Milliemoo means it this time!

Well done for avoiding the bread & biscuits, it's horrible when those naughty hunger pangs arrive and nothing healthy will suffice. You're doing a fab job, let us know if the soup is yummy - I need a new soup recipe, haha, leek & potato got very boring, very quickly! x
Well done on avoiding eating. Great motivation.

Was your soup nice? x
Thanks for all you replies :)
The soup was ok, not the tastiest I've made but it was certainly edible so I can't complain.
We had a fab night out on Saturday and I was very good food wise, filling up on salad. I was not so good however booze wise and, saying as I hadn't really had a proper night out on the drink for a year, Sunday was a write off as I was so hungover. I felt so guilty picking the kids up (they'd stayed at my mums) and going straight home - normally we all do something nice together at the weekends, but I just felt so least it's put me off alcohol for a good while longer!
I managed not to eat everything in sight on Sunday even though I craved a McDonalds with every fibre of my being! I made a big pasta bake and some weight watchers garlic bread for tea and ate a Galaxy Caramel so I suspect my activity pp's and and all my weeklies will be gone (I'm hoping I haven't gone over my weeklies but I'm a bit too scared to really work it out accurately :( )
Still, I'm only human and the world hasn't ended, etc. etc. so I've dusted myself off and had a good day today. Weigh in is tomorrow though so I'm keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed I haven't done any damage to my weight loss.
Hey, Glad you had a good night out. And at least you weren't 'bad' on the drink AND the food front, that's a positive :D. And never mind about the galaxy caramel - as long as you enjoyed it at the time. Hangover cravings can be the worst. You're taking the right attitude - new day, new start.
Fingers crossed for your weigh in, hope you have a loss xx
Thank you so very much everyone for all of your comments, support and motivation - there are all very much appreciated:bighug:

I LOST 2.5lb!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooo chuffed and think it must be down to the additional activity I have done this week, as well as how good I was every day other than Saturday night and Sunday.

I'm treating myself to some yummy pizza tonight then I'll be back on the plan tomorrow morning. I'm so excited as I am now lighter than I was before falling pregnant with ds :bliss:
Hope everyone has a fab week and I'll keep you posted on my progress x
Well done on your great loss and :happy096: massive congratulations on your getting lower than your pre-pregnancy weight.
I've still half a stone to go before I reach that goal :(, and then there's another half stone before I reach my pre-pre pregnancy weight - the half stone I never shifted between pregnancies :eek: Ah well sure I'll get there.

I hope you really enjoyed your pizza x
Thanks everyone :eek:)
I couldn't post yesterday as it as so hectic! I was at ds's music and movement group in the morning, then we went for a walk to build come activity points (it was FREEZING!), then we were at baby massage. Then it was off to collect dd from school and karate for her! By the time we got in and did tea, bath and bed it was half 8! Then dh was in from work at 9pm and wanted feeding, lol.

I really had the munchies yesterday - I think it was the cold weather. I kept my main meals low pp and used my remaining daily pp's for ww crisps and biscuits so managed to stay on track. I used all 26 of my dailies but didn't break into my weeklies or activity pp's.

At my class on Tuesday, the leader told us that someone in one of her other classes uses her 49 weeklies for spreads, milk for hot drinks and for oils, rather than using up her dailies for these. As I have no social events planned for this week I am giving this a go. I dont tend to cook with oil but will use a couple of weeklies a day for milk in my coffee and 1 for LF spread and that will free up 3 dailies in case the munchies continue, lol.

It is freezing up here in the North East today - black ice everywhere and constant drizzly rain :( I've stuck some lean diced steak into the slow cooker with gravy and I'm going to do a load of veg to go with it later - I'm very excited for my tea! I might try and make Nissi's dumplings to go with it as I think I have the stuff in I need . ..mmmm...comfort food!

Hope everyone is warm and cosy - it's not day day for going out if you can help it!

Tuesday = Weigh in day so I don't count ;)
Wednesday = 26/26 dailies used, 2weeklies used (2/49) 2 activity pp earned (2)
Thursday =
Friday =
Saturday =
Sunday =
Monday =
well done on your weight loss this week xx
Oh my goodness!!! Why do I always hit the half a stone mark and then struggle so much? Why do I get my first silver 7 then feel like I'm losing all my willpower and motivation???? I have tried so hard to stay on track the last couple of days and whilst I've managed to avoid any big disasters, I have used more weeklies than I intended to :(

I've tried to look over my food diary and pinpoint where I might been depriving myself and I have realised I've fastly cut out carbs, which have always been a big part of my diet. I'm going to have pasta and a WW sauce for lunch to see if that helps alleviate the munchies.

I've also been exercising more this week but on less sleep and then not using the activity points - maybe I need to take it a bit easier whilst ds is not sleeping so well?

Oh well, I'm just going to keep plugging away and hopefully if I manage a weight loss on Tuesday I might get some motivation back!

Tuesday = Weigh in day so I don't count ;)
Wednesday = 26/26 dailies used, 2weeklies used (2/49)
2 activity pp's earned (2)
Thursday = 26/26 dailies used, 5 weeklies used (7/49)
4 activity pp's earned :D (6)
Friday = 26/26 dailies used, 15 weeklies used :( (22/49)
0 activity pp earned (6)
Saturday =
Sunday =
Monday =
:thankyou: Nissi, I will definately give porridge a go for breakfast.

