My Slim for Life Diary


Full Member
Hi all - Newbie to JUDDD here and thought I would get a Diary set up in Prep for Day 1 on Monday which will be a DD!

I have purchased a Journal to keep in my bag so I have a handy reference Guide and I have been researching on My Fitness Pal on low calorie foods so I can get a meal plan together for my DD's.

I have been doing Slimming world for Years so I do know the healthy foods and can manage the healthy eating, it's just the "eat all you want" pasta and stuff that didn't work for me, my body doesn't process certain foods so well so I have decided JUDDD is best for me - well hopefully or I'll be at a loss where to go next!!

A little about me - Well I'm 32 and in my mind I have been a big fat mess most of my life, I remember being 16 and thinking I was massive so I did rosemary connoly and lost a stone, same at 18...19....20 well every year since then - however when I look back now at me in my younger years I long to be "that slim" again. I was a size 14!! Size 14 and I thought I was FAT! That's the negative effect the media has on you I guess - I am now a size 20 and I AM Actually FAT haha not just imaginary Fat!! I found a pic of myself on holiday when I was 19 with my BF (Now hubby!) and I had a fitted skirt that sat above my knee and a vest top that didn't quite meet the skits waist band, I had no muffin top, no bulge and a flat belly - I want that again!!! I don't want to be a size 8 or 10, I will NEVER be that size, I am realistic with that knowledge, I would like to be a 12-14, I would be over the moon ecstatic with that, I would like to know I am going on holiday and shop for clothes/swimwear that I want and not what I think will cover me up best while still keeping me relativity cool. I would love for my son to stop saying I have a big bum and fat tummy (he is only 6) and asking me when I get back from a run "Have you lost some weight yet, I can't wait for you to be fit" :( and for him to stop obsessing about having a fat belly and needing to exercise to make sure he stays slim (he even wanted a keep fit birthday party to teach his friends the importance of healthy eating and exercise so you don't get fat) that is heart breaking! I also have a daughter now (20 months) and if he being a boy is like this (which I am guessing is due to me being "bigger" ) then I dread to think what she will be like with the way society is.

Anyway I have rambled on a bit there, my MAIN goal is to be Slim, for Life! I have mini goals and things to aim for along the way but I don't want the final goal to be "its for xxx holiday" as it's is an aim to be there by that point but that is not what I am doing it for, I am doing it FOR LIFE - I hope!!

My mini goals will be :- Cousins wedding in August, Family holiday in December, Brother Wedding in April 2014 (that will be the date I aim to be at my final weight although I may re-asses this as I go as I have 7stone to loose!)
I did the calorie thing on the website and put in I do "moderate" exercise (as I do the C25k so currently run 2.6 miles in 30 mins, 3 x a week) and I am tall at 5ft 10 and 32 yrs old and currently at 17s 10lb (grrrrrr) and it said DD is 574 cals and UP is 2978 cals - now that seems A LOT to me (the UP!) as most peeps seem to say a 500/2000 split.

The first 2 weeks I will be doing the 500/2000 split and then re-assess, I will probably always keep my DD calories at 500 but my UD ones I may increase a bit - depending on how I am finding it!

I have done a mock up DD menu - It needs tweaking to get it to 500 as it stands at 574 but this was litterally a menu that took me 20 mins to think of and plan so by Monday this will be tweaked - I don't know if this is realistic or right....i got the cal info from My Fitness Pal - can anyone please say if you see any problems with this!!! I am trying to eat little and often to "keep me going" as I am one for fasting and then having 500c in 1 meal.

7am - 1/2 Portion of "magic porridge" = 116 Cal
9am - 1/2 Banana = 45 Cal
11am - 1/2 Banana = 45 Cal
12.30pm - 50g Cous Cous = 79 Cal
1/2 Bell Pepper = 7.5 Cal
10ml Light Soy Sauce = 6 Cal
3.30pm - 1/2 portion "Magic Porridge" = 116 Cal
7.30pm - Tuna Steak (weighed) = 107 Cal
25g Cous Cous = 39 Cals
1/2 Bell Pepper = 7.5 Cals
10 Ml Light Soy = 6 Cals
TOTAL = 574

