Need to be careful forever Attn: AKB


Nude weight this am 10,8 - Woohoo! It feels so great to be running away from the 11,0 I was stuck at for so many weeks! (did have a few cals over what I was supposed to yesterday but still under 1350 and can't have been too bad or I wouldn't have lost weight!)

Furries are squeaking at me to come & feed them so see you later!

Hope you both have a great weekend!

Love xxx
Cat started college on Wednesday and has 3 days of induction. She starts properly on Monday. She is also doing CD again and we are both doing fine. You'll feel more relaxed when your course is finished. i know how i was while my courses were getting near the end.
Hi Ailsa

Irene xx

Irene xx

Have just finished the second part of the dissertation & recorded the tape (on about the 11th try! Kept coming up way too long so I ended up talking really fast!)

Going to slob tonight & spend all day sitting in the garden tomorrow assuming the weather is nice!

Thanks for your support!
Love xxx
Phew what a day

Phew - this is the first time I feel like I've had any time to myself today! I've done over 10,600 steps today - yippee - must have been the afternoon shopping trip! At least I got my broken TV replaced with a new one - result especially as I had no proof of purchase (carelessly lost it). Also bought a few birthday/Christmas presents too when Boy at birthday party.
Supposed to be swimming :)( - I look awful in costume - saggy/baggy/knobbly/veiny legs etc) with my sis tomorrow but she's not rung so suppose she's too lazy to bother. She's 10 wks pregnant and as one of my brother's said she's in for a shock - they don't call it labour for nothing! She's already bought maternity clothes and is desperate to have a bump - I told her, she'll spend the last months cursing it - so uncomfortable! Anyway, whether we swim or not we'll be going to a local lakeside project near my Mother's and go cycling and take a packed lunch (aka CD bar!) and then go to hers for tea when my (debtor) bro will be there with his son and not his fiancee (thankfully as she's horrid) as she's in Malaga on her hen weekend - yet my bro won't even have one as he has no money and what's hers is staying hers - horrid moo! Nobody in my family can stand her, except my Mum who's just happy that some fool girl has taken her useless son on - one less thing for her to have to worry about!

Brilliant news about the tape - all done - excellent - now you can rest a bit and hopefully get back into a more usual sleeping pattern! Did you speak to your Dad yet?

We're twins again as I weighed 10.8 this morning too - here's hoping for all time low tomorrow - anything under 10.7.0 will be my lowest weight ever! At least I don't have to change my tracker to show the upward trend!

My client was lovely thanks - as we discussed, apologies for the constant interruptions during our chat - I swear he completely ignores me until I'm on the phone - drives me nuts!!!!

Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow - the weather is supposedly staying fine - and a few days beyond so I can carry on cycling to work - it's getting quite addictive - how sad am I?
I'm off to sew a couple of buttons on a cardigan and pair of trousers and then programme new tv!

Sleep well my skinny minny!
Lots of love,
Hi Irene!

How are you doing?? Have you weighed yourself yet or are you sensibly disciplined and only do it weekly - are you at your lowest yet???

You were right about the Spanish -mine is very rudimentary alas, despite having Spanish in-laws, I relied on Babelfish a lot - hence the rubbish grammar! I love the idea of being able to speak other languages - but like my desire to play the violin/cello etc - it all required practise and wasn't instant enough so I lost interest! I'm quite good at British Sign Language tho but sadly don't get much chance to practise now. I'd like to do my Interpreter's Level but have to start my MSc in October and figured that's more than enough studying for someone as lazy as me!

Hope Cat carries on enjoying college and you both find carrying on CDing a breeze! And that your Mam is OK and you don't get too stressed by your hectic life!

As you can see the insomnia wasn't caused by coursework stress!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like you've had a good day & should have another today, picnic & outing sound lovely. Am I being thick? What's your MSc in? Don't remember hearing about that...:eek:

I suspect I won't be 10,8 in the morning as I had a little post-finishing calorie-fest of half! a bag of fruit allsorts. (I've never managed to stop with only a few, it's only ever been scoffing the whole bag before so I was 500 cals over but that's still only 1600 cals and my maintenance cals are 1970 or so so who knows!) Have eaten them so will take the consequences whatever!

Nope, spoke to Dad about cars as someone bought my Nexia but haven't yet collected/paid for it. I woke up worrying about it as when I was 18 or so pre-licence I bought a £50 Mini with tax, MOT etc. from a friend & after it sat in the garage for a while the brakes seized, but then they were drum brakes & this has only been there since 18th July. Should be fine. Put battery back & started engine so all fine on that front.

