mrsminkymoo's diary of ranting and raving..getting smaller by the week

Well Tuesday went well,and since then been in bed with a back on that horse again tomorrow, good news is all the food is still in the fridge....bad news, I've not lost anything as I was mostly munching on the evil bread lol xxxx
Morning Minky, ill is ill love, it can't be helped, so back on the wagon now then :)
Hope you're feeling better! X
right back yet again, starting tomorrow LOL, i recon i have the sickest kids !! all they have done is pass bugs between them for the last few weeks, but finally got them back to school this onwards and upwards HURRAH :eek:) xx
LOL, yes, Colleen and I are getting one bug after another here, the suspect is of course Olivia and her Kindergarten class. :D
hello here i am again, i cannot believe how sick everyone has been over the last month or so, so please no one mention coughs or sick or toncilitus or anything remotely ill LOL.

so b: 4 rashers of streaky bacon
3 eggs scrambled with 1oz cheese
coffee with 2tsp of cream
bottle of water

and now off to paint the fence..........back later lol xxx
right just nipping in., still here, just been without internet, because virgin cut me off again lol, apparently cash isnt legal tender in there shops, so buy the time id found this out yesterday my bank was shut so couldnt deposit the cash then pay with my card, so ive had to use the paypoint thing, hopefully i will be back online by monday..........just for the record, i am being a very good girl atkins wise :)
Evening mrs... Good to see you back! Hope you get Internet sorted soon! Xxx