Making Crisps


Silver Member
Just wondering how you make them, so far I've made them on greaseproof paper but they tend to stick. I was wondering if anyone makes them on cling film and how they work that way?

I think cling film would melt. The stuff to use is the coated baking parchment, you should be able to find it in the same place in the supermarket as greaseproof paper.

It works great and the crisps just peel off it no problem.

Hope you can get some as crisps with bits of paper stuck to it are not exactly nice lol.

me too - please tell me you have a mouth watering! many thanks
hi all the crisps are fab and that the only thing that got me through the days, first you need to make your soup pack into a thick paste, then lightly spread onto grease proof paper, put into the mic and check after 20secs then 5 secs therafter, until they are crisps. somethimes they stick but i used a filet knife to scrape them off gently, (be careful they are very delicate) good luck with the making
I made them before reading any of the replies and I used cling film and it worked great - it does say on the box though that it's suitable for microwaves. They took longer to make than on the greaseproof paper but they did peel off a lot easier - I'll have a look for that baking parchment Mags thanks.

I love the crisps too and have always made them on a standard dinner plate. They peel off no probs with a little help from a knife and the dishwasher has never had any problems cleaning up the plate v.nicely! If anyone is reading this and wants to give them a go, but doesn't have the right paper, then just use a plate - it's fine. (I think the mushroom pack makes the yummiest ones - if you've not tried that, it's a must!:D)
I really want to try & make the crisps but I'm worried that I might make them wrong & ruin my meal (because as you know we don't get a spare pack incase things go wrong) or Im worried that they don't fill me up or they don't taste nice & then wish I hadn't bothered & stuck to the soup.

What a dilemma!
Cherry Plum! You've got 2 choices.... if you like the soups then just stick to the plan and don't do anything as we're not technically supposed to do anything fancy to a food pack. or... nothing ventured nothing gained take the chance and see! You don't need to sacrifice a whole pack, just put a teaspoon of soup powder in a bowl and mix to a fairly thick paste (Mine is like thick yoghurt texture) then make a few crisps. If you don't like them you still have most of your pack to have as soup.

I always use micro cling film, with no probs at all. I love chicken crisps...mmmm
I have chicken crisps every evening. I'm going to miss them when I go back to normal food.. how mad is that.. not something I would ever thought I would be saying three months ago!!

I make mine straight onto a plate and have no problems at all getting them off. However, when I went to parents house for weekend did the same as always and crisps stuck to plate like concrete! So, maybe it depends on plate / microwave.


Hi I make the crips on the baking Parchment I got from Tesco, also try making a big one;
2 tablespoons of soup mix 2 tablespoons of HOT water mix till its a paste, microwave for 1 min just check its not to burned, make the rest of the soup while it cools, its great feels like you are a having 2 things to eat.:bliss:
I make mine on cling film and they work fine, just keep a eye on them.They seem to peel off ok.Good Luck
I add dryed tyme to my crisps and black pepper my favourite is oriental chilli because when you eat them they bite back yummy!