Need motivation!


New Member
I need motivation to start running! As I'm 5'1 and a size 14 (UK) I want to slim down to a size 10... So any tips to help me?

hey there,i used to run when i was a size 10,i started off at 10 minutes walk at 5mph and increase to 7mph 1 min walk,1 min run,2 min walk,2 min really worked wonders! by 5 weeks in i was running 2-4 miles depending on my mood that day and im a smoker too! thats another habit ill be combatting very soon! oh and music that you like really helps too!
If you have an ipod/iphone there are some fab apps for learning to run!! I started off with Couch to 5k. I was 14 stone 6 at the time and 5ft 6. I did it with a friend who is 5ft 11 3/4 and a size 12. We were both wrecked after week 1 day 1. But guaranteed to get better week after week!!

I did my first Race for Life in July and I am now doing Bridge to 10k which is hard going as it takes longer and my stamina and motivation at the moment has left the building!!

Let me know how you get on!! If you have no one to run with, download some audio books!! I have the Harry Potter books on my ipod.