Looking at it I would probably remove the Banana and have the magic porridge later about 9am then bring lunch forward to 12pm - that would take me to 474 Cals. I know timings look odd but 2 of the 3 days I will be at work and have a very hectic morning and evening (kids sorted before/after work) and these are the approx times I eat now anyway so going to try and stick to them!
Good luck with Juddd. You'll love it.
Can u suggest that you try to just have one or two meals on your DD. It's perfectly fine that you consume all 500kcals in one meal, just leave it until the evening so your not ravenous later on. I think if you start eating so early you will be waking up your stomach and will be hungry for the day. Also to get the ful beenfits its better if you fast with food for as many hours as possible. Another thing is if you snack every few hours your body wwill be constantly busy digesting food and wont have time or energy to start repairing your cells/body.
Try one day of not eating till late afternoon with soup etc/salad and have an evening meal then and see how you go. I wish you every success for your mini-and long term goals. Keep us posted. x
Welcome MrsSlimtobeSample :)

Looking forward to seeing how you get on :)

Thank you Carrot_tit

Good luck with Juddd. You'll love it.
Can u suggest that you try to just have one or two meals on your DD. It's perfectly fine that you consume all 500kcals in one meal, just leave it until the evening so your not ravenous later on. I think if you start eating so early you will be waking up your stomach and will be hungry for the day. Also to get the ful beenfits its better if you fast with food for as many hours as possible. Another thing is if you snack every few hours your body wwill be constantly busy digesting food and wont have time or energy to start repairing your cells/body.
Try one day of not eating till late afternoon with soup etc/salad and have an evening meal then and see how you go. I wish you every success for your mini-and long term goals. Keep us posted. x

Thanks for the Information Irish-Ozzy - I never thought of it like that, I thought it was just better / healthier to feed my body little & often to get it through the day lol - I will give your way a go though and see how I get on. I guess after a week or 2 of doing it that way my body will get used to it!!

Thanks again for the tip!!
Just looked at my menu again - if I'm to eat just twice to get the best effect I think I will be best having

1pm : Magic Porridge = 232 Cals
7pm : Tuna Steak (or Other Fish) = Approx 110 Cal
75g Cous Cous = 118 Cal
Full Red Pepper = 15 Cals
20 Ml Light Soy = 12 Cals

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Thanks - I am actually looking forward to starting it!

I can't wait to see if it works and the body changes that everyone is talking about. I have an apron tummy so really looking forward to seeing that reduced haha!! on my UD I am still aiming to steer relatively clear of Carbs, especially white ones (bread, pasta etc) as these bloat me and my system does not digest them well which I think is evident in the places that the weight sits!

I really need to start with the arm toning though as well, these bingo wings just have to go haha!

May include the 30 day squat challenge in with the 3 x a week running and Wii Fit.
Don't get disheartened if your first few UD's are mega. We all do it and still lose some. I also find that even if I eat lots of carbs/processed food on an UD, I don't get bloated like I used to.

My arms are finally toned, I love that feeling. I've always done weights for years but when I eat poorly for few weeks/months, despite still doing weights, I lose all definition and hate the sight and feel of my arms. Another reason to stay on track so. Take measurements too.
I had an apron tummy too after 7 kids and the last being twins but it's gone now. I'm 52 so thought it was there for life. The weight loss has been fairly slow lately but my inch loss continues. Good luck :) xx
Don't get disheartened if your first few UD's are mega. We all do it and still lose some. I also find that even if I eat lots of carbs/processed food on an UD, I don't get bloated like I used to.

My arms are finally toned, I love that feeling. I've always done weights for years but when I eat poorly for few weeks/months, despite still doing weights, I lose all definition and hate the sight and feel of my arms. Another reason to stay on track so. Take measurements too.

ooooo defined day that would be amazing lol!! I was gonna get the tins of beans out but found my husbands weights in the garage (dusty and cobwebbed shows how much he uses them!) so I think I will lift them every night when I nip downstairs to hang the washing - a quick 15 min lift every day should help a little!!

I will try not to go mad today (UD!) although I'm hungrier than usual and more so than yesterday which I assume is due to me eating just under the 500 yesterday (which I will write a post about in a minute!) - I've already used 600 of my 2000 and it's not even 11am ha!

I took measurements much to the amusement of my 6 year old who taught my 20 month old little girl to point and yell "big fat boobies".....boys are so rude!

