Making changes

Laura Croft

Happily maintaining
Part of my successful maintenance this time around has been the conscious changes I've chosen to make. It's been a result of a lot of foot work and a real focus on the bonuses of better choices. However change is never easy and it's not as if we go from A to B to C and never back again. Lapses are unfortunately normal and I think the sooner we recognise them as just a blip and move on, the sooner we get back on track.

This year, I've only had one big blip and that was the other week after a dear friend that I met through CD left to move overseas. I miss her very much and have been avoiding most things to do with CD since. Anyhow, so I basically threw two fingers up at the world for one night, just about blew up PDT when I logged what I ate the next day (and boy it was impressive!) and got back on track. It happened, I moved on. That to me is successful maintenance.

I read about a maintenance wheel that LL uses on the main forum and decided to do a bit of Googling. I couldn't find much but thought this was quite interesting.
I like that Laura - very much - the only thing I'm not so sure on is listening to other people...If I had listened to lots of other people when deciding on CD I would never have done it. It's only because at that point I made my own choice that I am here today...and now they are singing all my praises and telling me "enough enough" (when I know I have a little more to go yet)

totally, people who have been there and who understand the diet. I even had a run in with someone on a social network the other day...a nurse of all people! who was telling a friend of mine, (back on day 1 of CD after a break) that if she was hungry the diet is no good, and ketosis is dangerous and so on. I don't think she has any idea about the ins and outs of the diet, or about it being a mild ketosis, or the fact we are all screened at the beginning of this, but she had decided the diet was terrible. If I had listened to those people...I'd be wearing a size 20 wedding dress instead of a taken in 12...possibly a 10! xx
Thanks Laura,
I read this at uni and forgot to comment. It is so helpful. I definitely understand where you're coming from; it's all about drawing a line and starting afresh. I think the last time I ended up big was because I'd continue to have bad days rather than just draw a line under it. I also got too obsessed with the scales. Now I use the scales as a tool and keep a diary of the food I eat. Really need to check out the perfect diet tool though x
...just thought I'd bump this it's something I need to remember at times, and I'm sure others would agree too xx