metallic taste in mouth


Full Member
Does anyone else have this since starting juddd?
No since starting JUDDD, no. This might sound like a weird question, but have you eaten pine nuts recently? Or anything containing them e.g. pesto? I had a horrible metalic taste in my mouth one week last year and when I googled the symptoms, I came up with 'pine mouth'. Apparently some pine nuts imported from China were becoming tainted and causing it. I'd been eating them on salads and on pasta etc. I think the consensus was that it was unpleasant but not harmful. My symptoms cleared up after a week or so, but it's made me very cautious about eating pine nuts!

Probably best to get it checked out with the doctor, though, to be safe.
Ketosis wouldn't happen in juddd unless you are following Atkins principles on your up days. Takes longer than 24 hours for your body to produce keytones.

More likely to be blood, could be trace amounts from an ulcer, nosebleed, or even a sinus infection.i get chronic rhinitis and often have the metallic taste in my mouth & throat. If it keeps on go to see your doc, if not it was probably just a fluke and I wouldn't worry about it. Xx

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Could you be pregnant? I had this for about a week before I realised that was the reason!x

Haha god I hope not! 2 children enough for me and strangely at weekend we were talking about my OH having a certain operation :) The funny taste seems to have gone now so hopefully all good :)