Must shift some weight for July, need to wear shorts!

Yayy - well done! I shouldn't think you had as many Syns for your meal as you might think, given that you left a lot. It's a sad day in my view when the drinks are the best part of a meal!
Oh - I meant to say that I know what you mean about the Muller Lights. I'm not that keen on them either although the Greek style ones are lovely for a Syn or so each. The Activia 0% yogurts are free and are much nicer that Muller Lights and I think the Liberte and Danio yogurts are well worth 'spending' a Syn or two on as they're really thick and creamy.

If they're not listed on the thread I posted the link to, just use the Minis search facility to find the Syns. You might like to do what I did and make your own personalised Syn directory using a small tabbed notebook. I'll try and find the photo to post again.
Day 8 Food

Thanks for all your helpful comments, I am pleased with my loss and it inspires me to keep going. Thanks for the tips, I do keep a paper diary with my own syns guide at the back, everytime I see something that I would eat or drink I scribble it down, it is invaluable!

B- 2 liberte yogurts (the last of my stash, 3 syns) raspberries, kiwi, Tea

L- Tea, Sausage casserole (4 Syns), WW yogurt, Curly wurly (5.5 syns)

D- 2 burgers, 2 dairylea (hex A), salad leaves, Wholemeal roll (hex B), Coke zero

Snacks- apple, banana, king prawns, 4 Mikado (2 syns)

Syns today- 14.5 Poo! I think what happened was, I was hungry all day because I was saving my roll for dinner for my burger, so I keep snacking, when it got to dinner time, I couldn't eat all of my dinner. Next time I will have my Hex B earlier in the day to keep me full and have my burger without bread. And I have free yogurt now for breakfast!

Don't stress its just one day!

Thanks again for checking in on me, I cant believe people are interested in what I have consumed, but it is very helpful and is keeping me going, so thankyou!!:party0011:
Day 9

I try to stick to 10 syns each day, but I am not going to worry.

B- Tea, 2 shape yogurts, banana and strawberries

L- New potato wedges, ham, salad leaves, ww yogurt, tea

D- Pinapple, greek yogurt, curly wurly (5.5), diet coke

Snacks - green tea, 2 alpen bars (hex B), Parma ham, 4 x marshmallows (2 syns)

Syns today - 7.5

What a random day! being busy certainly works for me, if I am home most of the day, I tend to spend all day wondering what I am going to eat next, was rushing about today and didn't eat that much!
Do you guys exercise a lot or just diet? I need to do some form of exercise but struggle to find the time and enthusiasm:greenapple:
Yes, I struggle much more with food when I'm at home; I swear it shouts at me from the cupboards and if I can see it... well, I lose the battle.

I don't do any exercise with any regularity. I have fits of using the exercise bike or kettle bell and occasionally use a Leslie Sansom walking DVD but it's difficult to build it into my day or to find a private place to do it. The only place with enough space is the sitting room and that's nearly always occupied by my husband! I am rather taken by the idea of a rebounder but I suspect it would become another piece of kit which gathers dust and I'm not at all sure about using it in a flat even though the floors are solid concrete.

I prefer exercise that's natural - walking, gardening (I have an allotment) for example, but OH is disabled and retired so I feel guilty if I spend too much time away from him other than going to (full-time) work. I have tried to build a bit more into my day by parking at the furthest point of the carpark and taking the stairs, etc.

Be warned though, that if you start exercising more you may experience a temporary STS or even gain because the body retains water to help repair the muscles.
Day 10

I don't exercise much at the moment, I cant walk the kids to school because my 6 yr old finds it too far (she is NOT an exerciser!). I used to go for a walk each evening last summer, but after school to bedtime just seems to be swallowed up by cooking dinner, doing homework, running the kids to and from clubs and trying to say hi to my husband as I rush past! :(

Today I was on a course with work, it was healthy eating for preschool children. I had to do lots of cooking and tasting, I have no idea how many syns I had, so I didn't have anymore at home, and I think I should be ok. I was only having tester size portions of each thing. I have to go on day 2 of the course tomorrow so will do the same.

B- pineapple, strawberries, greek yog, tea

L- mini scones, carrot and coriander soup,1 slice scone base pizza, smoked mackerel salad, coronation chicken, mixed bean salad, tuna salad

D- potato wedges and cooked chicken, slim tonic water

snacks- 4 teas

Day 11

Second day at my food course, it was great fun and very informative, I will be looking very closely at food labels now!

B- tea, melon, strawberries, fat free greek yog

L- tasters of lots of things, approx. a desert spoon full of each: coconut rice, mushroom lasagne, vegetable rice, greek salad, cauliflower curry, veg chilli, spag bol, jerk chicken, oaty fish cakes, turkey tikka balls,

D- potato wedges

snacks- tea x3, 2 homemade biscuits, 2 alpen bars (hex B)

Syns- no idea, not many I don't think, but there were some naughty ingredients like coconut milk! back to normal tomorrow!
You couldn't really do anything about your work taster sessions - and I don't suppose you've done badly as a result either. At least there was plenty of Speed foods in them!!

You've done extremely well in not allowing the things you couldn't do anything about to sabotage the rest of the day - did you manage an on-plan day today?
Day 12 and 13

Completely forgot to post yesterday, oops! so here is day 12 and 13!
Thanks Patty, the food course was a bit of a bummer for timing, but it was a really good course and I really enjoyed it. It was aimed at feeding pre school children but she gave us some lovely recipes which you can make with very little or no sugar and butter. So I can transfer it easily to me. I don't like to give my children any artificial sweetners in drinks etc, so they only drink Ribena or highjuice. I hate the thought of all those chemicals in food and drink, so try not to have them in the house, Except for my tonic water and diet coke, which I only have while on SW, I could do without them but then I would only drink tea!
Anyway here goes...

