Need Less Sleep ?

not sure why but just going into day seven and i am "full of beans" energy level high and I seem to need less sleep than I did, not sure if thats down to the CD or not

BUT feels good, so heres to a few more pints of water and back to bed

The mild ketosis produced by CD induces a feeling of well being.

I get this wonderful energy also:)
Hi, been up since 5.30. :argh: can't get back to sleep and all the family snoring. Oh well on the up side just jped on scales and 6lb gone:scale:. Only the beginning of day 4 Yay !!. Pee stick says deep in ketosis so its all gravy :D
Aly x
P.S. Really snowing outside
Most people say this seems to be the case. I've not got to that stage myself, although on my original try, I had. Enjoy it :)

I hope I dont get to a point where I need less sleep I love my bed :p
Yup...I'm sleeping much fact I enjoy the extra enerygy during the day (helps with hoofing it to the loo every 15 mins!)... but sometimes in the evening it makes me twitchy....
Since starting CD I have redocorated my flat, housework every day (which if you saw it before you will know this is a massive change ;o), the car has never been so clean and I walk every lunch time!