My rollercoaster ride to slimdom!

Dear all

After starting Exante, doing well and then falling off of the wagon, I have decided to keep a public diary. My hopes are that people can spur me on, that I can vent in a place with similar minded people and people who will know where I'm coming from.

I managed 12 days 100% on TS and lost a lovely 18lb. I felt great. I felt better than ever, I was happy and even beginning to feel comfortable iny own skin. Then it happened. I fell off! I ate, and ate, and get the idea. I am too afraid to weigh myself at the moment but tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of this diet. I owe it to myself. I want to feel the same way I did before. I got to 12st 13. For me that is an achievement as never before have I been under 13st. Okay, so it's only a pound under, but under nevertheless.

So here goes. Im going to have some water before bed, and wake up a newly refreshed and motivated person!

I can do this. I've done jt before. I can do it again.

3 stone by August. Please!

Good luck :), you can do it! xx
Weighed in at 13st11 this morning. Gutted! This time last week I was 12st 13. Goes to show though that it's so easy to do if you're not careful.

Had my first shake and 1litre of water. Currently talking to a friend about how life was at 18st (my biggest, back in. 2010) I never ever want to go back to that desperately unhappy place!
I'm 24 and have a whole life to live, I want to go out and enjoy life, I want to be able to chase after my children in the park. I want to be slimmer!

I've got to do this

Day one- DONE! So happy with that. I realise it's 'only' a day but all these days add up. I weighed a moment ago and the scales said 13.8. (Yes, I know it's advised not to weigh every day...but it works for me!) I find that not weighing myself, takes my eyes off the prize so to speak and then I falter.

Feeling good! Long may this last.

Weighed in at 13st4 this morning, what a drop! All water of course but the scales are looking friendlier than yesterday. Feeling good and positive, not long and I'll be in the 12's again! I am now the same weight that I was in 2010 when I did CWP. This was my 'happy' weight but somehow this time around (and another baby later) I am still a little leap from 'happy'. Would like to include exercise soon so the gym will hopefully become by second home.

Mini goal one, day 1 of 100%. DONE :)

Hiya SlimmerDreams, welcome and good luck on your Exante journey. :hug99: xx
Thank you gigglepants! :)

Splitting headache this evening, drinking lots of water and just had my second shake. Looking forwards to an early night to try and shift it.
Isn't it strange how on this diet you find yourself thinking about foods that you would never normally eat...! And ironically enough it's all healthy food lol. Or maybe it's just me!

Eyes still firmly on the prize, can't wait xxx
Thank you, yes wish I'd found Exante years ago! :D

Lol whenever I have cravings it's for egg and watercress sandwiches!

Though the both times I've caved it's been down to fresh crusty bread being in the house! :D
hello slimmerdreams, good luck with your exante journey, glad you are doing well keep up the good work we are all with you x:)
Fresh crusty downfall too! Thank you Jacqueline :) Good luck to you also, it's nice to know others are in the 'same boat' so to speak as I find this diet can be lonely sometimes!

Currently have a splitting headache. Not suffered with headaches on Exante before, maybe a bug! Took some tramadol (prescribed to me for my gallstone attacks) but it's not shifting anywhere. Definitely not down to water intake- drinking lots, as I really find it helps my losses.

I have a family get together to attend in August. I have family visiting from the States and I really want to be slim for it. Also looking to go to Florida next month and I want to look half decent in a bikini. Just keeping all these things in mind to stop me messing up. Still cooking for my little ones and other half, so temptation is pretty much constantly around me. I'm finding that the more I resist, the better I do as time goes on. It's like I'm proving to myself I CAN do it so go on to beat every hurdle.
Anyway, I'm off to bed in hope of rising without this headache...more like a migraine, my sight is going a little squ-iff!

Not expecting anybody to reply but I find that typing on here is a distraction from eating- keeps my hands busy as my other half sits eating naughties!

Night all

Day 3...scales say 13st2lb.

Felt so ill last night, took tramadol for the migraine and it made me feel worse! I felt awful, faint, dizzy and sick. My vision went weird and had the shakes. It's not the diet though, it was the tablets. Never again!B

Keep catching glimpses of myself in window reflection, somehow I think I look bigger than I was last week?!

Visualising myself slim and I can't imagine it...I've always been a porky one so it will be a whole new experience for me once I get there ;-)

Can't wait!

Day 3 over...another mini goal accomplished. Very nearly caved in earlier, bought my children some sweets and sat smelling the bag for a few minutes. Then had my OH telling me I don't need to do this diet, that it's not healthy, that I have to eat at some stage....BUT I didn't give in! And I'm really proud of myself as I'm usually easily swayed :)

I have the family round for dinner on Sunday, that will be another test- I make a mighty fine roast dinner! ;-) but I'd rather be slim....Keep thinking SLIM!!!!

Hope to see another drop on the scales tomorrow. Bring on day 4....

Such an idiot, ate today :-( so annoyed at myself. It was a mini binge and I'm utterly ashamed however I can't dwell on it else I'll never pick myself up and move on from it.

I think the problem was that I had had all oft shakes by 4pm today. As I went to the gym I had two, one after the other. Weighed myself and the scales say 13.6. It was 13 this morning but I hope I'm correct when I say that's not 6lb of fat I've put on writhing a few hours?!!

Anyway. Line drawn under that- on with the eater I go. Feel so ashamed ad embarrassed. Why oh why....