I had an apron tummy too after 7 kids and the last being twins but it's gone now. I'm 52 so thought it was there for life. The weight loss has been fairly slow lately but my inch loss continues. Good luck :) xx

This is the best thing I have read lol!! I had resigned myself to having this god forsaken thing for years as it got much worse after kids, I'm lucky that I didn't get much in the way of stretch marks (just a few minimal silverey lines) so this is such a positive thing to aim for, and like many I'm not actually too bothered about the weight on the scales....its all about the look, the inches and the dress size for me.

My dad is 6ft2 and is pretty chunky (well he has a big fat belly lol) and he weighs half a stone less than me! His jumpers bury me if I pop one on when cold at his house, yet he weighs less, it always pissed me off, now I have accepted bone density MUST play a part lol
Well Yesterday Monday 20th May was my first day on JUDDD! I started with my first DD full of the joys of spring....well you know as joyous as you can be in miserable northern spring weather! I was positive, it felt good, it was one day, I could easily last one day right.....?

Well yes actually I could. I managed it, relatively easy but I am not kidding myself just yet!!

Mondays for me are my "busy day" as I don't work Mondays. Yesterday consisted of getting up, getting both kids ready, packed lunch made for the older one, school bag sorted and breaky given etc, then out to take the older one to school.

After that it was a rush to drop the little one of at my dads for him to watch her while I went to town to get my eyes testes, I bought a big bottle of water to glug on to get me through. By the time I picked DD up it and got home with her it was 11.30, however we had someone coming to look at the house at 1pm so we spent an hour cleaning. Well I spent an hour cleaning, the little madamme spent an hour playing, causing more mess, eating cheese and grapes and demanding "MORE PEPPA MUMMY, MORE PEPPA" [Note to self : stop using peppa pig as a babysitter, it is more annoying than actually having a small child trying to help].

Once the cleaning was done it was 12.30, bonus, I had only felt a few pangs of hunger and not really thought about food at all so I treated myself to a can of Heinz Chicken Noodle soup - as it turns out the nicest soup I had even eaten, I was obviously more hungry than I thought [second note to self : don't EVER eat again on a DD in front of the small gannit child, you will have to share precious food which will make you want to cry]. After the vist, the little one went for a nap so I set about painting a keepsake box I am making and then it was time to wake her up and go and get her brother. She took a packet of crisps with her and insisted I had one (OK OK she said "mummy eat" and I said "ok thanks" while drooling at the thought, and if I'm honest I sucked the crisp in to oblivion to savor it until my next meal - once again it was the nicest crisp I have eaten EVER!).

Once we were home it was the usual busy time of sorting the kids, getting the house a bit more tidy (again - did I mention the small one is also crossed with a tornado?) and making their tea, I was a little peckish so I had 3 slices of Wafer thin chicken to take the edge of so it didn't munch the kids tea before it hit their plates! Now as I wasn't eating with them and hubby wasn't home at "normal time" they were having Nuggets, Waffels and beans (bad food lol) and hubby a pizza, once they had eaten and left some nuggets I did actually put one in my mouth.....then realised what I did and spat it out (big pat on the back) unfortunately the small shadow I have had witnessed this event and proceeded to spit everything out of her own mouth giggling shouting "mummy spit" (FAIL!). After the "Spitgate" incident it was knocking 5.30 so I popped hubby a pizza in (have you ever smelt a pepperoni pizza when you have not really eaten all day, some advice for you DON'T it is torture, this would be the best course of action for them to use at Guantanamo Bay, they would get all the confessions they need!) and made my cous cous, tuna and veg. Once again this was the nicest meal I had EVER eaten, who knew you could have so much nice food in one day ha!

After the little one went to bed, my folks came to baby sit so we could go see the new Star Trek movie in 3D (Amazing, loved it, I would recommend it!) so I took a bottle of water and once there my husband very thoughtfully purchased a packet of Jelly Beans to munch through the whole movie, he never even offered me one, not one sticking Jelly bean - I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, he doesn't know I'm doing JUDDD as he calls every diet a "fad" so unless he asks what I am doing (which he isn't likely to as he prob won't notice!) I'm not gonna mention it - I used this knowledge in telling him he was mean and selfish for not offering me any sweets (while secretly smug in the knowledge that he felt bad even though I couldn't have any anyway, WINNER!!).

It was 11pm when we got home and my tum was starting to shout at me again "Oi feed me, feed me now!" So I went to bed, triumphant at my awesomness of the day and declared myself the most awesome person on the planet and slept peacefully in my knowledge that tomorrow is a day of...FOOD!

