ProPoints Lots to lose: Trying to refind the wagon!!!!

5am?! That's crazy! lol. Let us know how you get on! When I did it, I didn't have any proper trainers, I wear skate shoes all the time, so just wore a pair of my old Vans & they were completely fine. You run 1 minute & walk 1.5 minutes for the first week. Bit of advice, though, don't keep looking down at your iPod/watch at the time, as I really hurt my neck doing that! I downloaded the countdown & made an iTunes mix with it overlaid, so I didn't have to look anywhere but at the horizon! Dunno what to suggest bout the breasticles! lol. I'm a C cup and found a normal bra to be fine with a tightish tshirt. Anyway, good luck & goodnight! :)
I definitely believe you would grow to love it, I just need to suck it up & run somewhere close to home & ignore people looking at my sweaty, red face & bouncing flab! lol. Also need to get my breathing under control this time around, would love to even be able to run 5 mins non-stop! I think I only got to 2/2.5 mins last time.

I was a lampost hugger when I first started...and I stopped smoking 3/11/08 and I'd smoked since I was 14. I'm 42 now. As well a being 4 stone overweight and an ex smoker I still run. Your 2/2.5 mins will increase week by week. You'll get to the stage where you can't stop running cuz you love it! Summer is best...this winter has set me back a peg or two. xx
I think we all look forward to weigh in like Christmas! That's a brilliant loss! I've been on it about the same length of time, but my losses seem to have gone downhill, even though I've been 100%. Can't believe war broke out while you were on holiday! Typical! lol.

I had my Merena coil taken out (sharing!). I'd had it for 6 years and gained 4 stone. That combined with stopping smoking and now finally it seems the weight is coming off easier. Before it was such a chore...which is why I didn't succeed so well with Discovery. Sorry if that was too much of a share. Bloody coil... let's not go there! Lol. :)

Oh aye, war broke out and the weather was sh*te....but hey, if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all! Lol. xx
i would love to be able to run!!! i've always said it's the work out i'd love to be able to do!!! sherry i always am looking forward to the next WI!!! it's like christmas lmao !!!!!

You can do it though...that's the thing. People think that running is sprinting, it's's long distance jogging and sometimes (when I can't get breath) I take it way down to a trott...jogging is not's great exercise. Google it to see if there are running groups in your area. In Scotland there is Jog Scotland. There are hundreds of groups throughout the country and they are so inspirational, friendly and helpful. I hope Jog N.I is already established. Go and join - it's daunting but once you're in, you're in! ;)
Wow, that's some achievement! I quit smoking (for the second time!) in October 2010.. I was off them for 2 years before, but got sucked back in! Do you run on concrete? I've heard it's bad for your joints, but it'd be so much easier to run on streets instead of hiking up to my nearest countryside! Maybe the coil caused your hormones to be a bit off kilter, making you hold onto the fat last time? I think my slow loss is down to me not doing much exercise and I can't seem to get the balance of carbs and protein right.

Also last time I did the two weeks of C25K, I found I don't lose any weight at all & exercise makes me starving, which was a bit disheartening! But I guess if I keep it up & be patient for a few weeks, the scale would start moving again.
Wow, that's some achievement! I quit smoking (for the second time!) in October 2010.. I was off them for 2 years before, but got sucked back in! Do you run on concrete? I've heard it's bad for your joints, but it'd be so much easier to run on streets instead of hiking up to my nearest countryside! Maybe the coil caused your hormones to be a bit off kilter, making you hold onto the fat last time? I think my slow loss is down to me not doing much exercise and I can't seem to get the balance of carbs and protein right.

Also last time I did the two weeks of C25K, I found I don't lose any weight at all & exercise makes me starving, which was a bit disheartening! But I guess if I keep it up & be patient for a few weeks, the scale would start moving again.

