Mrs A's Diary

That was me last week also... just eating for England and Australia.... Soooooo much food... ehhhh

But I hope you have picked your self back up and getting back to it
oh well - my first gain in 15 weeks :cry:

i've gained 1 pound :eek:

i knew that big fat, juicy, greasy sausage would be the ruin of me::break_diet:

not to worry - i needed a kick on the bum and that was it - will be a verry good girl this coming week:hide:
You can do it, and make that pound disappear!
don't worry about that pound..we've all had weeks when we've gained, draw a line under it and battle through, sure you'll loose that pound this week :)
thanks girls but it is so bl***y hard sometimes.:rolleyes:

we have workmen here sorting our front drive and i am making bacon rolls for them :cry:.
i've told my hubby to make them tomorrow cos it's just not fair when i cant have one :flirt2:

my niece works in peacocks and gets 40% off vouchers now and again so i had a good shop today.

bought myself new knicks and bras 2 sizes down from my usual :D and some nice pjs so i feel good for now.:)

I have new undies and nightwear on my awards list... I can't wait to have huge spend out on them! :)

well done for resisting the bacon!
Woop woop on resisting... but I know what you mean.. if it wasn't there it would be a lot easier!

Bras and pants are always something nice to get... the best thing for me is shoes.... esp now I've brought in the rule of having to buy the outfit to go with it. Or I can't have the shoes! Lol
it was just so nice to go into an ordinary shop and buy something. ;)At the moment 20 is too big and 18 is a bit tight so dont want to buy anything expensive cos i am hoping to move down another size before i'm done :cross:
my hernia operation has now been brought forward to next friday :eek:
Eeekkk and wooo hooo????

Are you happy about this....
At least, it will be over and done with sooner...although it's always a worry in the leading up to it...

How are you feeling?
feeling frightened but it's gotta be done :cry:

have been on a hernia forum today and wish i hadn't :eek:

i'm sure i'll be fine. :D:D
Hernia's are fairly common and easily fixed, and the recovery on them is relatively short, when you compare it to other operations....try to stay positive, and look forward to getting better and recovering :)

My friend had an op on his hernia a few weeks ago, he's gone back to work now and has made a brilliant recovery.

You'll be fine!
i'm sure i'll be fine - just my old age might hold me back a bit :(

i have 3 hernias and they are on my tum behind the scar i acquired 5 years ago when i had an op for bowel cancel . :rolleyes:

you will all have to send me good vibes next friday afternoon :D

and then there is the bonus that i should lose a few pounds that week :flirt2:
That's the upside to being ill, having an operation...the weight loss.. I lost over 9lbs in a week when I had gastro...wish I could have gastro every week! lol!
damn and blast :eek: - been and gone and ruined my week :cry:

my friend pulled a muscle in her back this morning so went with her to the hospital.
we left home at 12 noon and got home at 7pm with a fish supper under our arms.
my one was supposed to be to feed hubby but i was so starving that i wolfed half of it down and barely even tasted it :flirt2:

i'm not going to beat myself up about it cos it's done and it just means that i will be on this diet for 10 years and 1 extra week ;)

be good girls - dont be silly like ME !!!
That was an unusual day mrs a so I'm sure you're forgiven :) move on and have a great day today