Mousse mix?


Full Member
I tried making a mousse and it was all on jelly lumps and disgusting! I had to throw the shake out. Anyone been successful when making the mousse?
Did you use a blender to mix ? I make at least one mousse per day - 150mls of liquid, 2 spoonfuls of mix and blend really well (for at least a minute) with a blender and then let it set in the fridge for 15 mins or so.... makes a quite a hard set mousse that is delicious. Sometimes I do get some lumps of jelly in it but that is possibly because I have not blended for long enough. I notice that some of the flavours seem to "mousse" up better than others - Banana and Vanilla seem to be the best - though I sometimes add a spoon of coffee to them to make them a bit more "toffee" or "caramel" ish flavours. Persevere - its worth it in the end. :)