ProPoints My ProPoints and INSANITY weight loss journey.

So I have finished recovery week now, which means the dreaded month 2 starts tomorrow!
I have a fit test tomorrow before I start the horrific max workouts on Tuesday. Really hope I see improvement from my last fit test and am also hoping to see some inch loss with it being 3 weeks since I last measured.
Found this really interesting. How long does each work out last?
In month one they vary from 35-45, in month two (just about to do the first one) they are about an hour long.
Quite scared to do it today as I'm normally spent after 45 minutes!!
Okay so I have been pretty rubbish at keeping this thread up to date!
I have kept up with insanity and am now 3 days from the end.
I have somehow managed to not miss a day, hurrah!
The hardest part was definitely the transition from month 1 to month 2, and more recently I have been on holiday. It is not easy to work out in the heat of Italy! But I managed I stick with it and am very proud of myself.
I am now a bit worried that I'll have put on a few inches and pounds after an overindulgent couple of weeks, but it's impossible to stay on track in a place where the food tastes so good but is oh so carbuncular.
I will post a final post reviewing insanity alongside all of my results on Monday when I finish :)
OKay so this is my last insanity related post, after completing the programme on sunday.
So I thought I'd include a summary of my results and pictures I'd taken before and after.
SO first off you complete a fit test every 2 weeks, instead of including all results I'm just including the first and last as the rest just gradually improved.
So here they are:
Activity Day 1 Day 63 Difference
Switch Kicks 62 60 -2
Power Jacks 57 67 +10
Power Knees 90 127 +37
Power Jumps 22 41 +19
Globe Jumps 8 12 +4
Suicides 13 21 +7
Push up Jacks 12 32 +20
Plank Obliques 40 80 +80

I was incredibly happy with these results, I improved in 7 of the 8 activities and feel so much fitter over all. Not really sure if I did switch kicks properly on the first week as I just couldn't match it at all through any of the fit tests!

As well as increasing fitness, I also lost some weight whilst doing insanity, weight and measurements were:

Measurement Day 1 Day 63 +/-
Weight 81.1kg 76.7kg -4.4kg
Upper Thigh 25 in 23.5 in -1.5 in
Hips 41.5 in 39 in -2.5 in
Waist 33.5 in 30.5 in -3 in
Under Bust 38 in 34.5 in -3.5 in
Bust 40 in 37.5 in -2.5 in
Upper Arm 13.5 in 11.5 in -2 in

I am thrilled with these results, it made every day of getting up, pressing play and sweating buckets completely worth it!

I'm definitely going to stick with weight watchers for at least another 4-5 weeks, and am now training for my second half marathon in october :)
Here are my pictures, I think you can see a difference, but I am definitely not at goal weight yet so time to stay focussed.

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Thanks so much for posting your results. You have done so well . I'm hoping to start insanity soon. You look great! How did you motivate yourself everyday?
It was quite difficult to motivate myself in the first couple of weeks because I ached so much! But once you get into a routine of doing it everyday you get to the point where you are easily motivated. If I really didnt have time one day I would swap my rest day in and do my missed workout on my rest day instead.
Obviously there were days where it was hard to get on and do it but I was so far through the programme at that point that I just couldn't let myself miss one!