

Full Member
Just wondering what everyone has for lunch?

At the moment I am having sandwiches but I am finding my calorie intake is quite high especially at lunch time.

Can anyone recommend some easy lunches that are low in calorie that I can make and take to work with me.

Thank you all x
I've been having a frozen jacket potatoe with tuna and salad for dinner, just because I hate being hungry and eat big meals, all together it works out about 311 calories.
I have one of those snap pots of Heinz reduced sugar and salt baked beans, with two fruit crunch Ryvita and a 200g pot of fresh pineapple - same thing, every workday lunch, lol. :) xx
i have a dolmio pasta.pot. Really.yummy, filling and 305 cals. or.uncle bens do a rice pot which is similar.