March LL starters

Thanks lucylastic! Yeah it is absolutely fantastic! i have never felt better. I am beaming with confidence. I think i have slightly scared everyone in my group as last week i all of a sudden was this talkative outgoing person instead of the terrified wall flower i was before! God, think what i'm going to be like when i finish!

High all March starters. How is everyone this week? Im still going good and taking it one day at a time. Yesterday I had a fancy everything day so it really was a grit your teeth and get on with it kinda day for me. It was hardish I suppose but I stayed focussed and today is another day and I feel fine again.
I suppose how I feel now is like this: If I decide to cheat and start letting myself slide I will be letting myself down big time. I dont have any other plan of action to lose weight. So if I slide I will always and forever be fat. Time will continue on and I will be where I have been for the last few years...over weight, unhealthy, looking miserable and feeling miserable. For everyday that goes by whilst on LL I am becoming lighter in mind and body. And the best part of it all is that I have many good days and only a few odd bad hours here and there. Most of the time I feel that I want to stay in this programme forever :)
I cant believe its april already and I started on the 10th of march!! A month more or less!!! Amazing where that time has gone.
hahaha....just meant to ask how everyone is doing and ended up with a long winded post...but really hope you are all doing well.
muchos love xx
Hi Asilasil!
I know I can't believe it either...I am already going into my 6th week as I started on March 1st. Nearly half way through foundation! Having a bit of a grotty day today as its TOTM and i'm feeling very sorry for myself! Having a PJ, sofa and hot water bottle day. It's funny to think I know exactly what I would have been doing in this situation 2 months ago and I can't quite believe how much my attitude has changed already! I'm getting on really well as well...I think this is the best thing I could have ever chosen to do in my life!

Hope everyone else is still doing well!

Hi Asilasil!
..I think this is the best thing I could have ever chosen to do in my life!

Isn't it though!

Great to see all you March starters doing so well and keeping positive.
Poor you Libby..TOTM is the pits...if ever there was a time when I felt like breaking then those days are it!!! But if we can get through those days then the rest are a breeze.
Thanks Sean for the support. It means a lot coming from thoses that have walked the walk!!!:) Your losses throughout were pretty amazing.....hope mine are like that over the next few weeks. Good luck on RTM btw!!
Well i've just woken up after big snooze on sofa...Feeling a bit better now. I know, these do seem to be the hardest days. Knowing that I can fight my way through them relatively easy makes me feel unstoppable!

Congrats to all.. aren't we a clever bunch!! Not so happy with my loss this week however I am sure it will even itself out. Had a difficult weekend so just really pleased that I made it to the other side without any cheating!!

Isn't it though!

Great to see all you March starters doing so well and keeping positive.

Aaahh thanks for the heads up Sean, your weight loss is going great. You must be really pleased.
Good luck for this weeks weigh in March starters! I cannot believe how quickly the weeks are passing - it seems to be flying by!
Fingers crossed we all get fab losses again this week :)
Hi Lucy

We are all doing well so a :happy096: to all of us. Also you are right I cannot believe it is almost halfway through foundation. As the weeks go by it seems to be getting easier as LL blends more and more into my life.
I hope everyone is beginning to enjoy lots of strokes off people as we all begin to look more and more fabulous everyday!

Keep it up everyone!

Its my 4th weigh in tonight guys and gals. I am secretly hoping it will be a 6lb loss so that I can say I have reached one of my goals but it probably wont be as much as that. I haven't exercised at all this week as I want to see how last weeks exercise has influenced my weight loss. I have heard that weight loss slows down if you exercise:(.
Well I will cross my fingers and see what happens.
Will update later.
Yes good luck to you all. I am a sunday WI but thanks to damn Easter I have to wait til next tuesday. That's 9 days! I had better lost an extra lb or so otherwise I will not be best pleased! The cheek of it...not only can we not eat, I can't even get weighed which is the highlight of my little week (Sad I know!).

Just back from my weigh in, lost 5lbs this week, well chuffed!! Much better than last week yay!
Hope everyone else is doing well!!!
Well done! 5lbs!!! Thats brilliant!

Well done Lois....5lb is brilliant.
I just got back from my weigh in and have lost 3 and a half pounds!!! Not ecstatically happy as wanted to maintain high losses but still not too bad.
Just a quick question: I have been having all soups and shakes up till last week and I decided to try bars as well. I have just bought my weeks supply of packs and chose 7 bars, 7 soups, 7 shakes and 7 porridge. However, I have just read the calorie content of the bars and am worried that 1 soup, 1 shake, 1 bar and 1 porridge a day totals app 600 calories:eek:. Now I am panicking that my weight loss is gonna stay low due to my exercising and may even get lower cos Im having more calories:confused:. Advice please would be most gratefully accepted. Or am I just being daft and maybe next week my losses will be a little higher. I am worried about the 600 calories thing though.
Well done Lisa! I had similar queries a few weeks back with my "shopping",and it did not affect my weight loss.Many people were quick to point out that my LL would not have allowed it if it affected me.Good luck x