anyone but this healthy diet milarky is too much work!! Trying to get the balance right of 100 different vitamins and minerals ugh how can ANYONE every get it perfectly balanced!!!!
Lol :) x
*creeps back in* Hi everyone. Wow how fast does this thread move! I haven't been on in ages cos I went on holiday and stayed in the only hotel in the whole world without internet!

I think I'm going to rejoin WW. I like my PT but I miss eating treats, and feel guilty everytime I do. Also she's expensive and I've just bought a new car so am feeling the pinch!

Does anyone know if I have to print out a voucher for free registation or do they just do it automatically?
Chika - print it out lovely :) welcome bk!!! Get to it ;) cx
Hi Chica! In the main newspapers there's normally a free regestration and first meeting coupon! There always in them!

Aw chika my buddy!! Welcome
Back :):):) how much have you lost with your PT!!! Xxx
I lost 2lbs :)
My exercise DVDs came today! Typical when I don't have time to use them the next couple of days with the wedding tomorrow! Ah well, at least they are there for when I'm ready to start!!
Leb great loss this week, well done :D

Chika welcome back to our little gang :)

WI later on and was starving at lunchtime, have spag bol made for dinner after wi, but smell was so tempting I said I would eat half of it for lunch and keep rest for after wi, well Ive just polished off the whole lot, I was ravenous, dont normally eat heavy prior to weigh in so am hoping I havent sabotaged things. Am at later wi class so have a bit of extra for it to digest.
Please let me be a loser tonight!!!!
Chuffing heck, everyone is losing loads of weight! Well done. Right a read back over the past few pages has my decision made. I'm going to rejoin. I lost about 35lbs with the PT but I've not been for about three weeks and I've been on holiday for two weeks. The small clothes I bought are too tight and I'm too scared to step on a scale! I'm dreading the moment of truth when I go back to WW later...