Are we the only saddos still up at this time? Lol. I stopped smoking for 2 years and started again 1999 and it took me 9 years to stop again! I WON'T get sucked back in as I kicked myself for that whole 9 years. That's 2 years and nearly 5 months I've been way would I go back! It's so traumatic stopping - like losing your best mate! Awful!

It's a difficult balance to get...your metabolism is up because of the exercise but you're creating muscle and burning fat. Muscle is heavier than fat. If you stick to it long enough the fat does burn off and you tone up with muscle and everything pulls in. Well that's what I keep telling myself so it'd bloomin better! Lol.

Yes we run on concrete but to be honest there isn't a happy medium. Treadmill takes the pressure off the joints but it's so boring. Running on grass takes the pressure off too but it's harder work - a bit like running on sand. If you have good trainers, specifically for running then I think that's half the battle. Obviously being overweight doesn't help the joints but that's my running will be supreme if I'm 4 stone lighter.

The coil - yeah! I wondered why I couldn't lose weight as easily as I used to and people were telling me it was because I'd turned 40!! Bah! :( But now that I got the Doc to take it out and I'm following a balanced diet and exercising, it's easier. I hope it continues or the sod will be going back in! Lol Plus I'm not so hungry....I think it made me hungry all the time too. No wonder I gained weight! Blimey!
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morning all,

sherry welcome hun and weldone on your running and smoking..

I *hangs head* am a smoker.. each year i tell myself i'll stop this year but it never happens bloomin horrible..

I also tried to c2k thingy as there is an app and my phone has it.. half killed me though and was always very concious of running down the road lol.. so good luck and i've heard so so many people day how wonderful it is once you break that running barrier..

i'm on rabbit food today as it's my weigh in tomorrow morning so no carbs for me and a bath load of green tea lol.. i hope i get 2 off..

arg i just wrote a message twice and got threw off both times lol!!!

sherry i have the marina coil inserted but never put it with my weight gain!! have been on all types of contraceptive through the years though so maybe that is the reason i am soooo hungry!!! come to think of it the only time i've lost weight is when i've been pregnant lol!!! the weights coming of me easily enough though thank god!!!

i AM a smoker!! i am ashamed to say!!! instead of eating food i am eating fags atm!!! lol would love to go off them but not until ive lost alot of weight first!!! don't wanna struggle doing the two at once!!! so maybe later this year i will!! so probably say the jogging/running is out the window till then!!!

am feeling far better today girls (thank god)!! am glad the weekend is over and i can kick some butt again lol!! not feeling obtomistic for thursday though, as 4lbs ALOT to get off in 3 days!!!!
Right, well I didnt get up at 5am. I vaguely remember waking up at 5am lol, I was so excited and nervous last night that I didnt get to sleep until really late, my alarm went off at 5.30 - I remember thinking 'its too dark outside, I'll snooze until the sun comes up' next thing I know its 9.30. Brilliant start!!
I wanted to go out so early so I didnt run into anyone I know, and it being my first time running and going out in anything slightly skintight, I didnt want to see anyone!! BUT ALAS, I'm still going - it's my own fault I didnt get up in time, my punishment is doing this in the middle of the day! I've just had an egg and mushrooms for protein, just waiting another 20 mins for it to go down and then I'm off. I'm so nervous! Once I've done it though I'm sure I'll feel great :)

I quit smoking at the end of Jan this year, 2011 is definately my year for sorting myself out :)

Erin I normally wear skate shoes too, but my etnies are far top clumpy and heavy to run in.

