Need to be careful forever Attn: AKB


How was Cadbury World?

Love xxx
Forgot to say, we sort of made up. Dad got up early & put my car boot back together & got all the stuff he'd taken out to get at the aerial sorted & neatly put away. I took it as an apology (AND he warmed up a pre-frozen dinner last night rather than ordering a curry in anyway!) So all calm again. (We don't actually apologise between us & Dad, with Mum we always would but with Dad whoever's done something wrong rectifies it & sometimes goes a bit further to show rather than saying! I guess it means Dad never has to apologise for being drunk & I don't have to apologise for being stubborn & yet I usually would to Mum. Who knows!)

Love xxx
Hiya Honey

Wow - well done you - fantastic weightloss!!! You'll be overtaking me at this rate - I'm heading in the opposite direction (Mum's choc ice cream and then Cadbury World - I didn't crack until I saw the Star Bars in the shop and then the flood gates opened:( and where has this craving for liquorice allsorts come from??) but will get back on track tout de suite! Am hiding scales in the mean time!

Family party was lovely, my obnox. bro was charming depsite saying I looked older and more like our Mum and debtor bro paid me early!!! We went to the park in the afternoon and played football and had a neighbour take our big photo!
At Cadbury World today we had our photo taken and put onto a big slab of CDM for my bro and sis-in-law! It was interesting but v. busy today and their visitor management could do with some improvement! And the blasted motorway on the way back - nightmare.

We're off to Twinlakes tomorrow which is an amusement park just for kids near Melton Mowbray, I'm going to do lots of walking and work off these multiple sins! My CDC is coming on Thursday - I'll have to text her not to bring scales - I don't want to break them!!!!

Glad you've made up with your Dad and the car is getting sorted as is the Spanish. Has the headache gone or is it still with you? Thanks for your PM - have no spare at the mo so can't get any. Have your ebay things all sold?

Well, I'm off to get niece off her laptop and make sure the boys are asleep and then nod off myself as another busy day tomorrow!

Here's to me and you both losing this final last bit together - we'll weigh the same (well you're probably less than me at the moment) and can get to our goals really quickly - just in time for our holidays!!!

Sleep tight,
lots of love,
Cad World sounds good, excellent about both your bros - especially paying you early! Wow! Don't worry about the star bars - it could be the whole shop! I went a bit mad with choc yesterday but have only had 45 cals over today & I did 30 mins twisting/toning with my dumbells so I don't feel guilty about eating my exercise cals too. I actually sweated & my muscles ache so I know I've worked them. (I thought I'd got indigestion or something at first but it's my stomach muscles aching!:eek:)

No Spanish today - couldn't be bothered. Dad decided to order motors for sunroof & heater online rather than faffing about with TOY at Reliance so they should be coming from online breakers tomorrow. Have got plastic covering roof at the mo!

Watched Ally McBeal & had mushroom chow mein for dinner & now I'm going to read in bed & hopefully NOT get up at 6am. I actually slept through on Saturday & Sunday mornings. Headache worsened today after I had fizzy water - am wondering if citric acid may play a part as that's in water flavourings but the still that I love has malic acid and that's fine.

You won't break scales hon! You're probably not even in 11s (although I'm still 11,0 evening weight so I still am!)

Have a lovely day tomorrow!
Love xxx
Just on quickly - WI tonight should be interesting. Got a bit over-preoccupied with chocolate raisins last night then squealed when I saw the cal content (over 1,000 cals per bag! I DIDN'T eat all of them... quite:eek:), so spent 40 mins exercising to try make up... Think it was a TOTM hormonal urge...

Did 30 mins twisting with dumbells & 10 mins skipping (GOD that's hard work!) so only ended up 350 cals over rather than the 800 odd I started at!!!!!!!!!!
(On a lighter note bingo wings are much smaller & my stomach is really starting to look like Barbie! not even close to flat but the curve inwards between ribcage & hips makes me look a bit egg-timerish. With my big boobs & little waist the Barbie similarity is definitely starting to be noticeable - just need slim thighs & a flat stomach now!)

Twist & tone is great for stomach toning - my stomach actually aches after exercising so I know those muscles are getting a workout!

Will let you know how WI & measuring goes after 6!

Tired today, Mum rang at 7.25am to say the builders were delivering materials & starting on the path from 8am her time but forgot she'd get us up early!

Considering retaining TOY numberplate. Mum & I love it but haven't really got the money. Can stretch to it but if I do I'll have to curtail spending for a while... Decisions, decisions...

Love xxx
Wrote a long post earlier then my PC crashed. Was struggling a little as I stayed the same this week but then I haven't done it properly so it's my own fault. Lost 1/4 inch, gained 1/4 on bust but lost 1/4 each off thigh & upper arm both as expected. Still 11,0 evening weight.

Had a small dinner, did some exercise & will go to bed in a min with 115 of my exercise cals left over for today - having eaten 1208 cals but exercised for 25 mins so expecting a good loss in the morning. Was 10,11 this morning so I WILL BE 10,10 tomorrow.

Love xxx
You're a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie World....

