ProPoints Lots to lose: Trying to refind the wagon!!!!

Hi sherry2k, welcome to this busy thread.

Just bought the 30day shred dvd on ebay, like the sound of losing up to 20lb in 30 days. Im sure I wont be able to move after it lmao

Hi was only £4.99 from I'm not sure if it's still the same though. I'm not keen on sweating at home....that's why I run outside! Lol. On reading the reviews though, it's supposed to be fab if you can stick to it.

Thanks for my welcome. xx
Haha, it will all be worth it! I can move like a normal person again and I've been doing it less than a week! My WI is tomorrow morning, I don't think I've lost much though, as I feel like I have gained ten tonnes of muscle! Even 1lb would be nice, though!

Hi Sherry! I think running that often definitely makes you guilt-free! lol. I'd love to be able to run, but only got to week 2 of C25K last time I tried, gonna attempt it again this summer, as I love the buzz I got from it. :)

Congrats on fitting into your dress, Lou! That must feel fantastic!! Maybe you can work on the boobs with some exercises! Good luck for Tuesday!

Try not to worry about the gain, Sherrie, after all, it is your TOTM, just concentrate on your amazing cycling feat! I don't think I could cycle even 1 mile at the minute! I know what you mean about people looking at you when you run/exercise, I am really paranoid about that as well, I used to hike up to a quarry when I did C25K, just to avoid being seen! lol. I think that's part of the reason why I quit. Gonna try doing it somewhere a bit closer to home next time around and just put my headphones in, suck it up & ignore the world! If you wanna wait 3 or so weeks I will start it with you & we can compare notes! But if you want to start sooner, I don't mind!

Let us know what your personal trainer says, Chika! Do you have to pay extra for that, or does it come with gym membership? I'm so jealous, I'd love someone to advise me on my metabolism, but I'm too shy & broke for the gym! lol.

Sounds like you did well, Bindi! I have my fingers crossed for your 3rd silver 7! :)
Hi Erin. I'm not sure what C25k is - is that training for a half Marathon? Oh sod that....I haven't ran much over the winter as running in knee deep snow ain't much fun but getting back on track. Have a 10k round Balmoral in 4 weeks and think I'll have to walk most of it. Haha But yeah, running deffo gives ya a buzz and it's the best exercise for losing now I'm back at WW and doing as much running as poss, it'll hopefully start to show in my weight loss. Good luck for the summer though. xx :D
C25K = Couch to 5K! There's no way I'll be training for a half marathon any time soon! lol. Thanks & good luck with your training! :)
what happened!!! i'll tell you what happened, was thinking of the alcohol all day, and it didn't take much for me to give in!!! oh and in my early post i said i had only 2lb on!!! false i have 4 flamming pound on!!! forgot that i always get weighed with my shoes on!!!! 4lb in 2 days flamming heck!!! if it was that easily put on though i'm hoping it will come off again after a few days being good!!! in my defence though i took my totm this morning!! so even if i have 1 or 2lb gain at the scales on thursday it wouldn't be too bad!!! all i have ate today is 1 slice of toast, a salad bap and a chicken salad bad!!! (lot of carbs i know, but i think i'm inside my daily allowance) only reason i ate so little was because i was soooooo sick this morning lol!!!! back to the green tea tomorrow lol!!!!

sherry i'm from northern ireland, not your neck of the woods but think we chat pretty similar lol xxxxx
C25K = Couch to 5K! There's no way I'll be training for a half marathon any time soon! lol. Thanks & good luck with your training! :)

Trust me when I say this....I hated running when I first started and used to say to myself "why am I doing this??" - but I swear you get to love it! It's so addictive once you get over the initial hatred and begin to love the buzz. I hope you do go back - May is a good time to start as it begins to get warmer then. Good luck hun. xx
We're Celts luv - that's why you sound so similar! Haha. Weekends are for carbs and drink and cheating...don't beat yourself up! Enjoy! Lol
aw i know but it definitally was wayyyyyy over board!!! my stomach feels terrible when i eat junk!!! i've been doing so well though! can't let myself give up again, so i'm gonna dust myself off, get up and get back on it again lol!!!