I'll be back in an hour to let you all know how I got on. If you dont hear from me then I'm probably collapsed in a ditch gasping for air! x x x x x
well sherrie are you in a ditch or are you still living lol!!! omg it must be really hard to give up cigs AND diet!!!! i'm just tackeling 1 thing at a time!!! got the boys a kids box out of the chip shop for lunch there!! mouth was drolling at them lmao!! so i'm out in the kitchen drinking a coffee, and a ham sandwich lol xxx
im aliveeee!! I was longer than I thought because I pursuaded my mum to come with me and we took the dog. We walked half way to the park and forgot the dogs toy and doggybags so had to go back and then back to the park! The C25K says a 5min brisk walk to start as a warm up but I must have done about 20 mins by the time we got to the park. I thought it was going to be easier than it was at first, but then the more I did it the easier it got. And its been such a lovely day to start it on, its gorgeous here at the moment. I'm definately going to try and stick at it, I feel fantastic and like I've had a good workout. Had to wear a normal bra then a sports bra over the top to try and keep myself still! lol
Its actually been really easy for me to give up cigarettes (please dont hate me! lol) because I only smoked for 7 years I think it was easy for me to give up. And I didnt give up because I had to or anything, just one day I was half way through a cigarette and thought 'this is actually really disgusting, it doesnt taste nice, it stinks and I'm not enjoying it' I threw it on the floor and since that day I never went back. I guess I'm lucky there!

Im absolutely starving now, I'd kill for some chips but going to have a jacket spud or something instead. Well done for not giving into temptation of the chips! Just remember; take the c out of chips and what do you get? HIPS!
Also! Weighed myself this morning and those 2lb have gone with another 1/2lb off but cant officially count it cos its not WI :( hopefully it'll stay off the rest of the week. Trust it to go the day AFTER WI grrr!
aw well if you be good it should still be there by next week!!! how did u get on erin???? i'm of to work now so i will c u all later xxxx
+2lbs for me this week. :( I have been 100% & only ate 1/2 of my weeklies, so I'm assuming it must be muscles gained from Shredding!
Also, have been thinking about ordering a pizza & counting it, obviously! This weight gain has just made me want it all the more! But it is my number 1 temptation & don't know if I'll feel guilty eating it & depressed afterwards, or just feel like I am having a treat as I haven't had one in 3 months! It's gonna be a medium margarita (between counted as between 20-32 points, depending on the pizza shop, so I'll just call it 32). What do you guys think? Good idea, or bad?
erin hun have it and point it.. after my WI last week we went to Pizza hut Mmmm the buffett LOL.. I used all my weeklies and all my dailies ( well didn't count them but i ate ALOT, so have not used any weeklies all week and done 100%) My WI is tomorrow and when i had a sneek peek the other day i was 1lb down ! so it's not been too bad.. why not get a small to share with someone and loads of salad if you think you'll be really disapointed with yourself after? ir can you just go have what you want then thats IT for the week for treats?xxxxxxxxx If we deprive ourselves too much we'll end up falling off the wagon big style xxx
I concurr, get a small so its just 2 slices and have salad. That way, you still get what you want it'll be less points than a whole medium to yourself and you won't feel guilty. Think of the hard work you've done so far, don't ruin it. We can eat whatever we like, just everything in moderation xxxx

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Smallest size it is, thanks guys! Hopefully the weight will start to come off after a week or two, but I am gonna keep up the exercise and concentrate on how different my body is becoming and the inch measurements (when I get around to taking them!) rather than being depressed about the number of lbs I am losing. :)
Well, had my small pizza, it wasn't made as nicely as it could have been, but I enjoyed it! That leaves me the rest of my weeklies to cover anything untoward that might happen on Mother's Day this Sunday! Also just got my TOTM, so that could also go to explain my 2lb gain.
just a quicky i huge personal goal for myself !!! Night before weigh in and DP takes us all to nando's !!!!! = me freaking out wanting what i usually have but not willing to scupper my Wi tomorrow.. !!

I actually had the salad with grilled chicken ( ok so i nicked a few of jacks chips and a bite of garlic bread) but bloomin hell 6 months ago that would have been a double wrap, chips and rice, and houmous to start !!!


well done erin on your goal of defeating the pizza, you had it you enjoyed and now you dont have the guilt.. blimey maybe WW is changing how we eat and choose foods after all !

TOTM is a right t*at so bringing a 2lb gain is expected hun.. no only does it give us pain and discomfort it brings weight gain !! Men dont know they are born !
