MimiMins Newbie and token bloke lol


New Member
Today at age 59, I joined my first ever Gym, signed on the dotted line. Yes, I have been to gyms before but have never taken out a membership before. I have six months to rid myself of my flabby tum lol. My sister who is on this fabbo site said this was a good place to get peer support on the journey ahead.

I did two exercise classes this week, over 55s and over 60s and was put to shame by people a whole lot older but it's early days yet. And I have been scooting round the gym which has just had a half million pound makeover this month, trying a few of the scary machines.

Got my formal induction next Monday. Then the fun really begins, no doubt with me being weighed, hope I don't break the machine. I don't know my weight but I think maybe 17 stone, yikes.

Hi Martin, well done on joining the gym. I'm younger than you and wont do it, I don't enjoy the gym at all but do other exercises I do like.
Your definitely not a token male, there are some more around but they tend to be a little quieter than us women.
There are lots of "groups" here to join depending on the particular diet or plan you are following. And if you cant find one to suit then just start one. Take some time to check out all the sections.

And welcome aboard