My Herbalife - Do or Diet

Im going to my make my own root veg crisps tomorrow. Yummy.
And had a bloody long day today and stuffed my face. But having a homemade pork kebab for t. Yum.
Right...back on it today...went for an hours swim this morning. Had both my shakes but only just realised I haven't taken any tabs! Oh well, will do in a minute! Think I'm going to have Haddock AND Salmon salad for tea as I'm starving again! Just found out it is my TOTM, (don't usually have them as on Depo injection)
Just making to veg crisps to have while I watch my Girl Crush in The Client List season two!
Had 2.5 slices of thin roast beef and a packet of quavers as snacks so thats 158 cals in snacks, so not bad at all! :)

20 days until Benidorm so I'm gonna bring it up a notch over next few weeks! Lol!

I've not remembered tabs cos they are on desk at work :mad:
The crisps are so yummy n so easy. Just thinnly slice, put on grease proof paper, spray with fry light add salt n pepper to taste n bake in oven for about 15 20 minutes.

Not starving just wanting to pick at everything. Had a curly wurly and two quality street chocs. Come to bed to read my "magazines of dread" as my bessie calls em so I dont eat anything else. May take a sleeping tablet too so I sleep and can go for a swim in the morning.

Well got up too late for the swim. Can't go now as it will be over run with kids. 6 mile round walk to see the Pops instead. Slept poo but hey ho. Hope everyone else is doig well.xx