Mindful eating!

It will change the way you look at foods and diets forever!

Just back from holiday and had a fab time! Haven't over eaten just now need to start thinking about the content of what I'm eating again!!!
Lauren xX
Feeling extremely full today probably due to adjusting back to normal from my holidays! Y body always goes all over the place when I go away and I'm extremely bloated from well you can guess where I'm going with that! I have ony managed a coffee and a custard cream so far today! Not good I know but once I'm back to normal ill begin to be hungry again at meal times!
I've put on about 3lbs but I have no doubt that that will be gone within a week as it went on fast it'll come off that way

Lauren xxxx
ank you so much for recommending this book. I read your post and bought it straight away on Kindle. After being in a overeating cycle (more like binge eating for me) for the past 3months, in which time i managed to put on around 21lbs (yes seriously!!)...i have just completed my 4th day binge free :D

I wish i knew where you lived so i could come and give you a big hug! I am never going on a diet again in my life.

To add to that, i hopped on the scales this morning and after 3 days was already down 6lbs, granted this is mostly water weight but yippee. Just shows how much salty junk i was eating to be carrying that much water.

I have eaten at the table every single meal with no distractions and have eaten slower and i have had no problem leaving food because i know as soon as i am hungry i can eat again and eat what the hell i like. I am listening to my body and i have actually craved healthy foods, i have had 2 strawberry cornetto's over the past 3 days though, completely guilt free might i add because i am in charge of my food choices. I'm finally taking responsibility for myself and i feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

chocolate_bananas said:
ank you so much for recommending this book. I read your post and bought it straight away on Kindle. After being in a overeating cycle (more like binge eating for me) for the past 3months, in which time i managed to put on around 21lbs (yes seriously!!)...i have just completed my 4th day binge free :D

I wish i knew where you lived so i could come and give you a big hug! I am never going on a diet again in my life.

To add to that, i hopped on the scales this morning and after 3 days was already down 6lbs, granted this is mostly water weight but yippee. Just shows how much salty junk i was eating to be carrying that much water.

I have eaten at the table every single meal with no distractions and have eaten slower and i have had no problem leaving food because i know as soon as i am hungry i can eat again and eat what the hell i like. I am listening to my body and i have actually craved healthy foods, i have had 2 strawberry cornetto's over the past 3 days though, completely guilt free might i add because i am in charge of my food choices. I'm finally taking responsibility for myself and i feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.


You are very welcome
I'm pleased it's helping you as much as it has me
It certainly changed my outlook to food!

It's great that your seeing results already!!! And your doing so well keep it up and keep me up to date one here we can use it as the mindful eating forum so to speak to keep each other going and for any questions etc

It's lovely to hear from you

Lauren xX
I will keep you posted! I'm at a wedding on Saturday and would usually be saying, 'right i'm having that day off' then i'd just binge on all the yummy food, then i'd probably do the same on Sunday when i'm hungover!

I'm not worried at all though, just going to eat what i want but stay mindful, even if i overeat, as 'normal' people sometimes do on special occasions, i won't be feeling guilty.
Ah your outlook is great! No need to be rigid or over think about food with this is there?

I'd gone back to bingeing a bit after hols but I think I'm back on track. Ive reread the instinctive eating chapters of the book and am back to my normal self again after feeling bloated and horrible since beig back in the uk.

I started the day with fruit muesli and yoghurt my fave breakfast. Yummy

No idea what the rest of the day will bring as I'm off to the pub with my friends tonight for tea. There must be something I will want from there I'm hoping lol

Lauren xX
Hi Lauren,

I was just wondering.... does the Eat what you love book advocate having a target weight.... or size? Several of the books I've read which talk about intuitive eating encourage you instead to eat in accordance with what your body needs, and then accept the size and shape which result. How does this book view it?

Hi Barbara
It's the same it pretty much states the the book isn't a weight loss book it may help but not to expect the just changing your habits may not make a massive change. It appears to be a waver so there's no complains about people not losing weight. It also states your body will reach a natural level

Lauren xX
I am back to my pre holiday weight
Despite all that has happened since coming home and I'm feeling very happy
Got into some size 10 jeans and now looking firmly forward to the future!
A million exciting things that I can see on the horizon...
Lauren xX
Good thread on mindfulness which is what i'm trying to introduce more of in my life

BarbaraG said:
One aspect I forgot to mention is curiosity.... when you feel an urge to eat, examine it as a scientist would. Where do you feel it physically, emotionally? What does it feel like? What prompted it - what were you doing before it arose? How strong is it on a scale of one to ten? Urges arise, persist and fade - you can watch it come, and watch it go.

By doing this, you sort of detach yourself from the urge - you are outside it, observing it, even though it is inside you. All this means that it becomes easier NOT to give in to it. Every minute that you don't give in to the urge is a victory - and helps you believe you don't need to give in to it. Whatever the food is you're craving, you can tell yourself that you will include it in your next meal. (When you get to that meal, you can change your mind!)

All this, just from paying attention!

Like your point about examining the feeling - i remember when i first started jan 2011 i would stop and really try to understand my "hunger" feelings. Discovered at least half were "boredom" due to some work issues or just "taste in mouth" requests! Once understood, everything got easier:)
Things are well and truly back on track.
I am finding joy in taking care of myself and have dyed my hair booked in a cut and had a manicure/pedicure. I'm taking much more pride in my appearance and in my well-being especially my emotional health.
Things are on a good path :)

Lauren xX