MizKirsty - Becoming my inner skinny!

3 weeks annual leave....lovely, do you have any plans? When are you starting the new job?

I'm great thanks hun, have a yucky virus, got an awful cough, am seeing Dr next Monday so I'll get it checked then if I still have it.. It's bloody cold today!..so I'm vegging on the sofa ;)
Yes I'm really looking forward to it tbh! Need some me time to chillax before starting the new Job in oct!!

I'm planning on utilising the weeks off to loose as much weight as poss gym it a min of 5days a week and focus on eating well!!

Can't wait for the first pay packet ooo that will feel ace lol!!

Aw no poor you!! Have you tried upping your vit c that fights bugs big time!! How's the weightless going (still as fab as ever?!) xxx
At wi I sts - which considering my very large bank holiday breakfast and anticipated 3lb gain I'm ok with it! Refocus and planning for next week.

However am having a meal out at hooters on we'd and I've heard their food is very much fried fried or fried! :( hoping I can make a good decision! Anyone been? Xx
Hooters is pretty much fried city, but they do sandwiches, soups, salads as well as the fried stuff... I love the fried pickles and quesadillas mmmmm! It's nice, you'll love it :)
Yeah im gonna do some menu research lol - so i can decide what im having before i go so i dont have to look at the menu and be tempted when i arrive - alcohol wont be an issue as ill happily stick to diet coke no probs!!

Im hoping ill manage the gym a few nights this week too - planning on going tomorrow! And then whenever i get a free moment - but like i mentioned before im planning on morphing into a gym buff next week lol!!!

Join the Autumn challenge!!! xx
Never heard of hooters. What are they? Pub/restaurant type thing?

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Yeah it's basically a rest change in America - the uk have tried to copy! But the food is junk tbh! But im hoping something will be sw and xen friendly!!

Plus Id like a nice loss this week too lol!! Xx
It didn't sound particularly appetising when it was described.
I'm sat watching supersize me. The story of the man who ate mc D's for one month. I've never managed to see it before. It's horrific.

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It's my exactly my choice! It's a friends bday so I'm just going along to help celebrate they do do salads (but I'll have to be a pain and ask for no croutons (they are the size of my head!) and dressing on the side - so I can control it!).

It's not a strip bar over hear the waitresses wear orange shorts and hooters slogan on their t shirt!

Just don't want it to ruin my week!! Ugh! Xx
Hi Kirsty

Hope there are things you can eat. We went to TGI Fridays recently and I though that was going to be really hard to as everything is friend and loaded with cheese. Had a cajun chicken thing with rice and sweetcorn in the end and it wasn't too bad.
I think you'll have a good time and find something nice to eat, they do a good range, I think it's a better choice than McDonalds. I'll go find the challenge, I've got challenges all over the place lol!

Kat, Hooters, think girls with big boobs and tight t-shirts lol! I have a hooters t shirt from years and years ago, when my boobs were separate from my waist lol! ;)
Lol :) not a pretty vision :) I remember those days :/ pert and firm don't seem to figure in the vocabulary these days

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Ive had a sneaky look at the menu and i can order a salad - but its an american salad with fried croutons the size of my head - so minus the croutons and the dressing hopefully ill be okay! Where has this week gone - its wednesday tomorrow!!

Hopefully the sutumn challenge will get us all focused!!! :) xxx
Don't they have anything like chicken strips that you can add the salad?

I've just noticed your 3 sticker!!! Yay!!! well done :)
I dunno the menu online was very pixled so I couldn't make everything out - I just noticed I prob could make a good choice - so I'm sure there will e something I can mix with a salad!! An ofc diet coke!! Lol

Yeah I got my 3 sticky last week - after not wi for a month I thought I would gain 3-7lbs bc I hadn't really focused but lost 3lbs!! Was chuffed!!

With the autumn challenge that would take it to 4st - think that might be a bit optimistic! But Xmas challenge would be 5st god that seems so unreachable! Hmmmm lol

Im having a great day today food wise - shame im gonna end up ruining it tonight at hooters - ive had a look again at the menu thinking a salad is my best bet - thinking a chicken salad - aslong as its grilled rather than fried - and maybe bc of such a good choice ill either have a small starter or dessert - only if i choose the salad - which im really hoping ill have the will power to do!!

Final week of work before three weeks off - and then i can totally bash this weight off with constant trips to the gym - and catch up on some well deserved sleep and rest lol!!

Hope your all well - have you seen the size of the autumn challenge its getting big which is great!! Lots of names ive not come across lets hope we all do well :) xxx
It's 17 weeks to christmas so if you work that at 2lb a week that will give you 34lbs loss!!.... it seems completely crazy but it's soooo do-able. As much as I love my short term goals, I like longer ones too :)

Have a fab time at Hooters, I think I'd go for a pud, especially as you have 3 weeks off to go gym bashing ;)
Oh yeah I find having a shorter one keeps me on track but having a longer one motivates me more lol - so it's a mix for me lol!!

I'm actually enjoying getting ready to go out tonight the only thought in my head ISNT omg I look fat! Which is lovely!! :)

Bring on Monday wi!! Xx
Yay, you sound so positive and happy which is great, go you!!

I picked up the Asda magazine when I went today and they've got some lovely bits and pieces for the Autumn, I think I'm going to need to get new bottoms, I just don't have anything for when the cold weather hits!...I love those waterfall cardi's :)