Me again :(


Long story short, I lost 8 stone in a year doing slimming world. I can honestly say I didn't find it too hard! I thought I had cracked it.

Unfortunately my mum had a stroke in September and all my emotional eating has begun again. I completely stopped exercising and I'm embarrassed to say I have put on about 3 stone. I look rubbish, feel rubbish and I'm so disappointed in myself. I need all the support I can get!
That's still 5 stone off overall which is AMAZING!

You have done it once, you can do it a million times.

Good luck with it and you have my respect for identifying your problem and doing something about it!!!

I know how you feel. I've done the yo-yo diet dance for years now. It seems harder and harder to get back into it each time I try.... But the good thing is that I do try, and I'll keep trying, just as you are now. We only fail if we give up trying :)
I know this feeling well but I feel so uncomfortable I need to get back into it, two people in work today also asked me if I was pregnant, that certainly gave me a good kick in the bum!!!:mad:
Aww no! I know what you mean though, I'm looking decidedly bigger! All the exercise I did meant I was relatively toned but now I look like a big fat sausage! :(

We can all support each other guys x
You have been through an extremely stressful time and everyone needs a way to vent their stress and for you this time it was to eat again. You still are 5 stone down which is great! Don't beat yourself up about the 3 stone gain otherwise your emotional eating will continue and god know, many of us have experienced that!! Start afresh and see it as a new and achievable challenge :)