Mcv. Claire's weight loss journey with slimfast.

I'm working today, so will have shake before I go, a banana mid morning and a shake when I get back, don't know what's for tea, so skint it's unbelievable, think I might do vegi bolognaise should have all ingredients in freezer and cupboard.
It's a pain, hubbie was made redundant a couple of months ago, he's working now but we had a couple of weeks without him working and now he gets paid weekly, instead of monthly and we seem to be playing catchup all the time with added charges for late payment grrrr x
That sounds so familiar... I'm still playing catchup after my hubby was made redundant 4 years ago. Although he's now been working regularly for the last 2 years it's taking time.

Went to tesco today, it's quite surprising what you can buy for £20 when you don't buy crap.
Had spag bog for tea, I think it will be sausage, mash, peas and onion gravy tomorrow and fresh air on thurs, lol
Think it's that time of the month for me, feel exhausted, nauseous, and heavy :(
Must stay focused as all I want to do is slob out and eat crap, doubt I will be getting my 2 lb this week I've still been 100% though so hopefully I will see the results next week x
Just read through your entire diary and must say you are doing great! :)
I have been diagnosed with hypermobility along with other things and told that pilates may strengthen my core muscles. I was diagnosed after breaking my tib and fib 2 years ago now after I kept passing out. I went to the GP twice previously who just told me to eat more salt? despite not even doing so much as a blood test! Later that week I fainted again and snapped both bones in my leg resulting in major surgery and a long hospital stay. I now have plates and a rod in my leg and still have a lot of pain and swelling so can't do much despite having to try and improve my core stability due to having hypermobility. I also have epilepsy...the list goes on. How did you find pilates? I am a bit scared to even try it at the moment.
I'm so sorry to hear about your health problems Hun it must be very hard for you.
Have you explored all treatments available to you through the NHS ? With a good doctor? I don't really know what's available or what would suit hour needs but some sort of physio in water may be ? might be worth persuing?
Pilate I think is suitable for most people, if you find a class and you spoke to the instructor it would be adapted for your needs and what you are able to do, in the class I went to there were people of all ages with different ailments and the exercises were adapted for each of them x.
When in pain you must feel very cautious about what you want to try, but also if it could give you some relief it must be worth inquiring about x
I was going to physio for my leg, then saw a physio for hypermobility but that has now stopped. She did say that pilates could help but that didn't take the separate leg break into account. I also have a huge fear of falling now with the epilepsy and am so worried incase I break my leg again as it doesn't feel strong and my knees dislocate easily (hypermobility). I wasn't that confident before with just the epilepsy but sadly I never leave the house alone now which is pretty sad of me to admit. If it's not feeling drowsy on anti-convulsants, it's fear of having a seizure. I was doing quite well until the tib/fib break but I can't risk that happening again. Because of scar tissue on my knee after surgery I can't even kneel anymore as it hurts so much but I am hoping that feeling will eventually go. As I am not able to exercise much I just think the only other thing that may help is shifting the weight as it must cause stress on the joints so if I lose weight then that has got to help somehow plus I will feel better about myself too. I am not a very confident person if I'm honest.
Of course being in the best condition you can be has to have a positive effect on your body, one of the reasons I like slim fast is the nutrients and vitamins it provides especially combined with healthy snax and meals.
Carrying extra pounds has got to put a strain on any part of the body!!
I must say I admire your strength to improve your life by taking control of your weight, my hubbie suffers greatly with his back that leads to severe headaches, and mobility on occasion and it's very easy to sink into depression when dealing with I'll health on a daily basis.
If you found a Pilates group do you know any one who may go with you? It's mainly floor work on a mat on yr back side or front.
If your physio was before your break I wud seriously consider finding a good doctor who is sympathetic to your needs, and push for what treatments are available to you.
In our area there are volunteers who take people to appointments who would struggle to get there otherwise.
You never know they may provide such a service in your area x
Housecat I have hypermobility too. My physio hadn't mentioned pilates to me. I will definitely look into it now I know it could help.
Still feeling heavy and nauseous but I am persevering, I was wondering weather to skip weighing in tomorrow as if I don't loose it will demotivated me:( I think I might leave it now till next fri instead, I hate the feeling that TOTM gives me yuck!
On a positive note I've put a pair of jeans on , that 6 weeks ago I couldn't get into, 2 weeks ago got them on well just lol and today they fit comfortably! And Ive gone down a notch on my belt yea, little dance around the bedroom xx
Off to work now, xx
Just saw a pic on face book it was a drawing of a lady sitting on a bed with her head in her hands the caption " I've been dieting ALL morning... Am I skinny yet" hilarious :)))
On yes.... A night to myself tomorrow night no children, no hubbie........ What shall I do?
Couldn't resist got on scales and lost 1lb so I am now 12st 9lb and that's 12lb in about 4 weeks.
In 7 weeks time I want to be 11st 7lbs .... COME ON CLAIRE....... YOU CAN DO THIS!!
Got my day planned, got to get home from work to pick up children from school, pack them off to grandmas, hubbie is helping a mate after work so I am off to the gym, have a swim and jacuzzi I'd like to book in for a beauty treatment but lack of funds mean I will have to skip that lol. Home Pjs on then slob out infront of box ..... Bliss