So my actual menu yesterday went like this:-

Glass of water for breakfast = 0 Cals
12.30 - 1 can of Heinz Chicken Noodle Soup = 126 Cals
4.00pm - 3 Wafer thin chicken Slices = 24 Cals
5.45pm - 100g of Cous Cous (quite a big portion actually) made with a table spoon of Lime = 188 Cals
1 Asda Cook from Frozen Tuna Steak = 122 Cals (baked in tin foil in the oven)
1/2 red pepper & 1/4 onion fried in 4 sprays of fry light and some water to soften = 39 Cals

TOTAL : 485 Cals.

Today is going OK - Tomorrow will be Hell, it will be my 2nd DD but I will be at work all day, which means I will be sat at my desk all day which will lead to thinking about food and wanting food, and slavering, and smelling food when the whole floor comes back from the canteen as soon as it opens at 11.30 with their little take out boxes of goodness. Damn it, this is gonna kill me tomorrow [mental note - bring "thin" picture to work to post on desk to remind yourself you don't need to raid the canteen.....or the polly!)
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Today is going ok so far - I am also trying to reduce my portion sizes as I am aware I do tend to over eat, I don't stop when I'm full I stop when the plate is cleared, I hate waste! (this is not just food related, I have endless half tins of paint in the garage for example, although I'm not technically a hoarder I bet I could easily become one!)

So the littlest trouble woke me up at 6am, (very thoughtful) she had come out of her room and found the beaker of juice I had left on the landing and forgotten to take down so I could hear her glugging it down - I put her back to bed when she finished hoping she would go back to sleep, I have NO idea why I did that as I get up at 6.15 anyway, but if she DOES go back to sleep it feels like I have won a battle, and I like winning battles! She stayed in bed till 6.20 and I knew she was going to come and try and help me apply my make up and that she would kick off when I didn't allow it waking up daddy and her brother so we went down, then I remembered today is the best day of my life.....I CAN EAT A NORMAL DAY & have a milky coffee.....BLISS!

SO I had a coffee, DD had a beaker of Tea (actually warm milk with a tea bag dipped in, kids are so easy to fool!). I asked lady muck if she wanted toast she informed me "No, no Hungry, Tup O Tea, Peppa on, Blanket" which translates in my mind to "No thank you mummy, I'm not hungry right now, please can I watch peppa pig under the blanket on the sofa and have a beaker of tea - thank you, you are such a good mummy" (whatever gets you through the day right?) So I put in 2 slices of toast, went in and sat next to DD and she held her hand out "Toast peas mummy" with a big smile ear to ear, good job I made to slices, and good job I love her and she is super cute with the biggest grin in the world as if anyone else would of asked me for my Toast after a DD they would of been flying through the window!

I got to work around 8am, and lo and behold by 8.15 I was feeling peckish, well I was feeling rather hungry. I am a little confused here as I don't usually eat before work, the toast this morning was cause I was super hungry and had some time to kill before needing to get ready, so I usually go to work toastless then get something from the canteen about 8.30 when I start to feel peckish, so I'm wondering why this morning I had EXTRA food but felt hungrier earlier? Probably the lack of calories yesterday, or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me??

I got a hash brown and Egg butty from the canteen on Brown bread - not the best no, but I used to 2 saussage and egg butty with 2 hash browns on the side 4 days a week so got to cut this down slowly! Anyway it was nice and filled a hole....till about 11am when I got hungry again WHAT IS GOING ON! I usually can last till at least 11.30-12pm before I start to think of food after my morning fat face butty!!

On that note I'm off to the canteen but instead of opting for a meal I am going to go for the warm turkey and stuffing sandwich (with a dribble of gravy) on a brown sub roll...YUM

This no/Low carbs thing is not going well - I think I will be needing to have a word with myself about that!
Sounds like your doing well. Don't worry about the low carb i'm sure you'll get there. I need to lower my carb intake as well. I'm starting real slow by just cutting down on the amount of bread and potatoes i eat. I'll try and sort the rest out later :)

I don't know if this is of any help for you but i've been juicing fruit and veg to try and increase my intake as i'm rubbish at eating them and i'm finding that the juice i make is sooo filling. It's really helping me fight why few cravings i have on my DD's. Might be worth a try if your ever struggling :)

