ProPoints Lots to lose: Trying to refind the wagon!!!!

Aw Ruth what was the degree for?? maybe just have to save up and wait for next time xxx

good news on the scale front though xxx
It was Politics Philosophy and Economics :( I went to Uni and did Philosophy Theology and Religious Studies but the course was cancelled and there was nothing else I wanted to do so I quit! Thought the OU would be the way forward! Gutted, but nevermind!

Well chuffed with the scales!

£700 doesn't sound like much for a degree Ruth!!! Would you not have time to save up for it! Or ask for a loan of a parent etc! There has to be some way you can do it xxxxx
I've got until 12th August to save! I've never asked my parents for anything and I'm reluctant to do so...

Lauren I can't seem to find your lunch box ideas thread, I'm on my phone so that doesn't help but can u let me know the title so I can search for it?
Hey Mrs it's on the support group when you click on yes,s scales! I have problems gettin onto it on the phone so probably best to wait till you are on the laptop xxx

What about getting a small loan Ruth! There has to be some way you can pull the money together xxx
My mum and dad have offered to pay..... The other thing is I was promised a laptop by the OU as well and now that's looking unlikely.... I don't want to cause my parents any expense!

Lauren I'm not sure about a loan the prospect scares me a bit!

You could get a reconditioned laptop for 300! And if you your mum and dad are going to pay for the course then it's only the laptop that you will have to worry about! These things always work them selves out if they are meant to zxx
Aw I just had the ww mexican chilli (which I love) only 6pp but I bulked it up with extra wedges! Delish and sooo filling :) xxx
glad you enjoyed your chilli Lauren have a good weekend x
Hi all,
Sorry havent been on much, need to read back on all the posts. Was out on the beer last night, had some dailies left and used 27 of my weeklies, so have 22 left for the week. Have eaten 10pp so far today and Im getting a chinese now, have ordered chicken in black bean sauce, anyone know how many pp in that, think its 9-10pp but not 100% sure and Im going to have plain chow mein with it, prob half portion of the noodles. Doubt the both will take me over my dialies will it?
I think I might have a Chinese tonight too! Am feeling like I need a treat :)

Enjoy your Chinese bindi! Not sure about the pp in black bean but a small chow mein is roughly 9 so I'm sure it will be fine xxx
It's Midnight Walk time!! Eek!

Will post back when I'm done!

Sorry to hear about ur OU degree Ruth :( i do think you should stick to it if you can, even if family have to help you out. Its not nice asking, I know, but if you hardly ever/have never asked before then they know that its not like your taking the mick and its for your education and future. As for the laptop, obviously even a reconditioned one at £300 im assuming is too expensive? If you have £300 you'd probably just put that towards your course fee wouldnt you lol. What about a netbook if its just for ur uni stuff? I've got one it cost me £180 from Tesco, the cheapest they do is one for £150. But you never know you might be entitled to that laptop from the OU? Have fun on your walk tonight though!!! xxx

Work was ridiculously rubbish tonight, theres a huge sale on at the moment and clothes, shoes, jewellery you name it - strewn EVERYWHERE. I'll tidy one area, go back and tidy it again. Because its summer clothes theres lots of strappy tops and fiddly halternecks which just tangle easily if people are careless - which they ARE!! argghhh!! I've been guilty of just dumping things where they dont belong before, so Im no innocent but I'll never do it again I swear! lol. I did 6 hours of non-stop to-ing and fro-ing and if I could earn activity points I think I'd have about 1000000000!! (slight exaggeration :p) Have come home and had 3 squares of chocolate and a handful of crunchy nut clusters. Going to weigh myself tomorrow and see if I've put any weight on, I've got a feeling I've definately gone up since that 13st 5 I saw last thursday!

Hope everyone is well and eating skinny!
Hello All

Sorry for being AWOL! Have missed u all.. have just been so busy that only managed to pop on to update my diaries... Hope u are all well :) I am having a good week and the scales seem to be playing nice again....

Leanne - Well done Leanne that's a fab loss and sounds like a nice meal! Good luck for the move :)

Lauren - Hope ur tummy is better :) I can't get the pics to work :( tea sounds lush!

Sherri - wow - that is MASSIVE news.... if its meant to be he will go with you petal or u will make it work - good luck with app :) And as for sale tidying I know the pain - I used to work at h & m!

Tracyjane - well done mrs!!! :) fab loss

Ruth - Aww hun that's rubbish about the course funding :( u can get a laptop on pay monthly if u pay for a dongle monthly with a free laptop.... :) and that's good that your parents have offered - if it bothers you borrowing the money you could pay back monthly maybe?! And yay for the scales being the lowest!! Hope the midnight walk went well :)

Bindi - sounds like a nice weekend so far :)

What is everyone up to this weekend?xxxxx
I am working working working like I do every weekend Carly Lol!! Will be looking forward to having every other weekend off in my new job :)

And we have missed you too Carly xxxx

Well I had that chinese last night!! Lol (i'm blaming you bindi for putting ideas in my head lol) doesn't look to have done any damage to the scales though!!! Thank god!!! xxxx
Well I have been thinking!!! Watch out for the smoke!!! lol!! I think I have been putting too much pressure on myself to have HUGH losses every week!!! I think I am going to TRY and not be sooo strict on myself!!! Last night I had a Chinese and I felt like a failure for eating weeklies!!! Come on they are their to be eaten!!! lol!!! I am going to try and relax a bit with my food and stop trying to be Sargent major all the time!!! It seems to be all or nothing with me!!! I am going to try and start aiming for the recommended 1-2lb a week from now on!!! If this weight is going to stay off for good this time then I'm going to have to find a way to do it comfortably!!! Without torturing myself lol xxxx

I start my new job next week and don't want to have the stress of dieting with it!!! So I'm gonna loosen the reigns and worry about eating healthy for a week, instead of constantly counting points
I think you're right... I didn't get weighed this week Cos I just couldn't fit it in so I'm thinking arrrggghhh need a huge loss this week.. But actually I've lost 12lbs in 2 weeks.. 2lb will be absolutely fine this week!!!

Good luck with the new job... Have you done anything like that before?