Need to be careful forever Attn: AKB


Just had a giggle at your post - for me it was Metal Mickey, Tiswas, No 73, Bugs Bunny and Blockbusters!
Ah those were the days.....Ill have a "p" please Bob..

Tiswas - another banned program in our house - "a bad influence" was how it was termed and "common", and "watched by the council house kids" - I found out years later that it was cos my Mum didn't want us watching adverts and she was a terrific snob - she was the original Hyacinth Bucket!!!!
Me and my older brothers used to station one of our little sisters by the TV buttons ready to change the channel on command and the other one (they were twins - handy sometimes) by the door as a lookout - so we could sneak a look at Magpie - another seditious spreader of discord and "ideas" - strictly verboten in our household.
Never saw Metal Mickey - must have been in the no TV period - we were told it rots our brains and is "not good for you" but I suspect it was cos they couldn't afford the rental - my Dad use to mainline Dunhill at a terrific rate of knots;) It was probably healthier not having a TV as then we didn't sit in the lounge (posh weren't we - not a front room but a lounge - la-di-da) passive smoking - we must have smelt like smoked kippers:eek:
My boy doesn't know he's born - he thinks he's hard done by cos I won't let him have a TV in his bedroom! I did point out that he does have a 32" LCD panel in his playroom along with a DVD hard disk recorder, PS2 etc etc and "he should be grateful...when I was your age...." and he rolls his eyes and goes "yeah Mum, I know - syrup tins and string - blah-di blah di blah". He's just turned 7 and knows everything:D
I liked Blockbusters - did you watch Screen Test - I loved those just for kids films - there was a wierd one once about a marble, an army site and the guy from Dad's Army was in it - oooh just remembered he was in TerraHawks too - remember that? Ooh and the Champions and Joe90, Fireball XL5 - the repeats of course - I'm not actually 50!!!
Hector's House, Thunderbirds, The Herb Garden, Carrie's War, Mrs Pepperpot, the Moomins.......
I've seen some more of those too; forgot the Moomins, Roobarb & Custard (that's one of my text ringtones!),Trumpton, Camberwick, Mr Benn, Rentaghost, Byker Grove, Grange Hill etc. (I liked Captain Pugwash & that'll never see the light of day again - how could it with their names!) We were allowed those... the only ones ever banned were Watership Down ('cos my Mum knows what a softy I am - we recorded it one Christmas then Mum & Dad watched it & wiped it saying we weren't allowed to watch it! & Eastenders of course! Always been to rough for pure little minds!)
Yo Honey,
Not been ignoring you, been getting all deep and meaningful on Debbie's thread re last night's TV doc.
Had to book extra Majoraca ticket {gloom}
Friend didn't come with her son as he's ill so she's coming tonight on her own - I hope her holiday's done her good and she moans less!
Been cooking like mad, homemade pizzas (h/m dough too) onion rings, chicken nuggets, cake(eek).
Am going to catch up on ironing now, probably won't be on again until tomorrow.
Have a FAB evening,
lots of love,
Hi hon,

Going to keep TOY numberplate as worth more to keep it than have to pay to retain it. Waiting for DVLA docs to come through now.

Won't be around much next few days, got to try & finish essay so that I know what extra info goes into tape. Can't start tape until I know all that I've said in essay so need to do last 1,000 words of that first!

Love xxx
Yes Ma'am!!
Boy covered it in marshmallows (yukkety yuk yuk yuk) so it's an AKB no go zone!
Good move re numberplate and best of British with the Spanish! Haven't started ironing yet - been holding forth over on the Wemitt forum - fallen off high horse now and off to put boy in bed and read last 2 chapters of Matilda before poor-me friend comes and depresses me straight into cake, marshmallows or not!!!!
Work hard, catch up later,
Lots of love,

Yuck - marshmallows! It'd be safe with me (although 3 french fancies weren't this evening!:eek::( Oops! Don't know what came over me!)

Love the Insomniac!
Wow! I just read your high horse postings!;):) Agree with every word & very, VERY eloquent hon! I think more counselling & nutrition advice but an increase in the size of seating etc. might only prolong the problem; quite a lot of people have an embarrassing situation (flights, seats, rides etc.) that prompted them to lose weight. If everything were made bigger would that still be the case? I'd like to think so, but I suspect not!
Are you back to getting up at 5am again?? Poor you - was it the cats that woke you or the worry of your Spanish? Hope you manage to do the shopping etc with your Dad OK. It's bucketing down here, feel sorry for a local couple who are getting married today - what a dismal start!
Well, we won't be cycling today so will have to stay in and bake/iron/clean/watch boy play Ratchet & Clank (yawn...).
Good luck with the work,
Much love,
4.27 according to the post time & I have no idea. Not woken up by anything. I seem to get up around 4 - 6 ish about 4 mornings per week for no reason & then go back to bed. Going to bed early just means I'm up longer when I wake & going to bed later to try & counter it just means I'm knackered when I wake up but still can't get to sleep. My brain seems to wake at that sort of time, so I'm suddenly awake & alert then despite having to get up & go to work like a normal person a bit later!

Bloody Tour of Britain cut us off while we were coming home with the Asda shop. Very inconvenient as police stopped traffic well before they arrived & all traffic lights on our section of the route are out today... a bit dangerous I would have said, particularly for the idiots sitting on roundabouts waiting for the cyclists to pass! How to kill yourself in one easy lesson!

Anyway, am tired & grumpy & haven't started Spanish! Grrrrrrrrr!

Love xxx

Brief lunch break; have got my words up to 2,517 so nearly there... will finish this today (need rest of words to fill out conclusion, I am totally happy with rest of essay) & then start during the week to work on my tape. Need to speak for 6 mins on topics slightly untouched in essay and haven't got much idea as yet but I will have whole 10 days to concentrate fully on tape so I should get there...

Was 10,10 nude weight this morning which is again my lowest ever BUT that was after toast, butter, jam because I'd already eaten when I remembered. (It might have been 10,9 if I'd thought about it earlier!) Was probably 'cos I only had 790 odd cals yesterday. Not intentional - I had lunch late but got full so saved some
for later & after eating the rest it meant I didn't have the dinner I'd planned as I was full again...

Will see how today goes. Should be okay, nearly 2 l water down already & Dad is cooking lunch so we'll see...

Hope you've had a lovely weekend.

Love xxx
Wow - you've nearly done your Spanish - congrats! And 10-10 - I am so envious - will get on scales tomorrow morning to see how much damage 5 days off has done - expect it's way up into the 11s:(
Had a good weekend except for supergluing my hand together (long story - the gist of which is I am an idiot) it's all OK now. Went cycling around the forest - did 10 miles and the boy only fell off once - quite spectacularly actually but not much damage done - mind you according to him "if I had parents who loved me they'd take me to the hospital for this" - sorry son, you've been lumbered with me and I don't give a ****! Honestly, I tell you hypochondria can be inherited - it must be as I am very stoical - he is a wimp of the first order and insits on calling his miniscule graze - "a scar". His father was just the same!

Went to a birthday party this pm where he painted a plate and my hair was well received by the other Mum's there so it can't look all that bad - shame about my spotty physog!!
Off to make banana smoothies now and get beaten at computer games before ironing his new and now labelled (hand sewn on I'll have you know - I'm polishing my halo now) sweaters and shirts for school.

I resisted all temptation in Tesco and grudgingly put back the chocolate bars I was coveting. I rewarded myself by buying myself the latest Lacoste perfume and then wished I'd stuck to chocolate as it was way cheaper!

Hope you are having a good day, this is the penultimate day of holiday for me and the boy - school/work on Wednesday!
Have a fab evening - are you doing Monday WI's still? Fingers crossed if yes!
Lots of love,

Essay done 2,931 words. Just got 9 days only to do the 6 minute tape which I have no idea about & haven't started yet! PANIC!!!!