Day 12

B- Tea, 2 shape yogs, melon, banana

L- Marks & Spencer super wholefood salad & M&S lentil and goats cheese salad, tea

D - Spag bol, slim tonic water

Snacks - 2 alpen bars (hex b)

Syns - not sure, some in the salad dressings, but everything else free.

Day 13

B- 2 Alpen bars ( hex b), tea

L- Spag bol, Tea

D- Chicken fajita and rice (chicken, onion, peppers, spice), pepsi max

Snacks - Tea, 1 chocolate hobnob (4.5)

Syns - 4.5

Hoping for another loss on Monday! I definitely feel slimmer, I think bready type things must make me bloat usually, because I haven't lost enough weight to make a difference surely? but I definitely have a flatter tummy. Yay!

Still feeling positive!
Day 14

Ok, so day 14

B- Tea, 2 rashers bacon, dry fried egg, spaghetti hoops

L- Butternut soup, 2 small slices bread (Hex B), leftover chicken fajita, curly wurly (5.5 syns)

D - Steak, salad leaves, peppercorn sauce (3 syns)

Snacks - Banana, Tea x 2

Syns - 8.5

Quite pleased with my effort today as the mother in law presented cream cakes today, then my mum popped round with a freshly made Victoria sponge! I gave in to a curly wurly instead, as unsure of the syns in the sponge.
Day 15, 16, 17

Oops, I forgot to post!! Just been getting on with it, planning my day and sticking to it! Here goes:

B- Tea, All bran (hex b), yogurt, banana, pear

L- Spaghetti Bolognese, Tea, Curly wurly (5.5)

D- Terryaki Salmon Stir Fry, Lime soda, Mikado x 8 (4)

Snacks - mango, tea

Syns- 9.5

Day 16

B- Tea, yogurt, banana, kiwi, grapes, all bran (hex b)

L- Jacket with crabstick and mayo (2), melon, lime soda

D- Roast pork, new potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, baby corn, glass wine (10)

Snacks - Pineapple

Syns- 12

Day 17

B- Tea, yogurt, banana, strawberries, Satsuma

L- tea, new potatoes, smoked mackerel, spring onions, curly wurly (5.5)

D- Lime soda, corn on the cob, 2 burgers with dairylea (hex a), lettuce, tomatoes, king prawns

Snacks - tea, 2 alpen bars (hex b), 1/2 a chocolate brownie:17729:My son has a cake sale at school so was making brownies for him to take to school, I refused to lick the bowl, but it all went wrong when they came out the oven! So no more syns for me today, hoping it was a low syn brownie. hehe.

Thankyou all so much for your kind comments, it actually really helps.:thankyou::thankyou::thankyou:
I tend to be an 'all or nothing' person when it comes to treat-type foods - generally, if I start eating sweets/chocolate etc. I want more and more and as long as I don't get the taste I rarely get a craving for them. (Note - that is a generalisation, even for me, and there are exceptions).

In the past, this mentality has lead to an 'I've eaten something 'bad', so I've blown the diet; what's the point'? falling from the wagon. This time, I decided to start with a different mentality and acknowledge that there would be times when, despite my best intentions, I couldn't stick to plan, so I'd enjoy the lapses and then get back on track. Most of the time, I've been successful and this has, I think, made it easier to maintain because I've sort of practiced along the way. I feel I haven't explained this very well, but I hope you understand what I mean.

One of the things I decided to do, for example, was enjoy a bit of cake when it's someone's birthday (at work, the birthday boy/girl provides cake). I always asked for a 'sliver' - just enough to say I've joined in - and even now I do the same. I got some raised eyebrows at first, but now everyone accepts it. What I'm saying is that it's OK to have a bit of something like a brownie if you allow for the Syns and particularly if you've avoided licking out the batter bowl - a major victory, in my book! You're teaching yourself moderation so you're less likely to regain weight later and in the meantime, you've also stopped yourself from feeling deprived, which means you're more likely to stick to your plan.

I'm sorry if this sounds a bit like a lecture; it isn't meant to!
Thank you so much Patty, you are so right, I do want to be super good and shift some weight before holiday, but I don't want to put it all back on again after, denying myself what I consider treats isn't going to help in the long run. I have yo-yo'd in the past, lost lots, completely gone off the diet and gained more than before. The silly thing is, cake really isn't my weakness, I don't have a huge sweet tooth, my down fall is CHEESE, me and my friend meet for lunch and it always consists of a BIG cheeseboard, fresh bread and a jar of chutney or chilli jam, olives, sundried tomatoes etc, mmm mmm drooling just thinking of it! To think I could never have that again is torture, so I have decided that when we do meet, and it isn't that often (maybe once every 3-4 month) I shall pig myself and enjoy every morsel! I wont feel guilty or shameful, just go back to plan next meal!

I haven't had much cheese since starting SW because I fear that it is a slippery slope, one bite will lead to more, and more, and more, bit like an alcoholic avoiding drink, I am a cheeseoholic!

Day 18

B- Tea, yogurt, strawberries, banana, kiwi

L- new potatoes, smoked mackerel, pineapple

D- lamb casserole (2), coke zero

Snacks - tea, green tea, choc chip rock cake (10?) not sure on the syns but hoping 10 will cover it, it was homemade and not overly sweet, someone brings cakes to work every Thursday! I went for the rock cake instead of the choc fudge cake though, so a mini victory!:party0019: