My Life without Sugar Diet Diary

Have you decided to stop CD then? Can I ask why? I've always found your posts on CD very positive and hadn't realised you were changing. I'm only asking as recently i've been finding it all a bit of a struggle, especially as the Summer is nearly upon us.
Hiya Liz...thank you for the nice remarks. :)
I was never actually on CD...I have been following a low carb diet with protein shakes so it was kind of similar. I tended to hang around the CD board as everybody is so supportive and it has a fast turn over of messages to read...but I do actually post on most boards...I have found everyone on Mini's to be fab.
I won't be leaving the CD boards and will be continuing to post...and try not to get fed up are doing sooo well. A loss every week...and a good loss too. Keep up the good work and you will be at goal before the end of summer and you will be able to indulge in all the wonderful things you are currently going without. It's so worth it.
Keep your chin can do it. X x