10,10 again this morning. Only briefly up during the night last night and that was 'cos the cat joined me... Not the Spanish or the accident for the insomnia, I seem to remember posting about it a fair bit on DHH earlier too, just seems a bit more frequent now but could be slightly habitual too! Have had 18 cals over my 1100 today & 20 over yesterday but did 10 mins on my twist board with dumbbells so have unused exercise cals of 95 left from today to cancel both out & leave me a balance to feel angelic about. Since I was 323 under on Sat I'm feeling fairly angelic anyway!
Roll on 10,9 except I'll probably retain water tomorrow due to the exercise! Only weighing Thursday nights again these days as I started WLR on a Friday same as when I originally started LL so my Thursday night weigh ins are all important again.

Glad to hear you're having a good week off! Supergluing your hand?:confused: I like your hair, of course they'd like it! The perfume is better for you, if you buy chocolate you'll want more to stave off the guilt when it's all eaten... vicious circle!

Got all excited when I got home as there was a DVLA envelope for me BUT it was V5 for newer car not the V778 I've been waiting for. Got my 4wards jeans in a 12 but they are a bit camel's foot at the mo!:eek: Great fit round my bum & leg though, hopefully as my hips get smaller they'll drop!

Knackered & HAVE to plan tape tomorrow if I stand a chance of getting it done!

Love xxx

Snappety snap snap snap!!!
We weigh the same - my scales said 10.10 this morning too!!! We're weight twins - spooky:)
Glad my hols haven't done too much damage and am back on SS now so hoping to get lower quickly! Am wearing a skirt today - size12 (!) that was a bit tight on the stomach/hips when I bought it but quite comfy now - goody goody!
Made some pretzels and bagels this morning with the boy - lots of faff and not a well received result - we'll stick to ordinary breads from now on. Need to go thru his wardrobe too and sort out his old/too small clothes and organise his wardrobe and get ready for school tomorrow.
Might go to the park too for a last play as long as the rain holds off.
My Cambridge order turned up ok this morning and had a nice lady ring me up this morning so have sent meds. form out to her, she sounds nice so hope she makes an appt. after her doc signs the form. If she starts CD with me that makes 3 customers! Cambridge have promised to put my details on their website really soon so hopefully will get more customers via that too. My stepdad's promise to get me in with the local press has (as predicted by my siblings) come to naught - he's all talk, so may contact them directly myself.

Right wardrobe needs sorting....will get on later, hope you are having a great day and don't worry about the Spanish - it'll be fine as you are fab - bet you get at least 90%.
Lots of love,
10,10 again this morning for 3rd morning in row. Yeay! Hardly any weight gain for you this week is there! Yeay! I wore a size 10 Matalan just-below-knee-length skirt yesterday & had my legs out...

Know the topic I want to do my tape on - alternative energy sources in depth. Just got to start, went internet hopping & got loads of in-depth info on it today. Unlikely to get anywhere near 90 - my marks so far have been 70, 55, 60, 61, 86 & 88! Bit of a variation!

Major headache again, will go home, cook & go to bed early.

Got to go, work!

Love xxx
Cheers Irene,
Thanks for your unswerving support - I'll need it tomorrow when I get on the scales again! The boy and I went to Pizza Hut tonight as a final end of the holiday treat - I had salad (not terribly healthy in Pizza Hut) and a piece of garlic bread, chicken wings and a few potato wedges - whoops! I'm up here now cowering from the chocolate in the kitchen cupboards - the Cadbury's buttons are screaming at me to eat them right now:(

Anyway, earlier I went into Next just to look around and for a laugh tried on a pair of size 10 jeans and beggar me they FIT. Ok so they were standard highrise stretch jeans - none of the skinny fit, hipster, bum show-ers that are so fashionable now but still - me - in a size 10 - from Next. Speechless. Still kind of stunned.

Enough of me - how are you doing? Good luck to Cat for when she starts her studies and hope your Mam is ok and you are not finding life too stressful.
Keep drinking the water and onwards and downwards,