Need to lose weight fast Any tips?


Full Member
I know that , that isnt the way to do it but just wondered if anyone who has any tips on how to optomise weight loss. Would like to lose about 9lb in the next 4 wks for my daughters wedding.
Grateful for any tips or help.:D
If you're on WW maybe eat 26pp per day instead of your usual and don't eat weeklies and increase exercise? Sorry I don't really know!
exercise is a fantastic way to loose a few extra pounds :)
If you're on WW maybe eat 26pp per day instead of your usual and don't eat weeklies and increase exercise? Sorry I don't really know!
It is not recommended to eat less than the advised dailies, if her day pp are 36 and she eats 26 this could hinder her weightloss ;)
Working out is a good tip, do eat half of your AP for healthy foods if you workout a lot!
I think it depends on how quickly you lose weight normally on ww? You only need to lose just over 2lb a week so it is possible, I too have a wedding in 4 weeks and am aiming to lose another 10.5lb in that time so am in a similar situation to yourself :)

I tend to lose weight more quickly if I eat more protein and less carbs, I know that from being an ex sw dieter. I also find I lose weight more quickly if I drink a slice of lemon in hot water regularly. I know it sounds mad but I find it speeds up my loss, it could just me that it helps reduce water retention though but on weeks I remember to do it I always lose more.

Scientifically, you should lose weight for the less calories you consume. However, I know from being on sw previously that I used to lose more if I ate all my syns rather than cutting them out. I have no idea how that works and cannot compared to ww yet as I am such a newbie and currently eating all my weeklies!!

I managed to lose 1 stone in 2 months last year and go from 11 stone to 10 stone so I am sure we can both do it!!
Yes I always find I lose weight eating a bit more. If I cut back too much then I don't lose anything.
9lbs in 4 weeks is very very doable. I echo the advice of eating 26 pp a day, not touching your weeklies, and exercise without touching your activity points. Personally, I would also ease right back on the carbs and alcohol, and fill up on free fruit and vegetables. Pick healthy and filling foods choices - there is no need to feel hungry - 26 pp is loads of points if used wisely. I survived on 26 pp a day for my weight loss journey which was substantially below my daily allowance, it never slowed my weight loss, just the opposite, but free fruit and veg was used to bolster my food intake...and track absolutely everything !!
I hate to promote the lower carb style of eating but I know if I want to look good, if I lower my carb intake for a week (bread/rice/pasta/sugary fruit) that I can drop weight which is probably mainly water weight.

But I agree with everyone else. EXERCISE. advice if you have a event is......


Honestly I went to a wedding a few weeks ago and I'd been pretty good the week before and felt amazing. I weighed myself before I left the house and was +3lbs and made me feel fat all day. The day after I was back to normal weight.
I agree with what people have already said about using 26 points a day and not having any of the weeklies. As long as you don't drop below 26 there's no problem. Also exercise really does help. If I have a swim for about an hour, trying as much as I can (and I'm not that fit) I know for a fact it will drop another 1 or 2 pounds off me