So when's your first weigh in?
Carbs make me hungrier. I know many can eat them fine and have no problems but if you are sensitive that way you can get a whooping appetite after sandwiches and toast like meals. Maybe have some bacon and egg but no bread and see if it makes a difference to your appetite.
Sounds like your doing well. Don't worry about the low carb i'm sure you'll get there. I need to lower my carb intake as well. I'm starting real slow by just cutting down on the amount of bread and potatoes i eat. I'll try and sort the rest out later :)

I don't know if this is of any help for you but i've been juicing fruit and veg to try and increase my intake as i'm rubbish at eating them and i'm finding that the juice i make is sooo filling. It's really helping me fight why few cravings i have on my DD's. Might be worth a try if your ever struggling :)

So when's your first weigh in?

Thank you - Yeah I think I will have to lower them bit by bit rather than the "boom gone" way of doing things!!

I don't know if I could stomach juiced veg, just the thought of it makes me wretch lol - do you put anything else in or just like a load of raw veg and blend it up??

I am OK doing my veg on UD actually as I "usually" home cook so either do somekind of meat/fish Pots and Veg or something like spag bol or chilli with lots of veg in

I don't know about weigh in, I was thinking Monday morning, that will be after an UD on the Sunday, or am I supposed to get weighed after a DD? If so I will do it Tuesday Morning!

Carbs make me hungrier. I know many can eat them fine and have no problems but if you are sensitive that way you can get a whooping appetite after sandwiches and toast like meals. Maybe have some bacon and egg but no bread and see if it makes a difference to your appetite.

Oh really, maybe that is it then, I do know I don't process carbs well at all. For example when I started Slimming world I did 1 full red week (protein) stuck to it like glue, didn't even drink and lost 4.5lb, I did 1 full Green week (carbs) and stuck to it like glue and lost 0.5lb!! Gutted! I tried it lots of times over the years and always with the same result. I only had decent losses when I did all Red days. Yeah I could get bacon, Eggs and Mushrooms from the canteen for breaky and I won't bother with toast at home in future, just a coffee, I was just being greedy I think lol.
OK so according to MFP yesterday I came in at 1830 Cals - I think in reality it was probably more as I couldn't accurately pick what I had eaten as most of the stuff listed was branded and buying from the canteen at work for example I have no idea what brand the bread roll is or how much it weighed so I tried to pick the ones that suited best and the highest cals ones, as I would rather be showing over than under (so that I would then think I could eat much more!) I also put 1/2 pint of milk for my teas/coffee but then I had an extra one so a few extra calories there as well - just little stuff which is why it's good to be a bit under!

OK so my plan of kind of following slimming world didn't really stick yesterday - I think I got a bit over excited (it's easily done, my life is rather boring!) however I did try not to gorge on "crap" as I like to call it i.e Chocolate and the kids sweets box, biscuits etc. We did however get take out for tea, (BAD!) but I convinced DH that kebab shop was what I wanted cause I knew I could get chicken kebab (I know our kebab shop doesn't oil their chicken as I have asked before, they dry cook it on coals or something) which is basically Chicken & Salad on half a naan.

My Menu went like this

Breakfast 1 : 2 Slices of Warbitons White with Marge = 247 Cals (WOOOOOW that is A LOT of cals!)
Breakfast 2 : Large Brown Roll, 2 Hash Browns, 1 Fried Egg = 396 Cals
Lunch : Wholemeal Sub Roll (no butter) Roast Turkey breast, smidgen of stuffing = 270 Cals
Dinner : Chicken & Salad Kebab with small chips = 649 Cals
Snacks : 1/2 Pint of Semi Skimmed Milk = 125 Cals
Walkers Worcester Sauce (25g Bag) = 129 Cals

TOTAL (ish) = 1830

So I happy "ish" with that. While I didn't go mad, I can see I was far from good, and if nothing else this way of eating is going to show me how many calories are in stuff that I didn't realise! I am going to try and be a little better on my UD tomorrow, although in reality that means I will just have a home cooked meal, which will possibly be worse than the kebab (it's lasagne!) but as long as I'm at my 2000 I am hoping it will be OK!