I have to admit to being a language geek! I only know the alphabet in sign language but I started learning rudimentary Spanish from Mum & Dad on hol from the age of 2 up & have both English, French, German, Latin & Spanish GCSEs and French & Spanish A Levels! Yikes!

Suppose I'd better go back to bed!
Take care & hope you both have a great day!

Love xxx
Forgot to say I fancied Fish & Chips today badly but we were very restrained. We bought Asda 100% cod fillets (which are absolutely delicious!) & potato wedges in parsley & oil from their veg section & did them ourselves & with spray oil, tartare & ketchup it only came to 580 cals total so I will probably be doing that again in the near future... Dad fancied the idea enough that he had the other half of the wedges & half the fish. Of the 400g box my fillet was 150g and that left 3 varying size pieces... he had 1 1/2 and cooked the others as a treat for the cats & dog and, would you believe it, they turned their noses up! Maybe it has to be stinky & disgusting for them to eat it! The dog on the other hand ended up with practically all of it so she probably had nearly as much fish as I did today!

Oh dear!

Had a slight binge yesterday, went 900 cals over my diet but since that only puts me just over 2000 cals I won't get too upset! Although was 10,9 yesterday morning & 10,10 this morning!:( Have got 700 cals planned for today as a quick loss measure, with a chocolate velvet & grapes lunch, melon breakfast & low cal dinner...
Going to go sit in the park with a magazine at lunch since I'VE FINISHED MY DISSERTATION (I've been waiting to say that for months!) It's going in the post today even though it's not due until Friday. Want it off my hands!

Have just been given some work so talk later.

Love xxx
Enjoy that lunch in the park - how lovely to sit in the sunshine for an hour! I don't get a lunch break as I work a 6 hour shift straigh thru' and tonight the boy is starting Judo again, but I cycled to work and will inevitably have to cycle back so will get my sunshine fix then! The only prob is having such horrid batwings I have to wear long sleeved T as can't be seen out in short sleeved ones but as long T is quite figure huggy I'm wearing a tracky top over it cos I don't want to kill my stomach muscles off for ever by spending all day sucking my multi-muffin tops in - LOL!!

Your food fest sounds lovely, apart from over indulging slightly in delicious EasiYo home made yogurts, I've been Ssing moderately well and can this very morning report an all time low 10-6.5 - WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Cycled along the canals yesterday for just over 5 miles with grim and grumpy small boy and I resisted the strongest of temptations and didn't push the moaning little swine into the canal!

Wore my size 10 jeans to my Mother's in the afternoon and felt v. good - it was lovely to see brother (without his ball and chain) and his son and we had a good old catch up. My bro starts his new job today at Weetabix today so hope all goes well for him. Will text him later to see how his 1st day was.

Our special needs cat, Luke has disappeared. Last seen on Saturday playing hide and seek with a live mouse in the playroom (nice!) and not been seen since. This is very unusual for him, so either he's growing up or the mice have got him!!

My MSc is in Cybercrime Forensics (such a nobby name) from Canterbury Christchurch Uni - it's done via Police National training college about an hour from here and starts in Oct. Could honestly not be bothered but it's free, relevant to work and much better than the other similar course run at Royal Military college. My 2 colleagues are doing the latter and none of us are impressed - talk about old fashioned - it's positively antidiluvian!

Well, must go, nice boss due back from run any mo, plus must ring Majorca friend and ask for her grandson's air ticket money and check he's not in jail etc!

Enjoy the sunshine,
Lots of love,
Are you moon bathing now as you're missing the sun?
Luke's back, just had 4th customer enquiry so must go order more stock, got to read chapter 15 of Charlie & the Choc factory to boy - he's a sadist making me read about choc!
Feeling goodish still, could kill for a bag of liquorice allsorts tho (and I don't particularly like liquorice) - food demons calling tonight - I threw a whole tray of flapjacks into the bin as they were yelling so loud - good job the boy didn't particularly like 'em!
gotta go, C&TCF time,
Lots of love
Sorry hon!

Was also being yelled at by food so have been upstairs watching copious Ally McBeal videos & talking to Mum on the phone...

Get this, I was late ringing 'cos I spent ages watering the garden & then had my dinner & SHE rang ME 'cos she was worried I'd had an accident or something... & once she knew I was alive she rang off as she needed to speak to someone else before it got too late, with instructions now that she knew I was ok to ring back in half an hour!

Twits! Food demons still yelling & huge headache so going to bed! Sorry for being so quiet today. Going to be quiet tomorrow too as I'm doing jeans tomorrow to go to our back office & bag stuff for shredding, have put it off for ages but now dissertation excuse is gone... (They were lovely to let me ignore actual work to study!!!!!)

