Minerva's on a mission!!

3lbs woop woop! Well done you. Seriously go and pick up 3 cans of whatever and feel how heavy it is to hold them all.....it is a significant weight to shift.
It really pisses me off how people seem to have the idea that making fun of fat people is fine and acceptable. Nothing happened to me personally - but it just really annoys me. All other discrimination is not fine, except the discrimination against the larger folk. F*** off. Seriously. -_- I hate people sometimes. I really do.
Day 36.

While I am pleased I have stuck to plan for over a month, not really deviated from what I set out to do - I'm really bummed out this week! Been really irritable and hungry (maybe PMS - TOTM next week? not sure).
I have not lost anything at all so far, even gained 1lb somehow since Wi on Thursday (which thankfully seems to have gone again today) - but that does put me at exactly the same weight I was on Thursday morning last week! 5 days and no loss at all.

Annoying!! The rational part of me does say - it's water retention - you aren't eating any more than 800 calories per day after all, but the other part of me is just a bit deflated really. Not in any way wanting to eat or sabotage myself, just disappointed and more desperate to lose!!

Just got to get on with it really... One day at a time. :(
And you are so good at keeping me on the straight and narrow!! So what would you say if I wrote the same?

Don't try to rush the weight loss it will happen and if the scales do not show a loss this week it will next time. Look at the amazing results you have done to date!! Go on keep smiling and I will keep my fingers crossed for your weigh in.
Thanks Suzie, you've put things into perspective! I forgot to look at it from the 3rd person point of view - the 'what you would say to this person if they said this'... Wow. I'd have said - Keep going, it's probably just water retention, you'll lose it next week.
You're so spot on! :D

Having said that, only 1b loss this week, but it's going in the right direction, as slowly as it might be. No idea why, but hey - I can't exactly ask my body what's going on, eh? :)
Happy to help! I only lost two pounds at weight in tonight - I only seem to only lose two pounds a week!

Whilst I want to be losing more I have accepted that at least I am losing and it is not at a bad rate. Also as woman our bodies seem to fight against our weightloss!
Well done 2lbs is fab !!! I only did 1 lb in week 3 and I average about 2lb a week ... It soon adds up x
Lol yes on the 2nd Jan after eating everything in sight !! I put on 7lbs in Dec .... Seems like ages ago now... Day 38 tomorrow :)
Hey Minerva - how are you doing today?? have you got any plans for the weekend? - thank you so much for your support this week I really appreciate all your kind words... I am back on tract emotionally and ready to take on the world again... thanks again hun x
Anytime you need to vent and let things off your chest I'll be here on these forums for you, no worries. :) The diet is hard enough without all of LIFE on top of it! :D *hug*

:) I'm doing ok today, but lately I have been feeling HUNGRY. A bit more agitated in wanting 'meal' time to come. Thoughts running through my head of adding some extra vegetables to my lunch - which of course I don't do, but the thoughts have started to creep in... Argh! Not exactly sure what's causing it all, but just drinking plenty of coffee to get some warmth in my stomach to take the edge off. ..

No particular plans for the weekend ... just studying and more studying... I'm doing a Graduate Diploma in Law - which is very intense and unfortunately I realised quite early on, I'm not really cut out for all of this - but I do want to finish it, now that I can't get my money back (lol :eek: ). But without my heart in it I guess it's harder to really motivate myself. I have an exam on the 22nd February on EU Law (oh the joy of joys...)... so, there's a lot to do!

Food wise, I'm following the Slim & Save version - which is 4 packs per day and a handful of vegetables in one meal and milk allowance. I think it works better and more sustainable. :) Maybe I'm finding the hunger pangs more prominent as I have 3 meals in the day rather than 4? Breakfast at 11am ; Lunch at 3pm and then double Dinner pack at 8:30pm ... Oh well..!
Day 45 -

Been feeling quite hungry generally for the last two weeks, but just got on with it as I usually do. Have had bad brain foggyness which doesn't help when I have an exam next week... Work going slower than it should.. Just feel my eyes fuzz out and then 10 minutes later I 'wake up' having drifted off somewhere. Not good!!

Been on plan all day as usual, but my OH and I have planned a night off after our Wi. I've taken to taking the measurement first thing in the morning as I'm always 2-3 lb heavier by the evening - depending on how much I drink - and I don't want to stop drinking just to make myself 'lighter' in the evening, so I'll just weigh myself first thing on Thursdays. It's the same thing really as long as it's consistent.

Received a nice card and pretty set of earrings from the OH. :) I got him a card too and a desk gadget and a book. He seemed pleased - it's all silly really.

I accidentally stumbled into an awful blog by another member on the Slim&Save board, and oh my word - MISTAKE... She was like "All I got was "Happy Valentines darling!!" Where's my card!!! Where's my flowers!!!!" ... errr.. just wanted to slap her. You're supposed to get him a card and something too darlin', he is not REQUIRED to get you anything. I didn't say anything and just left.

