Step 1 Sole Source My return for 2013


Going for Goal!
Hi Everyone,

I'm going to be returning to the Cambridge Weight Plan in a few weeks time.

I lost over 10 stone with Cambridge around 3.5 years ago. I fell pregnant and had to come off the diet (I was 1 stone away from goal!) I had to stop the diet immediately, so I gorged and gorged, and yes I'm still gorging...My Son is 2 years old in a fortnight and i've got to a point where having my photo taken with him has become a big issue for me, as i'm back to where I was 3.5 years ago - complete avoidance of the harsh truth that I am a fatty and need to loose weight.

In all all honesty I have been feeling quite low about it, but spent most of my life fed up of being fat, unable to shop for nice clothes, lack of confidence...the list is endless.

I'll be honest, the year I spent doing the Cambridge plan was at times a real hard slog, yet on the flip of the coin, when I was loosing weight and throwing out bags of clothes that were like tents on my new figure, that feeling of happiness was just the ultimate prize. I found people looked at me differently too, I made a large group of friends and became more active - a confidence to do these things which I had not ever posessed before.

I tried to restart before but I just couldn't get my head into the zone. Luckily I am a determined so and so and plan to take control of my weight before it controls me. It's already beginning to take a hold on me and I just can't let it happen anymore. I miss my facial features and my feagure, so does my Husband.

I've been in touch with my local consultant and hope to start in mid February.

Here's hoping I can stick with it again and reach my goal.
Hey Emma I am back too start all over again so I feel you pain, I am on day 2 and going ok
Good luck Emma.
I am back too. I started 3 days ago after 3.5's hard!!! But I have to stick on it!
Hi! I have restarted today after having Dec and Jan off .. gained 4lb in that time but was a little piggy over Xmas so not too fussed!! .. Got approx 2st to lose..

Good Luck Everybody! xx
Wow!! It makes it much easier with these lemon bars - like cheesecake!! Amazing!!! X
Good luck Emma!! I have just returned and on day three and so far so good! Like you I lost 3 stone in 2011 and its slowly crept back on :-( I have also avoided photos etc as I have been in denial! I tried to get back on it last year but like you, just couldn't get my head in the zone!!! I am now so determined to do this and do maintenance to keep it off FOR GOOD!! So sick of feeling so low about myself, and because feeling so low...I comfort eat!! It's like a vicious circle!!! We can do it!!! X
Good luck : ) Hope everything goes well for you xxx
Hi Emma - have you restarted yet hun? :)