My weightloss diary :)

Breakfast none just got home busy bee this morn
Lunch peach banana grapes strawberries
Dinner pork steaks potato wedges salad
H ex a milk
H ex b hifi bar
Syns nature valley 9.5 low syn cake 2 (11.5)

Aiming for a lot of water and having two cups of hot lemon water see what I can lose as I'm so close to being in the 10's x
Ugh rain an cold does not make me a happy girl :( anyhow....
Breakfast fruit salad
Lunch tesco light sausages with mash and grille tomato
Dinner mince filled pitta with salad
H ex a milk
H ex b pitta
Syns nature valley 9.5 weight watchers whip 2.5 sausages 3 (15)
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So I'm feeling very tired today and normally tht doesn't bode well for snacking but so far I've said no thanks to lunch out with my Hubbie instead going to tesco for some low fat sausages (my comfort food of choice at the moment is sausage and chips) instead of chips I had salad. I'm making up weightwatchers strawberry whip tonight to keep the sweet cravings away and an early night for me :) x
Today was unintentionally a red day cause I didn't have mash at lunch like I was going to!! Yay maybe a good loss tomorrow :) x
Off to the beach today to watch the Airshow so it's a picnic day :)

Success express day
Weigh in at ten
Breakfast banana and mullerlight
Lunch prawn salad, orange peach
Dinner KFC chicken (slimming world) chips and salad
H ex a milk
H ex b hifi bar and 2 400g bread
Syns vanilla fudge 15
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hey a pound is really good - you dont show any stats so not sure what a pound is in relation to what you want to lose in total but if you average a pound a week this time next year you will be 3stone 10lb lighter that sounds so good (I put this here cos I also need to remind me of that fact :)
My husband and I walked 6 miles today my poor feet ache but I'll be happy when the inches as well as pounds start to melt off. Im trying to get at least hour and half of walking in each day still not in the mood for work out DVD lol. Soon I think :) x
Breakfast banana
Lunch jacket potato with chicken and sweet corn side salad
Dinner KFC chicken (again :) with salad

H ex a milk
H ex b bread
Syns 50g ice cream 4.5 chocolate coin 6 hi fi bar x2 6 tbsp light mayo 2 (18.5)

So far today I have walked 31/2 miles :) x
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If you would like to set your stats up
go to the very top of this page and you will see in royal blue
your name subscriptions and log out
along that line is the word settings click on that
then scroll down the page and on the left you will see a box called my settings click on edit profile
fill in that page and dont forget to click on save changes at the bottom
if you have any problems just ask I will help if I can
so jealous of your walking - hopefully in the next few months I can increase mine to at least a mile :)
have lovely evening
Ok I can't see that cause I'm in the app I shall have to log onto my laptop :) the walking is the only exercise I can manage at the moment. X
Oh I see - I didnt realise the app didnt show it
I cant even manage that at the moment but as the knee heals and the replacement settles down I should be able to do more and more - which I am looking forward to
its about time I walked my own dogs instead of DH doing it :)
had it done about 5 weeks ago but healing was going really well then I got rushed back to see the surgeon by the gp as she suspected an infection so now on strong antibiotics and resting a bit more :)
I notice it wont be that long before you have a healthy bmi - I will be where you are by next summer with any luck
Rest is the best thing right now. You won't do yourself any favours by rushing I have promised myself I'll walk with the pram for at least an hour a day :) have 2 stone something till I'm at 9 stone :) x