Luckycat's weight loss journey


Full Member
I was always slim but the past few years have been really difficult - break up of my marriage and the death of my mother. The weight piled on. I took solace in eating - chocolate, cakes, crisps and takeaways. Comfort food.
Well, in January I finally decided that it was time to change that! I joined weightwatchers. It's been easier than I thought because I've not been deprived of any food, I just choose not to eat some of it because I don't want to waste the propoints. I've lost 9lbs so far, I can't see the physical difference to be honest but my trousers are looser.
Slow and steady is my new motto as the weight is more likely to stay off that way............and I might learn to eat healthy on my weight loss journey :)
Hello and welcome aboard :)

keeping a diary is a wise move, it keeps you motivated and a wee bit sane!
do you have much to lose? we will all help you and advice you along the way. keep posting i look forward to chattng with you :)

good luck!
Wow! RainbowRose you have done really well on your weight loss. Well done :)
I've around 4 stone to lose. I started weightwatchers online 5 weeks ago but have been feeling a little unmotivated the past few days so I've come on here to keep motivated. It will be worth it in the end! Trying to be prepared and plan my meals so that I won't end up buying fastfood or a bar of chocolate. It's working so far. My worst time for snacking is late at night but I'm saving a few of my propoints for a snack or two so that helps, or I have a banana and low fat yoghurt. I do miss a good Indian takeaway with lots of naan bread but I must keep on track. I have lots of clothes to fit back into! I will be slim again!!
great attitude hun :) and sensible thinking when the hunger pangs strike!

ooh indian takeaway yum yum..i was naughty and one on valentines night..the first in a not too bad i suppose! takeaways were my downfall, so i had to wean myself off them!

Have a good week ahead and thank you for your kind words x