my weekly weigh in's

cheeky sod!!!
i lose about 2-3lbs a week now and TOTM has always effected my weigh in hun!
If your being 100%, you will have lost inches too!
If she says that again tell her to bugger off!
Well done, your losses have been brilliant so far so "yah boo sucks" to your CDC!! Hehe!
well this week ive lost 6lb! yay
Congratulations, that's a fab loss :)
another weeks over and 4lb down
Wow, another great loss, well done:)
Congratulations Claire :)
Thats a great loss Summayah, well done on your achievement.

By the way, your little girl has such a lovely smile, she looks positively angelic (but maybe doesn't always behave like an angel?!)

Best of luck for next week x
when shes in the middle of a tantrum or when shes down loading her babbling info on you trust me shes not so cute lol
ahh well she cant really help it, shes autistic
well done on the loss hun!
Must agree about your little one....she is a cutie hun!