ProPoints Lots to lose: Trying to refind the wagon!!!!

Back with my tail between my legs, had a bad couple of weeks and struggling to get back on track, but have decided today is the day-someone kick me up the bum please !!

Look at your BMI, mommyB, only .9 away from being in the overweight range, concentrate on getting to that milestone!! You can do it! :)
Thanks :) x
Well done Erin I'm bloody chuffed for u I kno its been an uphill struggle for u.
Mommyb I feel the same :( haven't tracked properly for a few days, haven't done exercise in about 4 days, need some motivation :( I feel like I'm giving up and even though I am and I know it its like I'm letting it - I'm doing nothing to stop it! Help!

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Wildtrapeze - u are doing so well :) u can do this! One day at a time... One meal at a time.. When is WI? Set urself little targets :) u r awesome! How is the vegan diet? X
Morning girls!!!

Bindi how olds your baby??? An early night is a great way to get away from food!! Have had to do it a few times myself just to get away from temptation!!!

Mommyb and Sherry i know its hard but please try and think of all the reasons you wanted to do this in the first place!!! And think of how far you've come!! Do you really want to put it all back on again??? Think how great it feels to have that weight off and what you will feel like if you can get more off xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx group hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lanky you are doing amazing!!! Just take it one step and day at a time!! If you try and take on too much you may crash and burn xxxxxxx
Erin congratulations!!! That is fantastic and you must feel like dancing around the room while singing lmao!!! You got that gain off with 1lb extra for good measures so it doesn't matter if it was 6lb instead of 8lb lol!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxmwahxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm heading out to a historic house with extensive gardens with the other half and my son- hopefully get lots of walking done :)

Build up som ap!!
Aw thanks girls, have done a bit of soul searching and bottom kicking and am ready to carry on.
Have updated my stats as they werent up to date and have set myself a couple of mini targets. The first is to get to my stone off mark by the end of may and to be into the 13's before my hoildays mid july. Both equate to around 1lb a week, which is entirely do-able and any more is a bonus.
Have just sorted through my tshirt draw and got rid of everything bigger than an 18 as I wont be needing them again.
Food for today
B-prunes and natural yogurt
L-cheese omlette and salad
D-chicken, potatoes and veg

Need to point it all but am confident it will be within points !

Thanks for the support girls. Feeling so pysched I may even go for a walk later:eek:
Go girl :) sounds fab!

Morning Lauren - thanks :) how are u? Xx
yeeey mommyb you've almost got your 5% too!! you will have it in a few weeks xxxx!!!! good on you for not lying down to it!!!!

LEB sounds like a lovely family day out!!!! think of all the AP!!

as for me i'm working AGAIN!!! and don't have any days off next week!!! Lanky your a solicitor, so do you know by law how many days a week someone is entitled to off!! And how many holidays your entitled to???
Lauren - it's not my area I'm afraid - there are lots of laws re: employment but I'm not sure there is a minimum number of days hol... And not sure the number of days really comes into it - it's more to do with the number of hours each wk... Sorry I can't be more help...

Hope u all have a lovely day! Xx
no problem lanky was worth asking anyway lol!! well i'm off to mums for lunch before work!! Am armed with my 0pp soup lol!! The scales are back down to normal today again (thank god) so hopefully if i work my butt off today and tomorrow i will get a loss on tuesday morning!!! xxxxx
oh and i got my invitation to the wedding i was invited to in June!! Was my reason for starting this!!! Am trying to think of a good place to put it to remind me i've only a few weeks left of weight loss lol!! Pity i couldn't attach it to my phone so i see it when i'm ordering a chinese lmao xxxx
Haha! Fridge?! If u PM me about specific query I could try to look it up sometime... Hope work is ok! Wedding will be good :) x
yeah I was going to say the fridge-or take a picture and have it as your wallwaper on the computer or your phone ?

Got my 5% a few weeks back but have gained a couple of lbs since. Have just realised that I could go for my 10% before my holibobs as I think that was 13 st 10 -off to look that up !!
you can do it mommyb!!! whoop whoop

works ok lanky!! just there are weeks when we are never given a day off!! sometimes weeks at a time!! and we can be asked to work 11-15 hr shifts at times!! we don't get breaks and we don't even have a chair!!! we just get to show something down our throats if we have a quiet 5 minutes!!! And we are only given 2 weeks holidays a year!! It pays the bills but just fcks me off sometimes!!!

Lunch today was angus beef 7pp, potatoes 4pp, gravy 2pp, cauliflower, sprouts and carrots 0pp and peas 2pp!! Such a big plate and i had my 0pp soup to start so am stuffed lol!!

off to work now, chat to you all tonight xxxx
Hi Lauren - there are laws about how many breaks u should get and how many hours between shifts and the max hours u should work each week... But the ultimate thing is what ur contract says... Plus kicking off may not help the situation?!?! Could u look elsewhere? X
Now that I have looked at my weight card and % targets my 10% is 13st 13-I wreckon I could do that by the end of may as its only 4lbs !! tho I am not the fastest looser !!

Dont work too hard Lauren !! sounds like you need to have a look at your contract ?
U could totally do that :) xx
Thanks Lauren & Sherry! I am so delighted. Only 2lbs to go til I get my 4th silver seven/2 stone and then into the glorious 13s!! :)

Sherry, is it the vegan diet maybe taking up too much of your energy instead of concentrating on the weight loss? Maybe try and be really strict with the calorie counting for a week and see what kind of loss you could achieve and that might refocus you when you see the scale moving?