Love xxx

Love xxx
Sulk alert

Now it's my turn to be a grim and grumpy little Small (from the boy's fave book)
Not that my scales report I'm that little anymore - fume!!!
10.7.9 this morning - after 100% SSing yesterday plus 6miles of cycling - this gain better be water or muscle!

Sound of toys being thrown out of pram.......
Sorry hon!

Mine are thrown out today too!

I was still 10,10 this morning despite 3.5 litres of water & only 850 cals yesterday!

Hopefully we'll both put them all back in our respective prams tomorrow!

Love xxx
My CDC says scales are evil and right now I think ours are in league with the devil!
A plague on all their houses!!!!

A few toys got put away... not back to 10,8 yet but was 10,9 this morning down from 10,10 the last two days...

Might be doing my weighing/measuring tonight. Going to see a friend tomorrow evening for a catch up & not sure what time yet. Getting my hair cut into mid 9 tonight at 7 so have an hour to do weigh & measure early if necessary.

Hope you're feeling happier today!

Love xxx
I'm in a chirpy mood today & I don't really know why! and I was in a bad mood the other day & again for no reason...

Maybe it's 'cos I'm getting my hair cut tonight which I love but I've got that "newly in ketosis - full of energy & vitality" feel today, & I'm blatantly not as I'm still eating carbs... Bit grey today, supposed to have a big thunderstorm this afternoon.

24 days 'til Spain but have my exam preparation & revision to do first... Will have a few days off first. DVLA rang yesterday as Churchill have moved car, then Churchill told me they'd moved it somewhere other than they have... They're acting completely rubbish these days... I now have the correct address to give the DVLA for them to inspect re the no. plate retention BUT the place it's being stored need Churchill's permission to let them come in & look AND I rang Churchill, who rang their salvage dept. who supposedly were ringing National Salvage who were ringing Charles Trent where it's being stored to give permission. Rang this morning & they still haven't got the call
so I need to chivvy Churchill again!

This is getting silly! AND that bloke still hasn't come to collect Nexia so I need to chivvy him too!

Grrrrr! Should be around a bit the next few days as is Tax Conference & I was supposed to be the only one in the office for 2 days but Julian is now staying behind too...

Love xxx
Hey you!!!

Glad you are feeling better despite the idiot intentions of others! Good news re the weight too - downwards is good!

I was 10.6.9 this morning so slightly less miffed, have cycled to work again and am sitting here hoping the grey skies don't open up on my way home this afternoon! If the weather stays dry, a whole gang of kids and Mum's will go to our local playing field and then back to mine for tea/toilet etc - good job I've not wasted time cleaning the house as it'll be trashed by 6pm!

I'm having a real mental battle with getting and staying below 10.7 - I've had them before when I was struggling to get to certain weights, I think I'll have to go back and re-read some of my posts to dredge up some inspiration/determination from somewhere. It's bugging me big time; I'm exercising more, drinking loads of water and even when I SS 100% I seem to yo-yo constantly. As tomorrow morning is now my official weekly WI I just know the wretched scales will be bouncing about in the 10 7s or even worse 8s again! If I wasn't so damned stubborn I'd be tempted to start maintenance now but I'm frightened that I'll never maintain at 10-7 and I want that to be the "deadline" weight for me. I can weigh whatever beneath it but must never go over it. Grrrrrr.

Have you seen Kam's post re the WeMITTs putting in for How to Look Good Naked? It should be a laugh if we got on! Apart from the fact that you already look good naked, why don't you join in?? Might get some free undies from Rigby & Peller!

Better go, nice boss not running today due to work stuff, so don't want to abuse his good nature!

Have a fun day and enjoy your haircut!
Hi hon,

Still haven't rung Churchill but bloke is coming to get Nexia on Saturday so I have one of my questions answered. Have had a really quiet day so far, 2 calls only & both were pre 11am... Went online onto your money saving expert site & then had a look re Autoaid/RAC/GEM/AA etc. but have pretty much decided to go with First Call who seem to be cheap & have loads of options & are autoservice not pay & claim...

Am waiting for Lisa's reply re tomorrow night. Have already had 2 litres water so kind of hoping not to get weighed tonight but will be having Chinese with her so depends what time I go over still...

Got to go print off my hairstyle pic from that message you sent...

Lunch's ready so talk later (cauliflower cheese - stinking out the office!)

Love xxx
Hope lunch is lovely, have salesman here trying to demo stuff to us so must go, should be online later this evening!
Much love,