My Fight Back To Health


Full Member
I've called my thread 'My Fight Back To Heath' as that is going to be my focus. Not worrying about how I look or how others see me, or what size clothes I fit into. I want to reverse the decline in health I've suffered over the past few years.

In brief, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia more than 20 years ago but managed to keep relatively mobile until I had my son eleven years ago. Since then I have gained a lot of weight (8 stone) and have gradually found myself struggling with day-to-day life. Like getting up off the sofa, or out of the shower. And I feel crap - tired, low motivation and generally unwell. I know the Fibro is responsible for a lot of this but I also know that my weight isn't helping. I have got food intolerances too, but still eat the foods I know don't agree with me such as dairy, cream and chocolate.

But enough is enough. I am only 43 - even though some days I feel 83 - and I am determined that by my 45th birthday in May 2013 I am going to be the healthiest I can be. I know it's going to take me at least that long to shift this weight. This in the past has put me off but deep down I know it's now or never. My dad had a near fatal heart attack at the age of 53 and my mum died of Lupus and heart problems at the age of 65 so if I want to lengthen my life span and - more importantly - enjoy my life to the full, I have to lose some weight and get more active.

Activity - I do nothing. Fifteen years ago I used to go to the gym daily and maintained my weight around 10 stone. Hard to believe now. I look in the mirror and don't recognise the person I have become. And I want my son to know the vibrant, fun loving person I was, rather than the 'mum' he has to pull off the sofa. I'm fortunate in that my husband has always said he loves me no matter what my size, but I know we can enjoy our life together more if I am fitter and healthier. We used to enjoy walks and cycle rides and now I can barely walk to the local shop. I get severe pain in my feet, ankes and knees. I would like to know if this is caused by my Fibro or weight and if I lose weight and still can't walk far or do much exercise then so-be-it, I have had half a lifetime of accepting the reality of Fibromyalgia pain. But I'd like to find out if reducing my weight will help as I suspect it will.

So here goes. 2012 - the year I am finally going to take control and regain some of my health. It's not going to be an easy battle as I am really coming at it from a point of ill health and immobility. But little steps will hopefully make the next steps easier.

Thanks for reading if you have got this far, I know I've rambled a bit, but it helps to get my thoughts down on 'paper'.
Today really is the first day of the rest of your life and you have the power to make the very best of it.

There is no condition out there that is made to feel better by being over weight. We all know that, yet losing the lbs is hard and so many of us have tried and failed. However, that doesn't mean that is how it is forever, because if this time you REALLY mean it and I think you do, then change is on it's way.

You can and will do this, dip in here frequently for support and information. Make yourself and your health the most important thing in 2012. Because you're worth it!
Thanks both of you for your support. Barb - this time I do mean it as I know I have to do it for my health and life expectancy.

I've had a good day today. Am intending to stick to 3 meals a day plus a snack (which was a creme egg today, bit early for Easter I know but ...!!) and fruit inbetween if I get hungry. I've kept myself busy cleaning the living room and sorting out the huge pile of magazines for recycling, then taken my son to tennis.

Motivation for the day: Aiming to be well enough to have a game of badminton with my son
Hi kayjay, sorry to hear you can't access my diary, i have explained on my thread in technical support, the one you have posted on recently! :)

I have had a wee break the past few weeks due to family issues but will be back next week, i look forward to chatting with you more and now that i've found your diary, we can keep up to date in here :)

have a good day x
Hi Kayjay,

I have UCTD and fibromyalgia so I can't totally relate to how you feel. I also want to know if losing weight will help with my pain. I've also been having breathing problems (off for an X-ray today - wish me luck) and its really put things into perspective for me. I can't sit on my flabby behind and moan about my health being so bad when I'm not willing to help myself by feeding my body nutritious food and doing a little exercise. I know there's no diet that will cure fms or uctd but it cant hurt can it? And may I say this is my observation of myself and not directed at you, just how I feel about myself (kind of a pep talk to myself!)

Exercise for me is hard, as I am sure it is for you? The pain can often outweigh the benefits, but I think I need to try and listen to my body and stop when I think I've had enough, rather then pushing myself to my limits and paying for it for day's after.

What do you think?

Good luck and let us know how things go,

Mem x