Motivation thread.....

This thread makes me want to cry:cry:
I know a lot of it is sad, but it's each individuals motivation, which spurs them on. It's something they want to leave behind, so although it is crap it can and will be used to bring about a positive outcome :D
1. Not to waste what's left of my 20s being unhappy with my body
2. To show my relatives who think of me as the fat one in the family that I can be slim just like them!
3. To look great in a bikini this summer (the first summer I will ever have worn one with pride- I hope)
4. To be able to shop in any shop I like without thinking "I cant shop here cos their sizes are small")
5. To be healthy and never have the doctor mention my weight
6. As others have said, to be able to have a bath and be fully submerged (apart from my boobs which I know will never get there!!)
7. To be slim, healthy and fit enough to be able to run competitively
8. To look beautiful in my wedding dress next year
9. To make myself proud and Mike too
10. To prolong my life!
I am losing weight to......

1. Enjoy life again, not just socially but work as well....
2. Go clothes shopping when I want
3. Go on rides at theme parks and not feel squashed in
4. Look good
5. I want to wear a bikini & look great
6. Feel confident naked or even in underwear, and to wear nice
7. Be able to take the kids swimming
8. Stop feeling horrid and sweaty
9. MAYBE meet a new fella
10. BE happy, if I'mhappy my kids are happy - simple as xx
Saying goodbye forever to Doreen and buying T-shirt bras. Of course I'll want pretty ones and sexy ones too but most of all I want a T-shirt bra.
The following "self-talks" have been keeping me on track

I am very good at justifying why I should come off the wagon. Before (re)starting on the CD on 9 March, I wrote up all my justifications and then replied to myself with the truth about them. Here they are (this is long - I have lots of justifications!)

This wine/food won’t take me out of ketosis
No, but it WILL slow your weightloss

It’s rude not to eat at ...
If it’s rude, then don’t go. Make an excuse. Generally, it’s not rude. It’s YOUR business what goes in your mouth, no one else’s. You have control over what you ingest. How other people feel is their business. Stay in your own business

So and so will be upset if I don’t eat
Stay in your own business. Why should YOU eat in order to keep someone else happy? You are in control of what you eat and drink. Food, drink and other people do not control what you eat

I’ll recalculate the time left to lose weight after this last binge
You’ve been doing this for the past two years and beyond. If not now, when? Having a “last binge” just puts off the reality of being slimmer. You’ve had countless “last binges” and you’re still putting it off

I don’t feel good and eating/drinking this will make me feel better
Nothing that you eat or drink will change your feelings. They might put off your feelings but if you’re stressed, angry, bored or shattered, do the right thing to rectify this, don’t blot out your feelings with food and drink. It doesn’t work and it never has done. That’s how you have ended up weighing over 13st

I’ll do Slimming World instead
You’ve tried this countless times. You’re still deprived on this diet and you achieve less on it. You still can’t go out and eat/drink freely and you get bored of the restriction. Better to have a three-month sabbatical from eating and drinking and achieve a far greater weightloss in return for your deprivation

I’ll do India and Neris instead
Delicious food but you don’t lose weight on it. It’s also time-consuming and thought-consuming. And you can’t drink on it. Go for it on CD

Why? Get to the bottom of this. If you want it you’re either trying to fill a hole that can’t be filled with food and drink or reacting to a trigger situation. This is a learned reaction that animals and young children do not have. As it’s learned, it can be unlearned. You can do this. It’s all in the mind. Nothing compels you to eat except your thoughts

Rob loves me as I am
But do you love yourself as you are? Don’t you dream about looking different, wearing clothes that express who you are instead of just clothes that fit? Yes, your body is amazing: it has run itself well on nothing but poison and junk; it metabolises what you give it and never lets you down. How much better to treat it well. Treat your own body as well as you’d treat a child in your care, with kindness and good nutrition. Let it be its best without the encumbrance of excess weight

Life’s too short not to drink/eat this
Life is going to happen anyway, no matter what size or weight you are. Why not let life happen while feeling good about your body and health? Why do you equate consuming with living? The two are separate. You have been over-consuming for 25 years and yes, life is short but it’s no better or enriched for over-consuming

Ooh, I fancy ...
Trigger or hole unfillable with food/drink. How do you expect it to make you feel when you’ve had it? The reality is that you will have consumed it and life will not be any different except for a feeling of guilt and self-disgust. The food will have been and gone. Is it true that you want it? How do you react when you believe your own thought that you want it? What would life be like if you couldn’t even have that thought?