First work DD today - so far it's ok. I've gone past that hunger stage of wanting breaky so I think I should be ok for a bit now, I expect about 10.30 I will start to feel it...............
Well my DD at work yesterday didn't go bad at all, I did have a few bits where I was hungry and felt a few pangs in my tummy but I ignored them and they passed. I went to the shops with my friends over lunch so made it to 1pm no problems really, then I had a can of heinz Chicken noodle soup. I was a bit peckish about 3pm and thought about food solidly till about 3.30pm which was torture, but ya know a little bit of torture does us good every now and then. It taught me one thing yesterday - just because I feel a little pang of hunger does not mean I instantly have to stuff my face, if I have a drink or do something else then I can get past that!! Food Key!

I had a few slices of Wafer thn Chicken and a Plum about 5.30pm as I was taking DS to his swimming lesson, and I wasn't back until 7.15 ish then usually he likes me to put him to bed (well obviously as I'm way cooler than his daddy!) so I knew it was gonna be about 8pm before I could eat and it was about 8.10pm when I finally sat down for my meal. I had the same as Monday 100g of cous cous cooked in water/lime juice/light soy combo, onions and peppers softened and a baked Tuna Steak and it was really nice. I really like cous cous and cooking it in the lime/soy combo really works, gives it some lovely flavor!

The guy I sit next to at work is a body builder. He hasn't made it pro but he is an actual real life body builder, he is pretty bit/muscly and is working towards a comp - his diet regime is VERY regulated and strict (he eats like a pound of raw broccoli a day or something). Anyway he said this diet is rubbish and it's been "proven" that Intermittent fasting diets are bad for you....I don't know where this "proven" proof is, I must ask him next time but I really couldn't be bothered getting in to it as I don't have to explain myself to anyone. Besides he things this is weird and I think eating a pound of raw broccoli is weird so who's right?? No one, what he does is what is right for him/what he wants to do and vice verse for me!

HOWEVER after his "its proved to be bad for you" thing I decided to do a bit more research and came across THIS post which is very informative and interesting!!

ETA : I rolled in at 487 cals again on Wednesday's DD as I did the same as on Monday.

We shall see what today brings, as I am not organised AS PER USUAL the no carbs thing isn't happening this week, but I'm trying to keep them lower today - yes I had my butty for breaky but opted for a wholemeal roll, and have opted for a chicken and bacon sanrnie for lunch and a yoghurt and I know we are having chicken and Salad for tea so I will be good today with my cals under 2000 again!!

Sunday is another's bank holiday and were going out drinking, I probably wont get to have tea, just a liquid one!! I'll be starting with the Ciders as there is no way I can have spirits that early on, after a few and around tea time I will switch to gin and SL Tonic to keep the cals down! hopefully I can still stay relatively ok
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I just wanted to make a note so I could monitor this as well as it could be a coincidence BUT I have pulsatile tinnitus (I can basically hear a massive wooshing in my right hear which wooshes to the beat of my heart, its the blood pumping through an artery or something). Anyway on my 2 DD's it has been REALLY REALLY bad. Usually it only happens on an evening when I relax (probably more so as well as I'm relaxed, the house is quiet I can hear it) If I apply pressure to the artery under my jaw the noise stops, so I usually roll up a cushion and lean on it, this didn't work last night PLUS it had been there all day yesterday. I had a massive headache by the time I went to bed. Also usually when I fall asleep and wake up in the morning it's gone, this time every time I woke it was there as loud as ever, and was there this morning - It went off a little after breaky, and now after lunch it's pretty much gone - like I said could be a coincidence but it is odd.

On a side note ONE of the symptoms can be being overweight, so if anything, I'm really hoping that's MY reason for having it and loosing weight will help - It is quite depressing thinking I will have to listen to this for the rest of my life and I struggle to hear people sometimes.
I don't know if I could stomach juiced veg, just the thought of it makes me wretch lol - do you put anything else in or just like a load of raw veg and blend it up??

My usual juice is 1 orange, 1 apple, 1/2 lemon, 7 strawberries, 2 carrots, handful of kale, 2 large celery sticks. I could stomach veg on its own. Would make me gag. The fruit makes it much more palatable. I hate veg so this is a sneaky way of making sure i get my 5 a day! I may swap the kale for broccoli stalks as there's not much juice in kale. You don't even need a juicer really. You could chop everything up real small and use a hand blender on it so it would make a smoothie rather than a juice.

When i got my juicer it came with a free book by Jason Vale that has loads of recipes in. I've just not tried any of the others yet c