Lol. Valentines Day. What a joke. :) I give my OH little gifts all year, not sure why there's a whole day of it. Oh well, any excuse to spend with him is more than welcome!! 7 and a half years and still can't imagine being apart for longer than a few hours. :)

Happy Valentines Day all you lovely ladies!

Aww so sweet - been with my husband since we were 16 ! 20 years later still love him to bits ! Through the highs and lows we have stuck together ...

Yeah makes me sick how so people behave - I have avoided Facebook today ? I can't understand why people have to go so overboard !

Enjoy your evening Hun x

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We agreed not to do anything other than cards but he sent flowers in lieu of going out for a meal. I agree we tend to do things all year rather than going overboard just one day a year.
Day 46 -
Yesterday went fine, I won't discuss details of what was "off-plan", needless to say, I feel a little tiny bit hungover today - but back on the diet 100%. No problem. Not sure it was worth it in all honesty, but OH was happy to have a break off the diet. :)

Went for my Wi yesterday, only 3lbs off in 2 weeks total :( I knew it was the case before I went, but not sure, it upset me that I'm losing so very slowly even while doing everything right. Yes, yes, no need to tell me, events like yesterday don't help matters. I nearly didn't go to restaurant! But if 100% only yields such small losses, it's a little disheartening. No point in going off the diet, just ... yeah. Disappointed. Emotionally it really makes me feel like a fat blob and I will always be a fat blob... urgh.

The other thing that upset me is that the OH will be done with his diet soon - maybe another month and a half and he'll be done. I feel VERY proud of him and his progress and determination - he's a star! But that little selfish monster inside just feels sorry for myself knowing I have 5+ months on this if not more. Don't like feeling like such a total b*tch, but I guess it's a normal human emotion. As long as I don't take it out on him (which I have not!) then it's ok I guess. It's not his fault that I piled on the pounds is it! :) Nope. My own doing and my own problem!

Oh well, on we go.
Day 47.
Feeling normal today - hangovers are really not nice which is why I drink so very rarely. Being half Russian/ half Latvian - there's a myth that all Russians must drink or can handle it and there's always vodka everywhere... Well, actually - if you're a poor class or degenerate - then you drink a lot. Anyone who is normal, having the normal job (I guess equivalent of UK 'middle class' - without any of the luxuries) wouldn't touch alcohol unless it was a special occasion. And special occasions would only happen maybe 4 times a year. My dad doesn't touch alcohol at all, neither does my sister. My granny would even always ask when I would say I met a guy - her first questions would be - "Does he drink? Does he smoke?" I'd say no (even if it's a bit of a lie!) and she'd say "He's a good boy then."

I'm the odd one out in my family because I drink sometimes - but I don't get this English custom of 'Going down to the pub' at every opportunity - even once a week seems excessive. Why get drunk so often - or at all? Sometimes I feel I am the only one who can handle the drink (i.e. start drinking water when I start feeling the alcohol) while the rest of the English around me (and I hang out with Computer Geeks - so fairly tame crowd) go all out -every-time. What's the point? I usually feel fine the next day while they're all dopey eyed and wrapped in duvets feeling rough.

Granted yesterday I felt a little hung over - but my body wasn't prepared for the little I had. Not much food to soak it all up, plus, it was mostly the pulsating tinnitus in my right ear that was the problem. All day, banging in my head. Thankfully it's gone today.

Either way, rant over. So I was thinking... I am getting very upset over this weight thing and how long it's all going to take, blah blah blah... I really have to realise that - actually it's not that I'll suddenly 'feel awesome' when I reach a magic number on the scales. I'll start feeling more awesome as times goes by. I remember starting to feel good at about 11st and a bit - when you're still a bit chubby, but you can pass off being normal. I think I have to stop stressing out so much about the numbers. It will come, and I know I'll feel better and better with every stone that goes off.
So, I made a mini-ticker in my signature to my first big goal - to not be 'OBESE' anymore! At least on the BMI. :) Mini goal like that - makes it more achievable. Less far away and less depressing! Can't wait for it to be other other side of the half point. :D

Right, off I go to study EU law... fun fun.
Minerva, I've set out mini goals for myself too, they go 1. Next stone bracket 2. Single lb digits in said stone bracket 3. Half way through said stone bracket 4. Only a few lbs in said stone bracket which then leads us back to 1. The most I'm counting is 4lbs in front which is so much more achievable than what I started with. Not saying it works for everyone but it certainly does for me. Well done on persevering though, your really made of stronger stuff than you give yourself credit for :) xxx
Yeah Minerva - nice to see you more positive x yep small goals are the way to go ... This week is going to be good !!!

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