My Diary

The Gods do like to challenge us, don't they? School run (we walk, about a mile there and back) in the snow and ice but I made it in one piece (with No2 son a picture in shorts and snow boots!!) Now I need to leave shortly to go and get him again and it's chucking it down and really windy with occasional hailstones, then walk from school to piano lesson, walk around the block a few times while he's there and then walk home when he's finished. Definitely time for the waterproof trousers, someone give me strength to walk past the car on the way to school without getting in to it! Just had lunch, a huge bowl of salad with some ham and LF cheese thrown in, lettuce, carrot, celery, onion, cucumber, tomato and lighter than light mayo. Was gorgeous. washed down with water and green tea. Soup for dinner with a small sandwich I think. All good!

KB x
So I did all my walking yesterday and was variously snowed/rained/hailed on, all with gale force winds. I was so wind burned last night, my face was blazing! I'm glad I did it though. Today is a much nicer day even though the wind remains. I have walked to school and then detoured for a longer walk back along the shore with the dog. More wind burn with a bit of sea spray burn thrown in for good measure! I think I need a balaclava! Just had a breakfast of grapefruit and pear with LF yogurt, very nice too. Off out visiting shortly, then back to school (walking) later, maybe another walk tonight after dinner. Walking really is the only exercise I do but I think I'm ok with that for now as it is a good one. Maybe something a little more toning as time goes on.
Have a great day!

KB x
You sound totally in the zone Hun, although did have a little laugh at the thought of a balaclava x
Really feeling great and totally in the zone indeed. You could just imagine the trouble I'd get in to in Northern Ireland in a balaclava. Many other places too I'm sure!

KB x
I'm loving the fact that when my concentration begins to wander, as it does a lot, something comes along within a day or two to refocus my mind. I had a terrible day on Friday food wise and then yesterday we decided that we could, after all, afford to go on holiday this summer, something we had ruled out. We have decided to go back to the same place as last year (a gite in Frances) as that's what the kids want to do, they had a great time. Last year I spent the 2 weeks trying to fit in to clothes and saying to myself "If only..." and "Why didn't I..." and feeling very uncomfortable in the heat. That will NOT be happening this year! Usually when I'm off course it takes quite a while to get back on so I hope these reasons to lose weight keep coming! Having said that my son has just informed me he wants to go to an "all you can eat" buffet for his birthday next week. It's all right for him, 6 feet 2 and 9 stone! (He is only 14 though) Not sure how I'll get through that one but I'll give it some thought.

KB x
Well the all you can eat buffet idea has been shelved in favour of somewhere more Coeliac friendly for the younger one and we have decided on a place where at least I know I can get steak and salad to keep me happy. The walking is still going well although I did get half drowned on the way to school this morning. On the upside I was carrying a cello on my back which can only have helped from a weight loss perspective!

KB x
Still managing to keep going somehow, not sure where this motivation is coming from but I'm not knocking it. It's the weekend which can be tricky for me but I'm going to try very hard to keep things under control and get plenty of walking in and that should do the trick. The kids are off for half term starting today which won't be easy either from an exercise AND food point of view but I'll just have to do my best.

KB x
Thank you, Rach! I'm lurching from meal out to meal out at the moment I haven't had a night in all week and while I'm really trying temptation has got the better of me a time or 2, especially when the wine is on board. I am out again tomorrow night and a christening on Sunday, back on the wagon Monday. I'll take my gain on the chin (remind me I said that) on Tuesday and on we go. Hopefully anyway...

KB x
So where do I start? Went out on Saturday night and had been looking forward to a steak all day. Turned out they didn't have any (?) so I ended up eating something inappropriate that I didn't really want. then we had the christening on Sunday which went really well except that most people have been vomiting ever since, including me! I thought I'd poisoned them all but after extensive research it seems nobody had the same things to eat and in fact my son didn't eat anything at all and he was one of the worst affected. Seems to have been a winter vomiting sort of thing and because we were all together everyone got it. Anyway, this is day 3 without food and I managed to get around to weighing in this morning and have lost a pound since last week. I'm sure most of this is due to vomiting/dehydration but I'll take it anyway and prepare for a gain next week, Time will tell.

KB x
Still not feeling up to eating properly so only picking at the odd ham sandwich, still feeling a little nauseated. Hopefully I'll be better tomorrow, can't take much more of this it's driving me mad. Got the kids back to school today, got half a school run done with the wee one, then got a text to say the school heating had broken down and school was closed. So... another day off for him. He probably could be doing with it anyway to get his strength back. Hopefully it will be fixed by tomorrow. I'm getting very little exercise at the moment due to sickness, just the odd short walk with the dog so I'm hoping I'll get to build that up again over the weekend,

KB x
Thanks, Lexie. Feeling better but I've had a hell of a weekend and really have no clue what is going on with food or indeed on the scales. My Dad (who is terminally ill and being nursed at home) took a turn for the worse on Saturday when I was there so I spent the day with doctors, Marie Curie people and eventually ambulances and hospitals. He has improved a little now but still not looking too good and I have been grabbing food as and when I can. Well prepared for a gain tomorrow, we'll see. More important things to think about at the moment so it won't annoy me.

KB x
Thank you, I can't believe it either and worse then that I nearly forgot again this morning. Thankfully I didn't and I have another pound off I'm pleased to report so all good.

KB x