maintenance with 5:2

Yay! I am so excited for you too! I am sure you'll get back to your original target weight by Saturday or very close to it. Have a fantastic time with you friend over next couple of days. x
On 442 so far, exhausted today. Absolutely shattered! Done fast n furious, day 23 abs n thighs and 30 mins hula. I'm so glad that week is over! Xxx weigh day tomorrow! Eeeeek!
Gosh! Week flew by. Sleep well (I'm sure you will after all that exercise) and her's to another fabulous weigh in. As ever I'm very excited for you. xx
Thanks kira, it's felt loong lol. Really nervous though! Having a highlights hot choc at 39kcls xxx
I really hope its a good weigh in for you and oddly,enough I'm feeling a tad nervous. I think its because it dawned on me that you probably now have a lot more muscle than before you the scale could register the same weight or even a tinsy bit more because you are more muscular? Does that make sense? Just don't want that to upset you in case that happens. I'm sure it won't but just in case. X fingers crossed! X
I know what you mean kira, that's why the scales went up to 9.6 after insanity. At that point I want bothered about the weight more the body fat. I feel slim, look slim and am feeling tighter but I do want to try to get to my wee goal just to sample the 8s. My body may not do it, but as long as there is fat to strip and shred ill keep going lol. Still a few wobbly bits! ;) just done my tae bo this morning instead of fast n furious. I fancied a wee change. Just chilling now before a shower. Thanks. Ill update as soon as I've left boots :/ xxx
Ooo exciting! Good luck with the weigh in :)
9st 4lbs sp 1lb off! Ill happily take that! Feeling tighter n toned and all my 8s fit perfect! Gust need to tighten these thighs n bum lol! Looks like squats will commence again once the thighs n an challenge finishes. Day 24 rest day today xxx
Brilliant!! So wish I could for into size 8's at 9st4lb:(

I have to be around 8.7.0 to get into 8/10's and only just. Right now I'm inbetween 12/14 in jeans.

its fab you are in8's and goes to show scale alone isn't be all & end all but it can help.

enjoy the sunshine today. X
What height are you kira? I'm 5ft 3.8 but round it up to 5.4 lol. My measurements are 33" bust widest, 24.5" waist and 33" hips? Xxx
Red dress arrived and is far too big! Was sold as an 8/10 but turns out a ted baker size 2 is actually a 10. Ridiculously big! Xxx



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Well done on your loss! :) xx
Thanks ladies!!! I can announce I'm going to be an auntie again! My sister is 16wks 1day pregnant, and I've had to keep this secret for weeeeeeeeeks! She wanted to make sure everything was okay first. Had her scan on Thursday and they've started telling people today. I'm so happy for them! Due 1st November ( my birthday is 6th ) so hopefully it'll be a birthday present for meeeeeeee! Haha! Xxx
Awh! That's great news! Congratulations!

Shame about the dress but I'd be buzzing it was too big despite the fact they put the wrong size on it. Irritating though as I suspect the 8 would have been a perfect fit. Hope it is returnable or at worst you could resell?