Well I didn't get to eat my pasta last night as we were broken into yesterday evening. Luckily they didn't get away with anything and no-one was hurt but it has really scared me. Dh had walked up to his parents earlier in the day with dd and ds and when I got there to pick them up I realised I had left ds's car seat in the house so dh came back down for it while I waited at pil with the kids. Thank god I'd forgotten the seat otherwise dd would have arrived home to see the garden crawling with police :(

I'd been out from about 4.20pm and at about 7.15pm our burgular alarm had gone off and our next door neighbour (who is a policeman) came straight out to check the house. He realised our french doors were wide open but by the time he got into our garden the scumbags had jumped over the garden fence and got away. Luckily they'd literally got a foot through the doors (there was big muddy prints on the carpets) so hadn't touched/taken anything. Our neighbour had phoned the police straight away and they were there by 7.20pm. DH arrived back at 7.25pm, literally just after it had happened. We had SOCO here until 10ish, taking castings of footprints in the garden and castings of the damage to the french doors (they'd prised them open with what looks like a couple of screwdrivers) and also a police dog and handler - I really couldn't fault the police response - they were so prompt and thorough. They told us another house on the estate had been ransacked the previous weekend as the owner was away and didn't have a burgular alarm.

It has really shook me up. It's made me paranoid someone has been watching the house as that is a time we would generally be in with the kids and they've have known we are out. It's made me wonder if they just waited until it had gotten dark before striking :(

I just thank goodness that no-one was hurt and that I'd set the alarm. I don't always set it if I am just popping out during the day. If I hadn't have set it they would probably have been in ransacking the place when dh came back for the car seat :( It's also made me realise just how easy french doors can be to break into - ours are supposed to have a good locking mechanism as well put they've managed to open them with very little damage to the frames of the door.

I could really do without having the insurance excess to fork our while on maternity pay but the doors need replacing, as does the carpet by the looks of things as I can't get the dust stuff the SOCO person used, out. I feel sick to my stomach that some low life has been in my home, where all my children's things are, intent on taking things we have worked and saved bloody hard to be able to afford......I'm generally a lover not a hater but I hope they rot in hell :(

Anyhoo, sorry for that massive rant....just needed to get it out :cry:

Instead of having pasta for tea I ended up with a quick bowl of cereal once the police had left. I didn't feel much like eating but knew that if I underate my points it would damage any weight loss (see, even in a crisis I remain focussed, lol.) I also re-aquainted myself with Davina yesterday afternoon when dh and the kids were out so I built up a few more activity points (I'm struggling to actually walk today though - she is hardcore that Davina!)

Ds slept through the night for the first time last night - would you believe it, the one night I hardly sleep a wink, he sleeps right through?! I'm hoping it's not just a one off ;)

I've managed to have another good day today. I've had a rest from the exercise and had a more relaxing day but food wise I have done well (although I did have a medicinal couple of glasses of wine over lunch this afternoon. :party0036:)

Tuesday = Weigh in day so I don't count ;)
Wednesday = 26/26 dailies used, 2weeklies used (2/49)
2 activity pp's earned (2)
Thursday = 26/26 dailies used, 5 weeklies used (7/49)
4 activity pp's earned :D (6)
Friday = 26/26 dailies used, 15 weeklies used :( (22/49)
0 activity pp earned (6)
Saturday = 24/26 dailies used, 0 weeklies
used (22/49) 5 activity points
earned (11)
Sunday = 26/26 dailies used, 4 weeklies
used (26/49) 0 activity points
earned (11)
Monday =
Thank you both for the hugs :) The insurance assessor has been out today and they are going to replace our french doors with more secure ones. I just don't want to live here anymore but the housing slump has wiped out most of the equity in our home so we would struggle to get a deposit to be able to move. It's awful as I have always felt so safe here and hopefully I will feel safe again, but at the moment it just feels awful.

We couldn't have had a better response and support from the local police though so that has been very reassuring and luckily dd continues to see the excitement in the situation, rather than be scared.

It's my weigh in tomorrow and, as it is half term, I have arranged to take dd to the soft play with her little friends at lunchtime so I'm planning on going to one of my other leaders classes tomorrow (the 9.15am one if ds sleeps well tonight and the 6.30pm one if he doesn't, lol)

Foodwise, I have had a good day - it's nice to feel back in control after my wobble earlier in the week and feeling control of something helps the feeling of utter lack of control I've had over the house I suppose :(

Tuesday = Weigh in day so I don't count ;)
Wednesday = 26/26 dailies used, 2weeklies used (2/49)
2 activity pp's earned (2)
Thursday = 26/26 dailies used, 5 weeklies used (7/49)
4 activity pp's earned :D (6)
Friday = 26/26 dailies used, 15 weeklies used :( (22/49)
0 activity pp earned (6)
Saturday = 24/26 dailies used, 0 weeklies
used (22/49) 5 activity points
earned (11)
Sunday = 26/26 dailies used, 4 weeklies
used (26/49) 0 activity points
earned (11)
Monday = 26/26 dailies used, 0 weeklies used (26/49), 0 activity pp's earned (11)
I can understand that you'd want to move now. Hope getting the new doors help to make you feel safe and secure again.

Well done on staying in control during this time. It would have been easy to let it all go and write this week off but you're still focused :)

Good luck today :)