Made it under 100kg


is happy being Yorkiegirl
I am now 98kg which is fantastic. I usually work in stones and pounds, but as LL weigh in kg I am very glad to have made it back to less than 100 kg! Still a way to go but 38.9 lb gone in 7 weeks :D
hi there, it seems as if we are on the same weight-length.

isnt it great to not see a triple digit on the scales?

Well done, that really is brilliant :)

Wow hunny thats fantastic!
KGs mean nothing to me cos I work it out in lbs too but I still see the value ;)
Well done! I am hoping to get there by my next weigh in! It will be a relief!! And I will NEVER go back to triple figures again!!!!
Well done!

Its such a great feeling seeing our milestones pass by, course I haven't seen one pass by me for a while but still.... I'm working on it lmao!

Keep going and don't ever lapse thats when it gets harder!

Hurray ! That it is a great psychological barrier to crash through, I know it was for me. 2 figures in kg feels much better!
Brilliant, well done! Think up some great non-food treat for yourself - mine is having a universal contour wrap done to help boost that inches loss!
Well done - I love it when Minimins folk reach milestones. Everyone's personal achievements are so inspiring as WE know what it is like to be fat and see the weight come off. Now head for the 80s......