Mon's Cruise Journey

Cheers girls it feels good after a week of messing about and staying the same, it's just the way the cookie crumbles with this diet, but I am glad I stuck to it when the going was tough.
you big skinny loser you :D
i was gonna say big fat loser... but your not ;)
yey am so pleased for u!! A loss makes up for all the times we struggle and tastes better than any thing we might crave! Now if only I could take my own advice hahaha
Thank you sweet ladies :)
Here's my food for today it was a PV
B:bacon and eggs cups with half of my Dukan bread
S: praline tofu creme
L:rest of Dukan bread with one extra light laughing cow and cherry toms
Snack: Hazelnut Soya Latte
D: Stuffed sweetheart cabbage leaves
Wow, sărmăluțe în foi de viță.
You're amazing, Monica.
I'm pretty sure sure your husband adores you :D
And only 5 kg till you reach your target....
I can't wait to see what you'll cook in Conso :eatdrink051:
They were really good Steli :). Yeah hubby is rather partial to my cooking but then he doesn't have a choice LOL. we are both following Dukan and interestingly we have the same amount to loose so will be entering Conso together more or less. However Goal might be delayed as we're off to Vienna tomorrow till Sunday . I am sooo scared xx
Great loss Monica well done and have a fab time away and xxx
passionflower said:
They were really good Steli :). Yeah hubby is rather partial to my cooking but then he doesn't have a choice LOL. we are both following Dukan and interestingly we have the same amount to loose so will be entering Conso together more or less. However Goal might be delayed as we're off to Vienna tomorrow till Sunday . I am sooo scared xx

Don't be scared!

I'm a big advocate of dieting to live not the other way around. If a few pounds go on, they'll soon come off again. Enjoy Vienna, I know you will :D

P x
Have a great time in Vienna, Monica!
And please, enjoy it... taste everything you want and have fun.

(I wish I were able just to taste chocolate... My grandma, God bless her is able to eat 1-2 squares of chocolate a day.
I've never been able to do that. If I get chocolate, I have to eat it all or at least half of it...)
Thank you guys for your good wishes. We not long checked in our hotel room for the night ready for our eat flight tomorrow morning. I have packed scotch eggs for tonight's dinner and carrot cake with quark topping for tomorrows breakfast :)
I think I will be ok but I just don't want to put loads on my scales were reading 66.5 this morning.
Anyway I'm giddy and excited and I plan on having a good time. Thank you for your wishes and see you next week be good and keep loosing big hugs xx
Just caught up with your diary. Well done on your loss, not far to go now the end is in sight :)

Hope you have a fab break xx