::mOd-kArEn79's DiArY::

Thanks Lou :)

It's taken 7 long weeks!!!

I won slimmer of the week and another girl in class lost 3lbs. She got a bit funny about it as she'd lost more than me so I offered her my bag of fruit!!! tbh I couldn't give a toss about winning SOTW - I'm doing it to lose weight not collect stickers and certificates!!!
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Well done on your weight loss.

thursday 13th january 2011 !!!!!

breakfast: fibre plus bar (B), activia yogurt and a banana

lunch: homemade scotch broth (carrot, leek, onion, potato, lentils, barley and vegetable stock)

dinner: veggie bolognaise pasta bake (pasta, beanfeast, tinned tomatoes, red onion, mushrooms, cheese (A))

snacks: activia low fat yogurt, banana, skinny cow (4.5 syns), tunnocks teacake (5.5 syns), fibre plus bar (B)

syns: 11
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Morning Karen, how is today looking? Well done on your loss, you are doing so well x

this miserable weather is starting to get to me! it's so grey and raining and on and off all the time.

back on plan this morning. i always eat whatever i want on WI night and always have a terrible sleep then feel sick, tired and groggy the next morning. i'm obviously eating too much!

last night i had quorn fajitas, doritos, cheesecake (massive piece of) and some chocolates. may not sound like loads but it was! must try to cut down in volume on WI night as a i feel rubbish..... might start going out for dinner as my treat.
I always have a freebie after WI as well but I try to stick to things that don't make me feel too crap.
thursday 13th december 2011

breakfast: fibre plus bar (B), activia yogurt and a banana

lunch: homemade scotch broth (carrot, leek, onion, potato, lentils, barley and vegetable stock)


snacks: activia low fat yogurt, banana


Doooode... December? hehehe x
Maybe plan your 'treat'. I don't have a treat after WI but usually have chip shop chips on a Friday night 15 syns worth, but likewise find that too much greasy food when my body is adjusting to a healthier regime actually makes me feel bloated, so last week I just nicked a few of the other halfs, which I enjoyed without the bloatiness.

Yeah I need to have a think about it. I think the problem is where I'm still eating large portions I think I can still eat the same sized portions of fatty and greasy foods that I used to eat.
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I remember the first time I had a greasy pig out after starting SW and I felt really ill. I liked that cus it meant my body was no longer used to all that crap!