Need somebody & general chit chat

well i managed to do half an hour on the cross trainer last night and nearly died. also went for a short walk with the dog. trying for the same tonight

buzz buzz
wow your a fast typer lol

still know i will have put on this week when i get weighed tommorow but its a start in the right direction at least.

hoping to go swimming tomorrow as well
wow your a fast typer lol

I am always been told that.. probably becuase I am at work and dont want to get caught!! ;)

still know i will have put on this week when i get weighed tommorow but its a start in the right direction at least.

As much as we want it to be a short term fix, this is a long term thing so a gain one week will be evened out with bigger losses next week!!

hoping to go swimming tomorrow as well

I love swimming too, it's so good for you

Well done hun, you really have turned things around for yourself. :happy096:
shall see if i actually wear it yet haha

cant go swimming now, supposed to be going with mum but she has had a mole removed and cant go. will be going next week though.
love the outfit!
te he thank you, fingers crossed i can wear it. it zips up at the moment but is a little tight for my liking, i dont want to be giving it all that on the dance floor and rip the bum ha ha
its something i would do though......once did that to my work trousers while in the bosses office bending down Doh!
i once did that trying to fit my legs over a piano stool lol
can you pm me your address please and ill get these clothes sorted for you
The old kickboxing trousers at my academy were a silky kind of material and loads of people used to split them if they were just a little too tight! They have since changed them for a more hard wearing material!
was planning on going on my cross trainer again but got home to find we were in the middle of a fly plague, it creaped me out soo much, i was running around with a rolled up newspaper & the hoover trying to get them all, when my partner came home i sent him straight out for fly spray but it seems that the whole town is the same as he tried 7 shops and all sold out he got the last 2 cans in the eighth shop! so i never got round to my exercise.......not good....but eeeeeewwwww flies!
Oh no that's terrible! Me and Mr Taz stayed in a b&b once and within 10 minutes of us getting into the room Mr Taz had swatted at least 10 flies!
i know Ewwwwwww

got some activia yoghurts today to give them a go & also grapefuit that someone suggested, so fingers crossed
Pink grapefruit is slightly sweeter than the yellow so if you find the yellow too sharp try a pink one
last time i had one it was pink and i cut it in half night before covered it in sweetner and left it in the fridge, just about edable for me then