Phoar - you have a Barbie figure - girl you need to be taking that anti-man stick out with you again!!!!
I, on the other hand have more of a BarbaPapa figure (French cartoon from my youth)Barbapapa Familly : Barbapapa & Barbamama

Have a new client coming tomorrow am - will let you know how it goes - she sounds nice on the phone and said she's done LL before so knows the drill - she said she liked it!

Make some nice pizzas (half wholemeal) which got eaten with near gusto and the ice cream disappeared quickly too! Tomorrow we're making homemade chicken dippers and onion rings and party cakes for tea when my (only £850 per month from ex) friend is over.

Hairdresser man was lovely and I now have short hair - it's just below my ears - he cut over a foot off!!!! The boy hates it but "am I bovvered??" I'll get friend to take photo tomorrow so I can send it to you, I think it's nice and that's all that matters plus it's uber manageable compared with former waist touching length.

Right, off to read some more Matilda, will be on later or if not today then definitely tomorrow!!

Much love,
We must have been on at the same time again! We've crossed.

I NEED to see your hair!

I know the French cartoon, we used to have those cool cartoons too not like most of the rubbish you get these days! (Oh for Baba the elephant, Bagpuss, the Mr Men, the Munch Bunch, the Flumps, Button Moon, the Clangers...) Off on a nostalgia trip!

Good luck for your new Client!

Love xxx
Wow - talented artist

What fabulous pictures - incredibly lifelike, I am so envious of artistic people and their talent - I draw like a 3 year old!!!!

Have woken son up to take pics of me - will email them in a min when I've edited out the redeye - makes me look like a right lush!

back in 2 ticks
Wow - what a difference! That is a REALLY great length on you, it emphasises your jaw line! Woohoo!

Don't knock yourself hon! If you aren't nice to yourself no-one else will be!
I'm getting spots too - detoxing 'cos I've upped my water again. Better out than in!

Love xxx
Forgot to say

had a really lovely chat with Pogle tonight, we didn't half put the world to rights - we'd all be skinny minnies if we had our way!!!

Am back on SS with a vengeance tomorrow - I'm going to get below 10 so I can stand on the doc's scales, clothed and last thing at night and STILL have a healthy BMI (these 1st thing in the morning, naked weigh-ins are all very well but...) and then DEMAND that my old lady leg is sorted out - as long as there's no general anaesthetic (scaredy-cat).

Whoops, forgot that I'm supposed to be sorting out extra flight for friend's grandson who is now coming to Majorca with us - great, all the boy needs is a week of being influenced by an AWOL, drug/drunken/smoking teen with bad attitude who will probably TWOC the first car he sees and make off with out cash - grrrrrr:mad: With any luck he'll be arrested and in borstal before then if his past behaviour is anything to go by!
Off to Easyjet,
Oh dear! What a shame Easyjet appear to have run out of flights... no can do !;)

Good luck with the docs!

Love xxx
Wish I could say Easyjet have run out - she'll pay anything to have him with us as the alternative means him being in her house which I can guarantee will have been sold/burned/trashed/squatted in at the very least whilst she's away - that's why when the Army training college threw him out (yep - he IS that bad) she had to buy emergency ticket for him to join her on hol in Egypt she's on now!

Thanks for comp. on hair - glad you like it - and now I have a jawline to show off I am - much better than the amorphous toadneck I had before! Thinking about it my skin has worsened since I upped my water (had been a bit slack) so that's probably the reason - ashamed to say haven't been drinking as much as I should the last few days and can really notice it now yet in the beginning I couldn't do with 4L a day at all and now I miss it - wierd huh??

I've lost a whole you then??? Tell you what when I take over the world and let everyone know about how fab CD is, I'll have you by my side as a "look what I've lost" kind of thing?? Fancy the gig??

TV programmes I loved

The Double Deckers - oh the bliss of living in a bus with no parents - I can still sing the theme tune:D
Mr Benn - wish I could have adventures like that!
Tales of the Riverbank - bit boring but loved the theme music - Fur Elise by Beethoven I think
Grange Hill - not great but our Mum banned it as "unsuitable" so we went to tea at friend's houses the nights it was on in order to view such highly subversive stuff!
Rentaghost - so silly but it those days it was that or the test card, none of this 24 hours cartoons and entire cahnnels devoted to kids tv.
Dangermouse - started my lifelong love affair with David Jason:eek:
Byker Grove - the ONLY reason that I married a Geordie - I had already learned the language
Why Don't You - interesting to hear other kids accents - we could never understand the Northern Irish lot!
Pipkins - Hartley Hare - what a poseur!!!
Crystal Tips and Alastair - only cos I've always been scared haing a perm would make my hair go like hers!
Mary, Mungo & Midge, Ludwig, Roobarb, Captain Pugwash, Camberwick Green, Trumpton, Crackerjack, Lizzie Dripping, oh I'm off on one now you know - I'm supposed to be going to bed but feel a web trawl coming on.....
Chorlton and the Wheelies, Chigley, Swap Shop (the very earliest eBay and just for kids:) ) Wombles, the Woodentops, Dogtanian,.....
"Come on board, come on board, come on board with the Double Deckers"...................................................