I deserve this ...
You clearly have had a hard time and want to reward yourself for coping with it. There will be a momentary pleasure as you eat/drink it and then it will be gone for ever, to be replaced by a feeling of guilt and self-recrimination

I MUST lose weight
No, you don’t have an obligation to lose weight. This is all a choice. You choose what goes in your mouth and stomach. It’s a CHOICE. You have the power and control to say “yes” or “no” to whatever goes in your mouth. There’s no “must”, “have to” or obligation

BTW - I've stuck to SS without even a sniff of a cheat for 2 weeks and 2 days: 16lbs down and 44 to go. Something's different this time.

Just the one for me....

To wake up each and every day with a spring in my step content in the knowledge that I am comfortable with who I am.

I am very good at justifying why I should come off the wagon. Before (re)starting on the CD on 9 March, I wrote up all my justifications and then replied to myself with the truth about them. Here they are (this is long - I have lots of justifications!)

This wine/food won’t take me out of ketosis
No, but it WILL slow your weightloss

It’s rude not to eat at ...
If it’s rude, then don’t go. Make an excuse. Generally, it’s not rude. It’s YOUR business what goes in your mouth, no one else’s. You have control over what you ingest. How other people feel is their business. Stay in your own business

So and so will be upset if I don’t eat
Stay in your own business. Why should YOU eat in order to keep someone else happy? You are in control of what you eat and drink. Food, drink and other people do not control what you eat

I’ll recalculate the time left to lose weight after this last binge
You’ve been doing this for the past two years and beyond. If not now, when? Having a “last binge” just puts off the reality of being slimmer. You’ve had countless “last binges” and you’re still putting it off

I don’t feel good and eating/drinking this will make me feel better
Nothing that you eat or drink will change your feelings. They might put off your feelings but if you’re stressed, angry, bored or shattered, do the right thing to rectify this, don’t blot out your feelings with food and drink. It doesn’t work and it never has done. That’s how you have ended up weighing over 13st

I’ll do Slimming World instead
You’ve tried this countless times. You’re still deprived on this diet and you achieve less on it. You still can’t go out and eat/drink freely and you get bored of the restriction. Better to have a three-month sabbatical from eating and drinking and achieve a far greater weightloss in return for your deprivation

I’ll do India and Neris instead
Delicious food but you don’t lose weight on it. It’s also time-consuming and thought-consuming. And you can’t drink on it. Go for it on CD

Why? Get to the bottom of this. If you want it you’re either trying to fill a hole that can’t be filled with food and drink or reacting to a trigger situation. This is a learned reaction that animals and young children do not have. As it’s learned, it can be unlearned. You can do this. It’s all in the mind. Nothing compels you to eat except your thoughts

Rob loves me as I am
But do you love yourself as you are? Don’t you dream about looking different, wearing clothes that express who you are instead of just clothes that fit? Yes, your body is amazing: it has run itself well on nothing but poison and junk; it metabolises what you give it and never lets you down. How much better to treat it well. Treat your own body as well as you’d treat a child in your care, with kindness and good nutrition. Let it be its best without the encumbrance of excess weight

Life’s too short not to drink/eat this
Life is going to happen anyway, no matter what size or weight you are. Why not let life happen while feeling good about your body and health? Why do you equate consuming with living? The two are separate. You have been over-consuming for 25 years and yes, life is short but it’s no better or enriched for over-consuming

Ooh, I fancy ...
Trigger or hole unfillable with food/drink. How do you expect it to make you feel when you’ve had it? The reality is that you will have consumed it and life will not be any different except for a feeling of guilt and self-disgust. The food will have been and gone. Is it true that you want it? How do you react when you believe your own thought that you want it? What would life be like if you couldn’t even have that thought?

I deserve this ...
You clearly have had a hard time and want to reward yourself for coping with it. There will be a momentary pleasure as you eat/drink it and then it will be gone for ever, to be replaced by a feeling of guilt and self-recrimination

I MUST lose weight
No, you don’t have an obligation to lose weight. This is all a choice. You choose what goes in your mouth and stomach. It’s a CHOICE. You have the power and control to say “yes” or “no” to whatever goes in your mouth. There’s no “must”, “have to” or obligation

BTW - I've stuck to SS without even a sniff of a cheat for 2 weeks and 2 days: 16lbs down and 44 to go. Something's different this time.

love this post - THANKS !!

Debz xx
Just the one for me....

To wake up each and every day with a spring in my step content in the knowledge that I am comfortable with who I am.


you're a star Georgie !! thanks for all your encouraging posts.... you are a true inspiration :D

and you look absolutely fabulous !!! WELL DONE YOU :D:D

lotsa love

Debz xx