Need some help...


MM addict
Hi everyone. My friend has joined our local gym and has asked if I want to go along with her. The membership includes full use of the gym, swimming and all classes. I would love to join as I know I need to try and tone up as much as I can. I know I can lose the weight without exercising but I don't want to be left with tonnes if sagging skin. I know there's only going to be so much I can do at the gym to help , I'm well aware I won't look perfect.
My question is, is the gym advisable, seeing as we are doing a vlcd diet and don't have a lot of calories to burn? I don't want to do something that's not advisable! Do any of you follow some kind of fitness plan? I love the sound of some of the classes too body pump, tums and bums, Zumba and aqua. I know I've a long journey ahead with my weight loss but I want to start the exercising sooner rather than later.
Opinions please....
Thanks so much xxxx
I had the question? I googled it and I learnt from dieters it is ok to workout but no heavy classes or long time. Impotanly listen to ur body if u feel tired stop. You will feel hungery thus; plan to eat or have ur shack before work out so u can have energy. I started ss today and I'm planning to go gym daily and do 30 min only. I will go tom and I will update you.
I probably wouldnt do anything to energetic to begin with as you are not consuming enough calories. When you start a new gym you should be given an induction and most gyms give you a fitness plan to follow until you get used to the machines and such, perhaps explain to the instructor what diet you are on and ask what exercise regime would benefit you.

Swimming sounds good tho, as your exercise all your muscles.
I looked this up and it suggests that you don't do any planned exercise for the first 3 weeks whilst your body is adjusting to the lower calorie intake. After that it suggests you gradually introduce light exercise, building it up. If you already do exercise, it suggests you keep it moderate. Some people eat the protein allowance on days they work out :-D xxx
Hi everyone. My friend has joined our local gym and has asked if I want to go along with her. The membership includes full use of the gym, swimming and all classes. I would love to join as I know I need to try and tone up as much as I can. I know I can lose the weight without exercising but I don't want to be left with tonnes if sagging skin. I know there's only going to be so much I can do at the gym to help , I'm well aware I won't look perfect.
My question is, is the gym advisable, seeing as we are doing a vlcd diet and don't have a lot of calories to burn? I don't want to do something that's not advisable! Do any of you follow some kind of fitness plan? I love the sound of some of the classes too body pump, tums and bums, Zumba and aqua. I know I've a long journey ahead with my weight loss but I want to start the exercising sooner rather than later.
Opinions please....
Thanks so much xxxx

Hiya x

I wouldnt do anything too much , but a little is ok, I am on my 3rd week and take part in a tae kwondo class twice a week ( i started first week of jan) we do a tiny bit of cardio work, but its mainly toning and muscle building as well as precision patterns for particular kicks etc when i first started i couldnt do a press up or touch my toes etc, but now just a few weeks in I CAN!!! i can do 25 pressups in one go and ive lost 2.5 inches of my bingo wings!!

Take it easy and work yourself in slowly, stop if you feel faint etc, drink loads of water and i must admit to adding a little extra chicken and veggies on my training days :)

good luck with it x
Thank you, I guess if I join the best thing to do it tell them what I am doing and they will work my plan around that. You're all so very helpful xx
I would avoid the running machine , aerobics classes etc and maybe walk and do some weights to build muscle and tone up

I wouldnt imagine anything that takes alot of energy would make you feel that great

ps. im no expert and i havnt researched it , its just my thought based on how this diet can make you feel