Need somebody & general chit chat

im 12 stone 2 not a size 12 i wish ha ha going to try 3 days of just free food fruit salads and salad and eggs lol will that help ?? food diaries yes no comments im eating lots of stuff i dont know :'( i need some loss because i will dishearten and start thinking of things like slimfast :(
what do you do at the moment? green red? mixed?

dont forget salads are mainly water, if you eat too little your body will cling onto the fat cos it thinks your starving it. so you could stuff your self on salad but really your gving your body nothing it needs so it wont loose you weight......if that makes sense
well we mix we have green and red days seperate, ive started to excersise now and i guess its just depressing been fat :(.. i Just need some hope i know diets work its the whole scales for me maybe i shud sack the scales off and just get measured because if i dont i think the scales will push me to sod it all lol.... i guess hardly eating is not the answer the key is to burn more than you eat isnt it :D thats right, now as for you monkeys bunny snap out of it !! you get your ass to weigh in and sit through the chat !! you dont realy want to eat crap hell you can eat the crap when your slender and loving the figure i find if i binge now when im 2 stone off its a waste :( so im thinking il celebrate at ever stone lol... eventually my body will say ok ok you can be 10 stone and eat what you like but excersis like a maniac hahahaha im off to buy a treadmill :D yaaaaaaaaay xxx
MB, Dont give in hun, at least with SW you have choices of food. I would recommend exercise as well as that may get you back focussed. At the end of the day only you can make the decision as to what is right for you.

SG its sounds to me like you are building muscle with your exercise and muscle weighs more than fat. If you have measured inches then you will probably find that they are going down. Drink plenty of fluids and dont weigh yourself during the week if you can help it as weight fluctatuates and with eating and drinking you are not going to get an active reading until WI day.

Have a good week girls xx
hummmm i dont know. just seems like a waste of time. i want to get to 11stone but it ....i dont know its just all going wrong
its all for my mates 29th Birthday. we will do anythin (with in reason of course). its just for a bit of a laugh really. last year on his 28th birtday we walked 28miles drinking 28 cans and stopping in every pub we past. it took hours ha ha
ha ha none ha ha

its not till Sept 16th, apparently we had 2 interested parties in making us do farm work and also furniture moving but both fell through. my friend has a plan B but wont tell me what it is yet as long as it doesnt envolve trying to loose any weight i should be able to do it easy
right tonight when i go home im going to walk through the door and put my gym clothes on and go on my cross trainer and rowing machine for half an hour! i need to get back into this, i have far too many excuses and they are all rubbish excuses agghhhh
well lets see if i actually do!

i am just sooooo rubbish at it, i dont know why, i just am. iv lost all motivation , its all gone and its been gone for about 2 months now, cant even see it anymore, its run away and hidden behind some cookies i think
im sat here at work (after walking the miles to and from home to let the dog out at dinner time) with my Ab Toner belt on lol

i even freak myself out sometimes.

on the way back from home i was giving myself a stern talking to, i mean i dont smoke, i dont drink, iv never been in debt, i manage to run the house with out it falling into ruins so why oh why cant i control my eating. its silly, i only have myself to blame , as much as i try to blame other things and people i cant as its all down to me in the end so thats it, gave myself a telling off and hopefully i should get somewhere.

i did manage to move the double choc' chip cookies, wine gums and chocolate from the heap in the living room that was the remains of last nights binge (when i binge i really binge) and they didnt fall into my mouth but managed to be placed inside to boxes with lids in the cupboard thats a small achivement at least
im sat here at work (after walking the miles to and from home to let the dog out at dinner time) with my Ab Toner belt on lol

Blimey, hope you are not getting funny looks with all that buzzing going on under the table lol !!

i even freak myself out sometimes.

on the way back from home i was giving myself a stern talking to, i mean i dont smoke, i dont drink, iv never been in debt, i manage to run the house with out it falling into ruins so why oh why cant i control my eating. its silly, i only have myself to blame , as much as i try to blame other things and people i cant as its all down to me in the end so thats it, gave myself a telling off and hopefully i should get somewhere.

i did manage to move the double choc' chip cookies, wine gums and chocolate from the heap in the living room that was the remains of last nights binge (when i binge i really binge) and they didnt fall into my mouth but managed to be placed inside to boxes with lids in the cupboard thats a small achivement at least

That is great, see you will be back motivated in no time.

I have just had the pleasure of being taken out for a meal by my boss, there were 6 of us and they all had starters and desserts and I sat there with my Chicken salad and Diet Coke. I really hope it's worth it come WI on Weds. Take Care Hun xx
i sit at a desk on my own in a room on my own so noone can see. i used to have a small exercise bike under the desk at one point too but it broke lol

yes they may well have had starters and puddings but i bet you liked the taste of your chicken and enjoyed it and are now not all uncomfortably full like they will be. and by now they will have forgoten the taste of the puddings so it was pointless in them having them really, i mean you could pretend you had one cos you would feel the same now if you had have had it, at the time they are nice but the feeling soon leaves and all your left with is larger thighs lol
Thats so true, they are all moaning about how bloated they feel, which I defo dont feel and I did really enjoy the meal. At least with SW I can still socialise.

I cant believe you had a mini bike under your desk too.. lol !!
i know im a nutter. used to pedal and type at the same time, problem was my desk was slightly to low and i used to bang my knees so had to have it to one side and sit side sadle on my chair to type....i looked even sillier like that!

i will try anything if i think its going to help.

im buzzing away nicely here. cant see it doing anything but i owned the Ab belt thing already so cant really hurt using it, unless i short out the computer or something lol