what day is your WI sherry xxx
what happened!!! i'll tell you what happened, was thinking of the alcohol all day, and it didn't take much for me to give in!!! oh and in my early post i said i had only 2lb on!!! false i have 4 flamming pound on!!! forgot that i always get weighed with my shoes on!!!! 4lb in 2 days flamming heck!!! if it was that easily put on though i'm hoping it will come off again after a few days being good!!! in my defence though i took my totm this morning!! so even if i have 1 or 2lb gain at the scales on thursday it wouldn't be too bad!!! all i have ate today is 1 slice of toast, a salad bap and a chicken salad bad!!! (lot of carbs i know, but i think i'm inside my daily allowance) only reason i ate so little was because i was soooooo sick this morning lol!!!! back to the green tea tomorrow lol!!!!

sherry i'm from northern ireland, not your neck of the woods but think we chat pretty similar lol xxxxx
I keep forgetting you're from here, too! Where abouts are you again?!
Wednesday night is my weight in. It used to be Thursday but I changed my running nights to Tue, Thurs and Friday. Only been doing Pro Points for 4 weeks but so far I have to say I love it. Was on holiday visiting my sister in Bahrain (yeah I know - war broke out!) but I pigged out for Scotland, came home, screwed the nut and lost 2.5lbs in 6 days! Booyah! Haha....I'm hoping my good luck continues. Is it normal to look foward to the next weigh in???? Haha. xx
Trust me when I say this....I hated running when I first started and used to say to myself "why am I doing this??" - but I swear you get to love it! It's so addictive once you get over the initial hatred and begin to love the buzz. I hope you do go back - May is a good time to start as it begins to get warmer then. Good luck hun. xx

I definitely believe you would grow to love it, I just need to suck it up & run somewhere close to home & ignore people looking at my sweaty, red face & bouncing flab! lol. Also need to get my breathing under control this time around, would love to even be able to run 5 mins non-stop! I think I only got to 2/2.5 mins last time.
limavady near derry/londonderry lol
Ah yes, I remember the whole Derry/Londonderry convo now! lol! I see there was a controlled explosion by the army outside the courthouse there tonight.. it never ends!
Wednesday night is my weight in. It used to be Thursday but I changed my running nights to Tue, Thurs and Friday. Only been doing Pro Points for 4 weeks but so far I have to say I love it. Was on holiday visiting my sister in Bahrain (yeah I know - war broke out!) but I pigged out for Scotland, came home, screwed the nut and lost 2.5lbs in 6 days! Booyah! Haha....I'm hoping my good luck continues. Is it normal to look foward to the next weigh in???? Haha. xx
I think we all look forward to weigh in like Christmas! That's a brilliant loss! I've been on it about the same length of time, but my losses seem to have gone downhill, even though I've been 100%. Can't believe war broke out while you were on holiday! Typical! lol.
i would love to be able to run!!! i've always said it's the work out i'd love to be able to do!!! sherry i always am looking forward to the next WI!!! it's like christmas lmao !!!!!
nah i never heard anything about a controlled explosion!! but then again i never listen to the news lol!!!
Haha, I don't either, but the PSNI retweeted it on Twitter! lol.

Would you ever consider giving the C25K a go, since you fancy running? It's 8 weeks & you do it for 20 mins 3 times a week. First week, you jog for a minute, walk for a minute & repeat. Week 2, jog for 2 mins, walk for 1.5 mins, etc. until you're able to run for 30 mins without stopping at week 8.
yeah erin i've been thinking i'd love to give the c25k a go!! but would love to lose another stone before i started!!!! aw i'm away to bed to finally see this weekend and hangover off!!! for once i'll actually be glad to see a monday morning!!! think you can stay in routine better with your diet during the week!!! night girls xxxxx
Erin I want to get started asap if I can, because when my mind is set on something I have to do it otherwise I'll probably never get round to doing it!

I've decided that I'm gonna get up at 5am (if I CAN get up at 5am lol) and just go for it. I'm worried I dont have the right kit, the only decent trainers I have are Dunlop tennis shoes, I've got mammoth breasticles and I've only got an average support sports bra (might have to wear a normal bra with it!). The latest WW mag has a few pages on getting started with running and it mentions the C25K in it, a lady started doing it when she weighed 14st, and is only 5'2" and also said she was big breasted; I weigh the same but just an inch taller - so if she can do it, then I can surely? But it just doesnt mention what kit she had or anything. I dont know if I'd cause myself an injury even though its only short bursts for the first week or so isnt it?

Went on the exercise bike tonight, burned just 500cal going at about 12mph, but I did some ab crunches too. Didnt want to do loads because I talked myself into doing this jogging tomorrow morning.

Right, if I plan to be up at 5 then I best get to bed!

Welcome to the thread Sherry! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx