My Herbalife Journey


Hello all,

I have done every diet under the sun and the only ones I have been successful on are meal replacement ones (Celebrity Slim and Herbalife). I tried HL for the first time a couple of months ago and lost 7 or 8 pounds in a few weeks, but I felt I had to stop as I couldn't afford to buy all the products. So I never went back to my meeting with my distributor and I started SW instead. I do think SW is ace but as I live on my own it's just not been that practical to cook for myself. I'm also very all-or-nothing, and I couldn't motivate myself properly on it.

I still have some of the products left from when I did it last time and going forward I am planning on getting the shakes from Ebay as they are a bit cheaper, and buying different fibre and multivitamins after my HL ones have run out. I'm spending more money buying rubbish food than I was buying HL so I just need to stick to it and I will save some money!

I'm at a bit of a low with my life at the mo, I seem to have a lot on my plate and not many supportive people around me at the moment so I could do with a few followers to keep me going. I want to lose a stone and get back to my lowest weight, and increase my confidence and feel healthier. When I was on HL despite everyone around me telling me it was a pyramid scheme and a fad I felt better than ever!

I'll be checking in on here every day to keep my motivation up, I know if I stick to it it will only take 4-6 weeks to reach my goal! Then I'm staying there this time!

Also doing Chalene Johnson's Turbofire and going on long walks to burn the cals. I am hoping to reach my goal by 1 August so I can get some nice summer clothes and not be hiding away like every other year! Might get my bellybutton pierced when I have a flat stomach!

Good luck everyone I'll be reading your stories as well :) xx
Hi Becca and welcome :) I find it's a bit quiet here and although I don't write every day, I do try and pop in to read other people's diaries for inspiration, not just Herbalife but dieting in general. I'll be following your diary, hopefully we'll be able to spur each other on! :)
How did your first day go?